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How long do you think that it will take before zoosexaulity starts to become as accepted as other sexualities?

title says it

  • 5 years

    Votes: 45 5.6%
  • 2 years

    Votes: 21 2.6%
  • 10+ years

    Votes: 619 77.1%
  • 7 years

    Votes: 20 2.5%
  • Never

    Votes: 98 12.2%

  • Total voters
Likely based on... What?
On what basis do you say no? There you go. These are individual things.
The acceleration of the world and the indoctrination of today's youth into LGBTQ+asdasd nonsense makes the stimulus threshold lower and lower and zoophilia more accepted. Fucking a dog is much less sick than a man operating on himself as a woman and carrying a child in an artificial womb.
Even though homosexuality was not accepted for centuries, but at that time people did not even develop. Today, the world changes as much in 20 years as it used to in 200 years.

Anyway, I don't fucking care, because by the time it's accepted, I won't be alive anymore. And anyway, I don't care about people's acceptance or the law. I love my dogs and nothing will change that. The world can suck my blue vascular wrapped in rags huge dick.
On what basis do you say no? There you go. These are individual things.
The acceleration of the world and the indoctrination of today's youth into LGBTQ+asdasd nonsense makes the stimulus threshold lower and lower and zoophilia more accepted. Fucking a dog is much less sick than a man operating on himself as a woman and carrying a child in an artificial womb.
Even though homosexuality was not accepted for centuries, but at that time people did not even develop. Today, the world changes as much in 20 years as it used to in 200 years.

Anyway, I don't fucking care, because by the time it's accepted, I won't be alive anymore. And anyway, I don't care about people's acceptance or the law. I love my dogs and nothing will change that. The world can suck my blue vascular wrapped in rags huge dick.

I say no based on the fact that something as relatively trivial as homosexuality still gets people killed this day and age.

Your 20/200 year statement is impossible to verify... And you don't care because you'll be dead by that time? Your lower estimate was only 20 years o_O
I can't see it changing while furbabies is such a big thing. Till people start seeing adult animals as adults whom just may not have as high an IQ as humans rather than children, it will never be accepted more broadly.
Essentially. This. What pisses me off about the whole thing is that so many "normies" claim to love dogs but find a plethora of things to be annoyed by, things they obviously don't like about them. It's just like dude why do you even have a dog then??? Ungrateful saps. Meanwhile they treat them as lesser than humans, yet label them as perpetually young. It makes no fucking sense at all. People make no fucking sense. Dogs are NOT children. They are a DOG. Last I checked a human child doesn't sniff butts, hump legs, communicate entirely in a nonverbal manner, they don't go into heat and aren't capable of having sex and giving birth. It makes ZERO logical sense to compare a dog to a human child. Their thought processing, body development and just everything about them is COMPLETELY different.
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Essentially. This. What pisses me off about the whole thing is that so many "normies" claim to love dogs but find a plethora of things to be annoyed by, things they obviously don't like about them. It's just like dude why do you even have a dog then??? Ungrateful saps. Meanwhile they treat them as lesser than humans, yet label them as perpetually young. It makes no fucking sense at all. People make no fucking sense. Dogs are NOT children. They are a DOG. Last I checked a human child doesn't sniff butts, hump legs, communicate entirely in a nonverbal manner, they don't go into heat and aren't capable of having sex and giving birth. It makes ZERO logical sense to compare a dog to a human child. Their thought processing, body development and just everything about them is COMPLETELY different.
You just reminded me of something I saw years ago, a mother had a complete meltdown when out with her toddler when said child saw the dog who they were walking, sniff the butt of a friend's dog the mother had stopped to talk too. Seeing the interaction between the dogs, the toddler got down and took a sniff of the second dogs butt as well. I managed somehow to control myself till I turned the corner of a near by building and burst out laughing. Not at what the child had done copying others is how all young mammals learn, but the mothers shreak of mortification and embarrassment was hilarious! Poor kid though, she let him know in no uncertain terms he should not do that.
I honestly don't see this changing any time soon. Unfortunately, i feel this is something that falls so far under taboo that it's not going to be really ever socially accepted. I feel like, to a lot of people, it falls under the same umbrella of "pedophilia" since to a lot of people, "you can't get consent from an animal". Quotes meaning it's the arguments I hear the most whenever the topics come up.
If this forum is still around in 10+ years, someone is going to need to necrobump this thread and tell Vic here that "See it's just as unacceptable (if not more so) than it was 10+ years ago "
Unfortunately, it's not years that's gonna do it. If history has taught us anything it's that terrible tragedy is the only thing that breeds acceptance. Something will force us all out of the closet and very bad things will happen to us and our partners. I hope we're the exception to the rule, but with current goings-on I'm really very worried about the future.
Unfortunately, it's not years that's gonna do it. If history has taught us anything it's that terrible tragedy is the only thing that breeds acceptance. Something will force us all out of the closet and very bad things will happen to us and our partners. I hope we're the exception to the rule, but with current goings-on I'm really very worried about the future.
You think it would be Holocaust type of thing would break the "morality's" back?

Speculation? What do you think
You think it would be Holocaust type of thing would break the "morality's" back?

Speculation? What do you think
Not sure. Queer folk were forced out by aids,but as of now we don't have anything of that nature to deal with. In the age of computers and all our information being online, my guess is mass doxing. Antis are already grouping up and actively doxing people, outing them to their families, friends, and jobs. After that I'm not sure if they'll go for people's livelihoods, weaponize the government, or attack people directly.
Not sure. Queer folk were forced out by aids,but as of now we don't have anything of that nature to deal with. In the age of computers and all our information being online, my guess is mass doxing. Antis are already grouping up and actively doxing people, outing them to their families, friends, and jobs. After that I'm not sure if they'll go for people's livelihoods, weaponize the government, or attack people directly.
Awwww that's sad
Yup, but it's the world we live in. That's why I encourage people to arm themselves. It's not a guarantee of success, but it's all we have to protect ourselves when both the law and popular opinion are against us.
Personal opinion: death before I give up my mate (future one).

I felt the same of my past one who was my world if she was ripped in such a fashion. I dedicated so much time into her idk how they don't see it
Zoo is pretty taboo but I think the internet is quietly doing a lot of work to normalize it through porn, kinda like happened with the gays.

There's the whole "don't Google artofzoo" meme that I see pop up every now and then in normie spaces on like reddit and stuff. I can imagine a pathway where people "ironically" Google it, and then discover a massive fetish.

Then have you looked at the dating market lately? It's brutal to all involved. I could easily see people opting out for zoophilia instead.

Still, long way to go imo
There wasn't an option for never, so I choose what was closest to it.

Even though homosexuality is becoming more popular (not accepted), there are still many countries where it is illegal, so zoo sexuality still has millennia to go.
Probably not for a VERY long time, if ever. If anything we've gone backwards in that process. I mean places were its legal are slowly declining. Same on the internet, Reddit used to have zoo subreddits, cant find those anymore. And 4chan of all places its banned now, you used to always be able to find a zoo/bestiality thread there.

But hopefully ADreamOfLiberty is right and we get some kind of "spark" in the movement that really gets the ball rolling.
Probably not for a VERY long time, if ever. If anything we've gone backwards in that process. I mean places were its legal are slowly declining. Same on the internet, Reddit used to have zoo subreddits, cant find those anymore. And 4chan of all places its banned now, you used to always be able to find a zoo/bestiality thread there.
Totally agree with this. Right now there is very little forward momentum for zoo's and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if bestiality is never legalized or accepted. It might be nice to think we're making progress but in reality the greater majority's minds probably won't be changed.
I feel probably never. Humans have been fucking or being fucked by animals since probably the first homosapien got horny and couldn't find a sexy cave girl. However, I dont think there has ever been a civilization or period of time that had people openly accepted it. Im certainly no historian, so maybe I just dont know of a culture from antiquity that was okay with bestiality. Something similar in terms of once being considered taboo would be like homosexuality. However, unlike bestiality, with homosexuality there have been cultures or periods in history that people didn't care and was, if not fully accepted, at least tolerated by society.
You can be attracted to children for example, but as long as you don't act on those sexual impulses and never hurt or rape a child, why should you be called a bad person?
Every person has the potential and development to eventually turn their desires into a sexual relationship. As long as a zoophile has sex with an animal at most and both feel good, the same cannot be said for a pedophile. Right? Hebephilia and ephebophilia are not classified here now.
So let's not compare these to each other, pedophilia was and will continue to be persecuted for a reason. It is a completely different sexual disorder than all the others.
And I would be happy if we didn't turn zoophilia into a trash can, there are enough idiotic people here, you don't always have to accept everyone and be tolerant. Anyone who gets attracted about children, even if they only smell children clothes, should stay fucking far away from here.