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How long do you think that it will take before zoosexaulity starts to become as accepted as other sexualities?

title says it

  • 5 years

    Votes: 45 5.6%
  • 2 years

    Votes: 21 2.6%
  • 10+ years

    Votes: 619 77.1%
  • 7 years

    Votes: 20 2.5%
  • Never

    Votes: 98 12.2%

  • Total voters
Not in any of our lifetimes.

Heck, something as benign as being gay is still considered a death sentence in some countries.

People don't like "different", and nobody important has anything to gain by being pro-zoo.
As long as you will have "right wing" ideologies you will most probably have restrictions on sex in general and even more regarding things which aren't prescribed or sanctioned by repressive individuals.
so up to 2014, bestiality was not outlawed in many Scandinavian cultures.
When sex itself is stigmatized and seen as dirty, nasty and all of theses adjectives by those who have been led to believe it as so, things like that will never be accepted. From the standpoint of these qualifiers, it follows that if they are true then no "normal" person can have sex or sex act can take place without it being "wrong." It takes really flawed reasoning based on a lot of fallacious premises in order for any of this to be valid but it's now being codified into law. So good luck with any of that being accepted. What is fascinating, it usually those who know and understand less who are most sure they know a lot.
I am afraid it will never be excepted, especially in countries where also freedom for humans is non-existant or very limited. I live in a, what they call, very liberal country, but also here animal sex is forbidden. Let's hope it will change over the years, but I highly doubt it, how sad that might be.... I voted for 10+ years ☹️
Never gonna happen. If we continued the momentum behind the social progress we were making, maybe. Since we're sliding backwards you can bet zoos are going to end up in the figurative (or maybe literal?) cross hairs of politicians and our fellow countrymen. (Speaking strictly of the DSA, of course. Other countries mileage may vary.)
Its slowly gaining steam. A lot has changed in the last 10-20 years
I don't know if I agree. I think the only thing that has changed is the availability to post and find media. So, maybe the perception is that there is more acceptance but in reality it's just easier to see or read about it. Just my opinion :)
I don't know if I agree. I think the only thing that has changed is the availability to post and find media. So, maybe the perception is that there is more acceptance but in reality it's just easier to see or read about it. Just my opinion :)
That's precisely what makes people THINK it's gaining in popularity. They then come out to their friends and significant others, then wonder why they don't have them anymore.
I wish it would be now. I feel so ashamed if anyone were to know
Im sorry to hear that
Well I'm just glad/disappointed at the same time it turned out the way it did otherwise I wouldn't be here.

Unfortunately because I was looking for an excuse to leave everything.

Either way I saw it as a win-win situation.
Dude, how long have people been working at getting homosexuality accepted?
Add a zero to that.
It doesn't matter, zoophilia and homosexuality were also accepted in a part of history, but not today.
I take into account how the perception of homosexuality has changed in the eastern and western half of Europe in recent decades, and it is likely that zoophilia will change in a similar way.