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Neutered male sex information gathering

I have not ever actually gotten a chance to interact with any animal yet. I've let go (mostly) of my guilt towards the idea of acting on my desires and watching it in porn. I'm also new to the forum, so still exploring and learning.

What I was wondering is how common it is to play with spayed and neutered dogs. I know it takes their sex drive away. Are fixed dogs mostly oral only?

My gf has a small dog who is neutered. He was an unruly little dog and I spent a lot of time training him. I haven't explored any sexual advanced towards him. Would it not be right since he's neutered?

Thanks in advance for helping me learn more.
My dog is spayed but she is big enough for me but yes it does take away their sex drive, i believe its unnatural to get rid of those organs, God gave them to animals for a reason and not to just be cruely taken away. Its only human nature to have sex with anything they can get their hands on, esp animals lol. With female dogs, there cervix is tightened when not in heat and loosens when in heat, due to a female dog getting spayed itl never loosen and the best you can hope for is to at least let her have one heat before spaying and meanwhile try and train her to enjoy sex, just dont actually fuck on her first heat as it is a point in there life in which is similar to our puberty, she is maturing. Afterward go for it. With my dog she was spayed halfway through her heat and her vagina is about half of what is was when she was in heat. All i can do now is fit my tip in and cum inside her, i dont consider it sex though since i am still masturbating and just jizzing into her.
My dog is spayed but she is big enough for me but yes it does take away their sex drive, i believe its unnatural to get rid of those organs, God gave them to animals for a reason and not to just be cruely taken away. Its only human nature to have sex with anything they can get their hands on, esp animals lol. With female dogs, there cervix is tightened when not in heat and loosens when in heat, due to a female dog getting spayed itl never loosen and the best you can hope for is to at least let her have one heat before spaying and meanwhile try and train her to enjoy sex, just dont actually fuck on her first heat as it is a point in there life in which is similar to our puberty, she is maturing. Afterward go for it. With my dog she was spayed halfway through her heat and her vagina is about half of what is was when she was in heat. All i can do now is fit my tip in and cum inside her, i dont consider it sex though since i am still masturbating and just jizzing into her.
Ah, ok. That's good information!
Recently my boy has been showing some sexual interest in me.

He's been encouring me to jerk him off and has been trying to get me to suck him off by grabbing my shoulders and pushing me towards his dick but I'm still a little nervous with that .. He happy licks me and hyperfocuses on making me feel good with little nibbles and all and gets hard when doing so but his penis just doesn't come out of his sheeth. I'm assuming it's because he was neutered.

Poor pup was unfortunately neutered quite young I adopted him so It was unfortunately already done. He is often very sexually frustrated dry humping his blankets and the like but it seems like his dick doesn't really work properly. He can however still cum,He surprised me earlier when I was giving him some attention and got it all over me as I didn't exactly expect it haha.

Is there anything I can do for him other than jerking him off? I'd love it if he could mount me but as it is currently I don't think it'll happen. I feel bad that he can't fully enjoy it.
1.That more sounds like he is trying to dominate you. That has nothing to do with sexuality.Hyperfocusing combined with licks is impudent and dominant.Sounds like he doesnt know his limits.
2. Neutered dogs cant cum.
3. Humping blankets and stuff has nothing to do with "sexual frustration". Hes either underchallenged or,i dont know the english word for it,just has to much energy and does unexpected actions. In german it is "Übersprungshandlung".
4.I dont know how much you know about male dogs but their dicks do not come out on their own...
5. If they didnt know it well before they were neutered,they will basically never mount you.
The above nailed it. At this age, a neutered male, its a dominance thing. I think they were trying to say he's a bit too wound up and that might be why he humps. Stress, energy, that kind of thing.

How is his exercise regimen?

Unfortunately I don't think you're gonna get anywhere with this at this point ): But you can still love your boy anyway!
1.That more sounds like he is trying to dominate you. That has nothing to do with sexuality.Hyperfocusing combined with licks is impudent and dominant.Sounds like he doesnt know his limits.
2. Neutered dogs cant cum.
3. Humping blankets and stuff has nothing to do with "sexual frustration". Hes either underchallenged or,i dont know the english word for it,just has to much energy and does unexpected actions. In german it is "Übersprungshandlung".
4.I dont know how much you know about male dogs but their dicks do not come out on their own...
5. If they didnt know it well before they were neutered,they will basically never mount you.
Personally I don't think that's correct. He asks permission basically. He's a very intelligent dog but submissive in nature. He has tried to mount me before after some prompting but hopped off after it didn't work out. His penis does come out a little when I jerk him off but not fully unfortunately. He also most certainly did cum. It smelt like it and tasted like it and looked like it. Got all over my clothes. He is definitely neutered as he doesn't have balls so I wonder what's going on with that. I thought untill recently that neutered dogs couldn't cum either untill he surprised me. Maybe it was a botch job with it or something as he did come front a not great shelter. He gets lots of exercise and is usually tired from it so the blanket humping isn't an energy thing. He does it twice a day typically. Sometimes it's a stress response when I clean up the house but the rest of the time it's definitely not and he usually gets frustrated from it afterwards. His behaviour when its stress is different to his normal twice a day one.
He can however still cum,He surprised me earlier when I was giving him some attention and got it all over me as I didn't exactly expect it haha.
It's probably piss. Sorry to disappoint. The muscles still work, but the glands aren't there.
If I'm not correct, I believe pre/the watery part of cum is made by the prostate. So, theoretically, he could still cum, it would just be 'blanks'. (been a long time since I had biology...)

Though the chance of him being sexually interested especially if he was neutered young are nil to zero. Of course his penis is coming out a little, a mechanical action like that sort of 'milks' the cock out, physically, it doesn't mean he's interested. Even said he doesn't come out all the way. Mounting is absolutely a domination thing 9 times out of 10 when you see it from a neutered dog.
Is there any chance a dog will still fuck after being neutered if prior to neutering he has years of experience?
Is there any chance a dog will still fuck after being neutered if prior to neutering he has years of experience?
Depends on the individual. I've met neutered dogs who have very little interest in sex, but my go-to is a neutered lab who's constantly horny and will fuck himself raw if I would let him. It's definitely not as fun as it is with an intact male, but I think the myth of "neutered male dogs will never want to fuck you" should be laid to rest already because it's simply not true. And obviously make sure they're comfortable and not forcing them to do anything!
Guys tell me, is it possible to have sex with a neutered dog? He has a reaction, albeit a beginner, is it possible to do this, and will the dog finish?
As far as sexual interest goes generally no, but it is there with some neutered males. They will achieve a dry orgasm but they don't produce any semen. Generally they don't orgasm for as long either. Mounting and humping is another story and a challenge even with some intact dogs lol. You may find that handies or oral are more a neutered dogs speed, but it really depends on the dog.
I will create a pinned thread for it similar to:
But I guarantee you in 14 days someone will ask this question without searching first.
Is there any chance a dog will still fuck after being neutered if prior to neutering he has years of experience?

As others have said, there's a chance. If he was active prior I think the chances are better, but it's hard to know for certain. My male was neutered at around 3 due to health problems and there has been little change in his behavior over the years with him still regularly seeking out sexual outlet with bitches and humans.
I am a male, and my my male dog is a cross breed of a pug, French bulldog, and a King Charles Cavalier, I’m very new to all this, I’ve tried quite a few times for my dog to mount me, he is neutered, but if I just use my hand, he still humps and exposes his knot. I have tried just getting in position but he only licks, he doesn’t mount or get in the mood at all, I’ve tried helping him by putting his top half on my but he just jumps back off, obviously I’m not going to force him but how do I actually try and get him to understand what is happening and get him in the mood?
This is right. There are no special methods for neutered dogs. You can try what is in the guides in this section you posted in but expect it will not work because he is neutered. It is a good sign that he can hump and respond well to hand jobs which makes it somewhat more likely.
By the way I can not not mention this:
But I guarantee you in 14 days someone will ask this question without searching first.
I will create a pinned thread for it similar to:
But I guarantee you in 14 days someone will ask this question without searching first.
A little practical demonstration of the reality of the how to pinned threads.
Posts moved.
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Definitely have patience and let it be on his terms. I have never dealt with neutered dogs so I imagine it is different, but I had a similar issue with Boots and I think there are a few things to consider. If he is used to you giving him that attention with hands only, he may not understand whats happening. I used to only jerk Boots off because he is so large, so he often just comes from the front when he wants that kind of attention. It took having group sex with them for him to understand the situation, but he still gets confused about where to go at times. My other boys are always down for sex, but Boots is also different. He will always let me know if he isn't interested, and that is something that should be respected.
So ive had sexual experiences with dogs in the past but he was fully in tact, I miss that sensation of being close with my dog but my current boy is desexed. He shows interest and will rut my hand when i jerk him off and he will actively seek out the attention but when i present myself, he just ignores me. Any suggestions?
you even call it "desexed" yourself and still ask about sex...

on a similar but off-topic-y note: why does this keep getting asked like twice a week? isn't there like a stickied thread already? "search" button not prominent enough?