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Neutered male sex information gathering

It is very unlikely he will ever mount, and if he does, he will likely not be able to do much between weak humping or not being able to get a full erection. Dogs that have full sexuality after neutering are rare.
I live with a neutered (pre-puberty) male dog. I've been able to get him hard before, but only a very small amount of his tip ever pokes out of his sheathe, and it doesn't seem like I can just pull it back comfortably. He's not a big dog (his shoulders are about at knee height) and his dick seems a bit small relative to his body size, which maybe makes my task a little harder. A few people have mentioned something about neutered dogs tending to get dry more easily, and he usually licks himself a whole bunch as soon as I move my hand away, so maybe that's what's going on. Anyone have an idea?
he will mount but only for a few seconds and then get down and lay down on the other side of the room. hes almost 3yo, neutered at 8 months (not my choice; he was a shelter dog). do you think if we keep trying he will fuck for longer or is his interest completely gone?
It's been a bit, and I can update more about Reds' state. I don't think he is actually as horny as he used to be, but he does still want to mount me, and does seem to get about 60-65 percent knot size, (for him.) It also lasts a very short amount of time, and we don't tie. I think this has a lot to do with his arthritis though. I never push anything on him, but he really does seem happy to help everyone clean up, even if he decides not to join in that day. He is having sex about 2/3 times offered, but I also would not be surprised if that slowed down even more fairly fast. You have to remember that he was having sex regularly before he got neutered though, so some of it may be that he is confident in the act still. A dog that has never had sex, and was neutered relatively early may never understand, or ever want to have sex. I'll update again in a few months
Yes they can still mount, but probably not nearly as often. If they get neutered before sexual maturity you can pretty much forget even trying it though.
my mom “fixed” him (btw I HATE that term. They aren’t fixed by removing their ability to procreate!! Humph ? rant over)
I really, really HATE that term too, it's like would you cut off your son's balls for the same reasons that veterinarians promote? Those brainwashed hypocrites don't want to get in that topic, but I am proud that on the normie internet there are also people who are against this term and even against neutering in favor of a real responsible ownership as it should be.
I want to get knotted but unfortunately my only access is a neutered male boxer. Behinds lubing my ass real good, how can I prepare well and will I get to enjoy the sensation of being filled up if not by his sperm then by other fluids??
Unfortunately, my male dog lost all interest after my family had him neutered. It was heart breaking because before that he would lick my pussy and knot me every chance he got!
I have a male pup, who by my contract had to be snipped :cry: however he use to hump everything. Later found out my gf was also interested in doing stuff and has had an account on here longer than I have. So far she has tried letting him lick her (he enjoys it and so does she), and when she gets off, his nose seems to end up between her legs when she is around him after, guessing he knows the smell of sex. Doesn't do it any other time unless she has gotten off.

But what we are wondering if there is any way to teach or show him how to mount and knot her, or at least fuck. Any advice is good! I have read that some dogs after being snipped just won't do it, hoping that my boy can learn to mount! He's a big boy, about 65lb, and when she felt him up a rather large knot.
Castration is used to destroy sexual drive. So very few dogs are interested after especially if it was done in early age.
I have, wondering if there has been others with any luck and what they did. Thanks.
[i'm a he/him but mention my cunt - pls do not misgender me, i am not a female]

my small dog (terrier/chihuahua/staffy/other) is coming up to 11 years old and he was neutered at 10 months (so for a smaller dog he had gone through puberty yes) just before I got him and he begs me for sex every day and has actively wanted it for the past 10 years and whines if I don't give in, to this day lol. i have an entire male now too, and he gets very jealous any time i play with him. it's really hot. he was always prone to being quite possessive and he is quite protective/territorial over me, and did used to hump things so after jerking him off a few times and being surprised to see that my neutered dog was not only interested, but fully knotted almost immediately, we just went from there and after gently positioning him above me in missionary and jerking his sheath even once, he immediately started humping desperately trying to find the hole and grabbed my waist with his paws, felt the wetness, and immediately plunged his entire cock into my cunt and fucked me hard and frantic and fast until he knotted me and he had a strong pulsing orgasm knotted inside me, just minus the cumshots. ever since then we've fucked multiple times a week or month, for the past 10 years and he hasn't slowed down that much.

he scratches at my door to get it, scratches at me for it and whines and yes he actively mounts(missionary), humps, fucks me hard and fast, and knots me for 20+ minutes. his cock and knot still get rock hard. he's ejaculated full cumshots a few times over the years when stimulated the right way (yes -- they still can, there's just no sperm in the semen and yes it's uncommon, he's a little unicorn lol) and quick enough with enough lubrication, or anally stimulated, but he very visibly and obviously orgasms and loves it. i got very very lucky with this boy, i am so sure it's the chihuahua (and a bit of staffy) genes, they're crazy little sluts with impressively huge cocks for their size - my boy is as long as, almost same size knot, and just a little less thick than my other dog who is 15+kg heavier than him :3
[i'm a he/him but mention my cunt - pls do not misgender me, i am not a female]

my small dog (terrier/chihuahua/staffy/other) is coming up to 11 years old and he was neutered at 10 months (so for a smaller dog he had gone through puberty yes) just before I got him and he begs me for sex every day and has actively wanted it for the past 10 years and whines if I don't give in, to this day lol. i have an entire male now too, and he gets very jealous any time i play with him. it's really hot. he was always prone to being quite possessive and he is quite protective/territorial over me, and did used to hump things so after jerking him off a few times and being surprised to see that my neutered dog was not only interested, but fully knotted almost immediately, we just went from there and after gently positioning him above me in missionary and jerking his sheath even once, he immediately started humping desperately trying to find the hole and grabbed my waist with his paws, felt the wetness, and immediately plunged his entire cock into my cunt and fucked me hard and frantic and fast until he knotted me and he had a strong pulsing orgasm knotted inside me, just minus the cumshots. ever since then we've fucked multiple times a week or month, for the past 10 years and he hasn't slowed down that much.

he scratches at my door to get it, scratches at me for it and whines and yes he actively mounts(missionary), humps, fucks me hard and fast, and knots me for 20+ minutes. his cock and knot still get rock hard. he's ejaculated full cumshots a few times over the years when stimulated the right way (yes -- they still can, there's just no sperm in the semen and yes it's uncommon, he's a little unicorn lol) and quick enough with enough lubrication, or anally stimulated, but he very visibly and obviously orgasms and loves it. i got very very lucky with this boy, i am so sure it's the chihuahua (and a bit of staffy) genes, they're crazy little sluts with impressively huge cocks for their size - my boy is as long as, almost same size knot, and just a little less thick than my other dog who is 15+kg heavier than him :3
This isn't even advice, you just talked about experience and barely brought up advice on my question. I find it's best to stay on topic when quoting something and not give a life story.

Also, just say trans male, find its much easier. And thought I'd mention, the grammar, choice wording, how you expressed your life story is very similar to how someone underaged would talk and reply.
I you find the information your looking for pass it along...:)
I have an ultered black lab that humps like crazy.
I have had a few unaltered dogs over the years that i have shared and have had good success with the mounting.
Some neutered dogs do. Probably has to do with how mature they were when they were neutered.

A castrated dog has lost only its testicles, right? And while testicles produce sperm, they do not produce prostatic fluid, the fluid that makes up the vast majority of ejaculate (semen).

Compare: A man who has a vasectomy can still "cum." He's just "shooting blanks" (semen without sperm in it).

Unfortunately, cutting off testicles also reduces a key source of the hormone testosterone, whose absence can greatly affect libido, sexual response. That means even though a castrated dog *could* probably ejaculate prostatic fluid, many simply don't. They just don't respond enough to process all the way to ejaculation. They can swell up, appear to make a knot just fine, but... they don't quite get as "invested" in processing to completion. It's there, but "they're" not there.

And of course, some castrated dogs lose sexual responsiveness to the point they just don't want you to touch their cock at all. Pre-castration, "ahhhhh....!" love to be handled. Ruled by hormones. Same dog post-castration, might snarl, might bite. They don't even remember they used to like it.

So it's not a simple "yes they do" or "no they don't" answer. It depends on a number of factors meaning it varies dog to dog.

One 7-8 year-old dane-lab mix we got from the animal shelter was intact when we got him, but part of the adoption contract required us to have him castrated within a given period of time after the adoption. We did enjoy his participation sexually for as long as we were permitted prior to the required castration. Very well hung. Copious ejaculate. A couple months later, not expecting him to be "interested" anymore, we were surprised to see he was still sort of into it. Full hard-on, big knot, and... *surprise!* -- a lot of cum!

It probably had to do with the fact that he was a fully mature dog, very long into adulthood.

Even so, I'd say within a year or so, his interest diminished to the point where he didn't seem to remember what that capability was all about. In other words, don't touch that. It would alarm him and make him nervous and concerned.

No problem for us. At that point, he's just our everything (except sex) companion. Our happy old doofus (afraid of rain, ecstatic about snow). He lived with us for several years before his heart gave out. A very long life for such a large dog.
(This Post is ment for giving context to this older post as to help educate social acceptability to any who may encounter it.)
You came on too strong. Like entering a a juice bar and ordering a Wisky or being a 23 year ADULT and entering and destroying a 5 year old's bouncey house, being uncouth, and embarrassing everyone whome you clame to be part of. Have some tact and represent. When in Rome, do as the Roman's do, or get noticed by a Proud Praetorian Guard who will not let you further disgrace their fellow citizens and cuts your balls off.
Before anyone brings out the pitchforks, the dog is a rescue from a shelter. He was already neutered. He's awesome.
He's about 90ish pounds of love, very active shepherd mix.
He mounts, and wants to do more. I let him mount me and his red rocket is absolutely jumping out of its sheath and looking for a hole.
Because he's neutered, he has no testicles and produces no fluid that I can see.

How can I safely help him, and in so doing... further our relationship?
(lots of safe lube, of course... but any other tips or suggestions?)
Hi room..
Im just curious
Can a dog who has been done...still orgasm with anal sex?
I think I remember reading somewhere that neutered males will have a much lower sex drive but can give anal and orgasm, but the orgasm is dry and has no sperm. But correct me if I'm wrong
I think I remember reading somewhere that neutered males will have a much lower sex drive but can give anal and orgasm, but the orgasm is dry and has no sperm. But correct me if I'm wrong
Neutered males are unlikely to be able to have sex or orgasm. If they do have sex, little to nothing will come out. Dog semen comes from the prostate and the testicles. Neutering removes the testicles and the resulting hormone changes causes the prostate to lower production.
Before anyone brings out the pitchforks, the dog is a rescue from a shelter. He was already neutered. He's awesome.
He's about 90ish pounds of love, very active shepherd mix.
He mounts, and wants to do more. I let him mount me and his red rocket is absolutely jumping out of its sheath and looking for a hole.
Because he's neutered, he has no testicles and produces no fluid that I can see.

How can I safely help him, and in so doing... further our relationship?
(lots of safe lube, of course... but any other tips or suggestions?)
I see that this got a little buried.... i could really use some help/info.
I see that this got a little buried.... i could really use some help/info.
You can treat sex with him just like a regular dog. When he's mounted, try reaching a hand around towards your butt and his penis and give him a hand job. Hold on to his knot with your hand and keep it by your butt to simulate being tied. That will give you a good idea on how sex with him might be. Brush up on the how to guides at the top of this forum.

You should be prepared for it to not work out, but there's a chance it will. He might not thrust deep enough to get in a good position inside, or become uncomfortable when his knot grows and try to pull out, or not tie as long. He may also take longer to want to have sex again and if you try to have sex with him before he's fully recharged (even if he's asking you), he may respond more poorly than if he was really horny.
so i have this black German Shepard thats neutered but ive heard that neutered dogs can still get hard, first of all, can they? second of all i want to try and suck his cock soon but im nervous and i want to know more before i try.
I'm looking to get a male k9 but it seems like they are all fixed. So even if they are fixed would they still breed and tie with us human males?