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How long do you think that it will take before zoosexaulity starts to become as accepted as other sexualities?

title says it

  • 5 years

    Votes: 45 5.6%
  • 2 years

    Votes: 21 2.6%
  • 10+ years

    Votes: 619 77.1%
  • 7 years

    Votes: 20 2.5%
  • Never

    Votes: 98 12.2%

  • Total voters
I don't see it becoming legal anytime soon. It's still so taboo in so many places and in the U.S. states are still outlawing right now, I don't see them going back anytime soon as sad as it is. It's just going to be a community that will have to remain in the shadows for now.
I wouldn't say never, but maybe 70 years optimistically. It took a long time for homosexuality to become generally accepted too, and there will always be some people who will never accept it, but I think just having people assume we're not all mentally ill would be a good start.

I think a few things have to happen first. First we need research into animal cognition that shows that animals are able to consent and that they enjoy sex with humans. Most laws against bestiality are based on the fact that it's assumed that they can't, so with that there would at least be some basis to get those laws repealed. Once people aren't afraid of going to jail for their sexuality you'd see a lot more people coming out of the closet, and only then will you see non-zoos start to move towards becoming accepting.
I dont think it will ever be a socially acceptable thing, ever. And, honestly, not even other sexualities are that much accpeted if you really look to how things are.
Another problem is, zoo being acceptec might be a dangerous step into making things like non-consensual sex and pedophilia acceptable as well, and that would be a mess.
I mean, it depends of what you mean by accepted.

On the legal side, decriminalization might be possible. There are a few conditions : a massive change to Criminal Code/Animal Welfare Act is planned and/or a Supreme Court having the competence to declear a law unconstitutionnal, people realising that anti-bestiality laws are useless and that zoos aren't sexual perverts (for that, we need research). Depending on the country it could happen.

Social acceptance... I don't know. The sole fact that you are part of a minority make the chances of you being victim of discrimination more likely and, even if bestiality isn't illegal, we won't benefit from the same protection as LGBTQ members do in some country before an even longer period of time.
I doubt it will ever be
A. religion
B. Animal cruelty
C. Men; laws are made mostly by man and some men maybe threatened by it.
Advanced mentally is a relative thing anyway. Chances are if you stuck a canine nose on a human and said what smells are in the room it would fry a human brain trying to work out all the nuances.

And think about it most dogs can understand human words more than most humans can understand dog words and body language. So who is really the smarter of the two.
It's not hard to decipher dog barking though
Dog has a specific series of barks used to try to scare off threats
a different bark just to get my attention when he's excited
It's not hard to decipher dog barking though
Dog has a specific series of barks used to try to scare off threats
a different bark just to get my attention when he's excited
Yes I agree, but the human still has to pay attention to understand what the animal is saying. More than half the human population on the planet couldn't tell you the different meaning of any given bark even if to some of us the meaning was as clear as if it had been literally written on the wall 1 story high.
Yes I agree, but the human still has to pay attention to understand what the animal is saying. More than half the human population on the planet couldn't tell you the different meaning of any given bark even if to some of us the meaning was as clear as if it had been literally written on the wall 1 story high.
Gotta agree there sadly lol
Mayne not OPENLY accepted, but LOTS os stuff that was totally taboo or "kink" a few years ago is much more mainstream. Rimming, all the gender identity stuff. I think it'll become dont-ask-dont-tell.

As long as there's no abuse, I think it will fade. Some of the southern US states may be different, but it'll only be underground for legal reasons. IMHO
You’ll know you made it when they tag a Z on to the LGTB grouping.
+ was pretty close but certain groups got mad about that and called it "alphabet people" etc.

People don't know how to shut up when something is good for them.
+ was pretty close but certain groups got mad about that and called it "alphabet people" etc.

People don't know how to shut up when something is good for them.
Speaking of which, what does the “I” mean? And isn’t L, G, B and Q redundant? I mean, shouldn’t L, G and B all fall under Q? ?
You sort of missed what I was saying though, Animals generally aren't stupid, they just have devoted their brain power to different task based on the input they receive. It actually takes a lot of brain power to pick that minute scent out of the 10s or 100s of smells that are floating around at any given time. These sorts of things are often over looked by people when talking about how smart humans are over animals.

With out us around they would still be wolves and the planet would probably be far better off, without some big hairless primates stuffing it up!
except with all you you big hairless primates spending all your time as unpaid apologists for creatures that were never going to be able to compete with the first real primate-time players, even the Wolves are in trouble...

As far as picking up a stray scent is concerned, youre saying they only have the brain to run one thing at a time? Now where Have I heard that tune before?
Shame to see people get slandered for coming out,
Oh, if only slander was the only consequence of coming out as zoo...

Strikes me you're pretty new to this "game", bud, so lemme give you some advice:
THE VERY BEST you should expect from "coming out" is "only" slander.

Shit goes downhill really fast from there, starting with being arrested and/or beaten. (not necessarily by the arresting cops)
Then whatever sentence you get handed for anything they can pin on you, from "animal abuse" all the way up to any applicable "sex with an animal is a crime" laws your jurisdiction may have on the books, and the associated registration as a sex offender - which pretty well means you can kiss your career goodbye in most cases - if you haven't already been shitcanned and blackballedwhen the word about what you got popped for gets around. Ready for a full-on "shunning"? That's likely in the cards for you - find yourself a new town - perhaps a new state - to live in - you're done wherever it was you made your announcement.
Likely you'll; also catch a "No contact of any kind with animals without approved supervision" for who-can-guess how long, backed up with "or off to (or back to, as applicable) prison with you" for any violation.
And of course, there's the ultimate thrill: watching your critters hauled away, almost certainly to never be seen by you again, and more than likely to be killed as "unfit for rehoming due to the contamination of having been involved with sex with a human".

Yeah, slander is a cakewalk by comparison...

I'll repeat: Only a TOTAL FUCKING MORON is going to come out as zoo.
Shame to see people get slandered for coming out,

..Anyone who thinks he or she can "come out" needs to understand something. We do not have the same problem the Gays of the world seem to have solved. We are not going to be sitting around singing, "I'd Like to buy the World a Coke"....all smiles, all hugging and dancing....There will be hugging and dancing, though.....when the last of us is tied to the stake and the flames start licking our feet. The only group of people in the World, currently, who wish us well are us. Before someone knocks you on the head for being you....get that straight. Zoo Pride's time, no matter how well meaning, is not yet. Keep it to yourself. You can die with the secret, or die sooner by letting it out. Your choice.
I feel like there are so many zoo lovers out there, but too many afraid to even look up zoo content. All it could take is a few cases of zoophilia being out there in the open and not getting criticized or being seen as s as bad thing. If there was just some cases of it not being seen as a terrible thing by the public, I feel like more people could be open about it without feeling like you’re just gonna go to jail or something. Once more people admit that they are zoos, people will realize that a huge portion of the population are zoos and it’s way more normal than people think.
Once more people admit that they are zoos, people will realize that a huge portion of the population are zoos and it’s way more normal than people think.
Here's the thing about people.....privately behind doors I'm sure that everyone has a fetish or kink..But you get these people together in public groups mix in morality, religion and politics and you get the mob mentality. You get people who are looking to crucify someone. It's easier and more convenient to hate and misunderstand people you don't know. People hate us, it's never going to happen. Every owner I have met has done this underground and in the shadows. I worry constantly about being set up by law enforcement or ending up in an unmarked ditch everytime I meet an owner or group. Just because society is becoming more aware, accepting and inclusive of gays and transgenders doesn't mean that they will welcome us. They will make pedophilia legal before they treat us as an equal.
I don't think it's ever really going to become acceptable. Maybe in like 20-30 years or something. I've noticed from talking to others my age that a shocking amount of gen Z are into zoo in one shape or form, but are very secretive about it and will say there against it in public so they can blend in with others around them.
Considering pedophiles are seemingly slowly creeping into acceptance within the LGBT+ community, by calling themselves “maps”, there’s potential we’ll eventually be accepted too. We just need to come up with a fancy new name for it, like the pedos did. ?