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Neutered male sex information gathering

I see that this got a little buried.... i could really use some help/info.
You can treat sex with him just like a regular dog. When he's mounted, try reaching a hand around towards your butt and his penis and give him a hand job. Hold on to his knot with your hand and keep it by your butt to simulate being tied. That will give you a good idea on how sex with him might be. Brush up on the how to guides at the top of this forum.

You should be prepared for it to not work out, but there's a chance it will. He might not thrust deep enough to get in a good position inside, or become uncomfortable when his knot grows and try to pull out, or not tie as long. He may also take longer to want to have sex again and if you try to have sex with him before he's fully recharged (even if he's asking you), he may respond more poorly than if he was really horny.
so i have this black German Shepard thats neutered but ive heard that neutered dogs can still get hard, first of all, can they? second of all i want to try and suck his cock soon but im nervous and i want to know more before i try.
I'm looking to get a male k9 but it seems like they are all fixed. So even if they are fixed would they still breed and tie with us human males?
You can adopt an unfixed male from Facebook, Craigslist, and other places that allow you to talk directly to a family that wants to re-home their dog. However, sex is less than 1% of the time you'll spend with your dog. Focus on what kind of dog will be the best fit for you the other 99%, and how you can give him a good life.
My Lab really enjoys sex with me, asks for it when he wants it. He dives in and knots. He will dribble a bit, but there's essentially no mess. He's fixed. But he was a rescue, and fixed at the age of 7! I don't know his history and what he did before he came to live with us, but he didn't really get the humping action at first. Had to learn it, and quite willingly too.