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Neutered male sex information gathering

It was a good point and it wasn’t my intention so of course I’m gonna change it. Can’t say I’ll change everything though ?

Sarcasm is fun. At least in my mind.

Dare to dream :,)
All any reasonable person can ask. People don't have to agree on any point to act like grown ups. What I think isn't important. What you think is. Character counts. Or should.
Hold up.

WHY is the assumption that the poster did the deed? Maybe the OP did, maybe they didn't. It's not uncommon for dogs to be re-homed, rescued, etc........

I don't disagree with anything you said, but why would you assume from the get go that the person asking the question HERE of all places is the one responsible? You will have your reasons for wording it like that, I'm sure, but maybe results of such discussions would be different if a bit more care was taken in how things we say are worded?
I did rescue the dog
its possible, even for them to knot, just I wouldn't expect the knot to last long
get on all fours and start crawling around them, spin in place a couple times and see if that sparks their interest
OK.. I have a car.. It has no engine.. It might roll down a hill but why won't it go properly .?
If people have tried and not had luck.... maybe they just think you're ugly JK :ROFLMAO:

I've had a neutered dog mount and hump me several times, even knot on a couple occasions .
Same boat. Have a male that is rescue and he starts to get aroused and will hump a blanket but not sure he knows how to put it all together. Gets very skiddish when he gets aroused, like he’s not sure what’s happening or something. I’ve heard mixed opinions on this, seems like it depends on dog
Simply put you don't just like any other human on animal relationships they are either going to be interested or not. Other than that if he is then if you do happen to get him to mount he won't stay interested for very long because he has no sex drive. This may explain why he'll hump a blanket a little bit but be done after that.
Just curious as to what my options are with my neutered Male and how to get him more interested. Forgive my ignorance but I just learned neutered males can still perform? ?
They can still be interested in sex, but they won't perform, they are not actors.

But he would be way more likely to be interested if you would not have chopped of important parts of his genitals.

Just give him the love and affection he deserves, but if he is not interested, leave it like that.
Chopping them off wasn't my call.

My only decision in his life is to give him the best I can after the things he's been through, and believe me when I say losing his nuts was the least of his pain.
Anything else is an after thought but after some things I've read recently I was curious if it was even possible.
From my experience with my guy (also neutered, also not my call) mounting has been a no go so far. We've done h
and jobs, BJ, licking. Also I've never seen him completely un sheathed. I'm not sure if that the norm or not with neutered. He'll still get hard and the tip will come out.
Just curious as to what my options are with my neutered Male and how to get him more interested. Forgive my ignorance but I just learned neutered males can still perform? ?
This may have some answers
In it, it states it is not required for them to still have their nuts, so give it a read and hopefully it helps you out :)
this one may be better
Being that I have messed with neutered males the only way they will be interested at all is if they were neutered after fully maturing and if they had experience before the surgery. Otherwise they are 98 percent of the time not going to mount regardless of how much stimulation ya give um. They'll have no experience and no drive to act on.
Being that I have messed with neutered males the only way they will be interested at all is if they were neutered after fully maturing and if they had experience before the surgery. Otherwise they are 98 percent of the time not going to mount regardless of how much stimulation ya give um. They'll have no experience and no drive to act on.
He wasn't cut until he was two, so maybe there's a chance ??‍♀️
Being that he was able to mature definitely increases your odds but I wouldn't get my hopes up. Companionship comes first the closer you are with him the better he'll understand what you want. Otherwise you can try giving a helping hand before getting down on all fours make sure you have lubed up cause he's not going to have a lot of ejaculate.
One of my boys is neutered. I remember, long after his neutering, trying to turn him on because I was hot n horny. After a bit of work getting a bit of a bulge in his sheath, I started working his cock to the point that his bulb got huge, started dry humping and then just as quickly as it started, the bulb vanished, his cock retracted and he walked away. That was the last time I bothered him, that way.
Yes!! neutered dogs can have sex if they want, getting them to show that interest is the challenging part.

1- You have to be aware, mounting, and mating for dogs, even tho is highly sexual, it is also a dominance and controlling behaviour.

2- Dogs are turned on by bitches, not humans. If he already mount you, then he already sees you as his bitch, but if he hasn't you have to make him understand that you're his bitch.

How can you become his bitch? First you have to offer him your pussy, he has to know it, he has to smell it, encourage him to lick it, do it everyday even if you're not in the mood, obviously when you're horny, offer him your pussy, let him eat you out. Make sure you do that until you start ovulating (All of this while you're on your fours), and encourage him to dominate you, get him on your back, touch his dick, suck his balls, his cock, stick your pussy the closer you can to his dick, this way, you're letting him understand, that you're his bitch, and that he can take you whenever he wants. The best time to try being inseminated by him is when you're ovulating, even neutered dog get aroused by a bitch in heat, and they can smell and differentiate you being fertile, that might arouse him, he might try to breed you, let him do it, give him a little help, but let him know that yes, you're his bitch and that you want to be inseminated by him, if you do that for like two months, you might be able to get him to knot you someday. However is all about patience, and if after all of that he still doesn't show interest, then he probably was neutered very young and didn't reach that sexual maturity level.
I have a been with several neutered MD. Some have been very successful. But it depends on how much time you’re willing to invest. My current male that’s neutered with been active for over five years. He loves oral both ways. He loves it when I masturbate him. Having him mount was difficult at first, but after repeated training, it was successful. However, it was mainly thrusting with very little tie.

Some other M canine that I’ve been with that were neutered I couldn’t even touch theirs. She’s without them getting aggressive. So with them it was mainly them performing oral on me.

Hope this helps. Enjoy the journey.
Well, me n my fiance have been trying to figure out how to go about getting our neutered rescue dog to enjoy my 18 year old fiancees tight Lil Kitty, that's if it is truly possible....I have heard stories from resources that Idk how reliable they r.....Plz anyone who is knowledgeable in this area,(tips n tricks to aid in a hopefully smooth 1st time knotting for my Baby gladly welcomed ?) Help us plz, I'll record n post for all to enjoy if it works.....Thx
Rarely they can. Though it is not common at all.
Read about the effects and purpose of castration.
And also use the search box, this is a common question. For some reason lots of people do not know what castration is for apparently.
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I mean I grew up in 4-H n FFA, raising livestock so I understand what castration is intended for, always should investigate n etc....I guess I'll have to hope for the best Thk u