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How long do you think that it will take before zoosexaulity starts to become as accepted as other sexualities?

title says it

  • 5 years

    Votes: 45 5.6%
  • 2 years

    Votes: 21 2.6%
  • 10+ years

    Votes: 619 77.1%
  • 7 years

    Votes: 20 2.5%
  • Never

    Votes: 98 12.2%

  • Total voters
Definitely 10+ years. I think it will take at least 50 years.
The poll will be more meaningful if a 0 is added to each option.
lol........humans will self-destruct long before this is ever accepted.

On the bright side, if any of the 500,000 survivors are into animals, all the other 499,999 will have a whole lot of other shit to worry about before they have time to burn that one alive. So, glass half full, right?
If the far left push their you-know-what apologia out in the open even more than it already is, and there's signs that it's actually sticking (dear god!), I say don't waste a good opportunity and use their momentum to get that Z in there, snatch whatever gains we can and then toss the whole lot of them right under the bus in the wood chipper

Alternatively pretend to be furries, everybody and their grandma knows we low key fuck our pets too, but it's not really polite to bring it up. Don't do it in public, it's an instant ban.
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tbh talking to non-furry zoos here feels so weird I can't even describe it, imagine not wanting to have several fursuits, an overflowing dossier full of porn of your character(s) and a separate ref sheet for your dick...

As for me, I dunno. Wouldn't really want my family knowing regardless if it's socially acceptable or not, would make playing with the family dogs super awkward. No more belly rubs ever forever cause they'll think I'm perving on them, you know they will think that. As for bestiality, at least it's not illegal where I am. And arguably even less so with my stuff and things, so I dunno, I'm fine either way, so whatever.
Why are zoophilia lovers so fucking alt right it's incredibly gross.
It won't be accepted for another 80+ years. Provided humanity even survives this century, given that we're fucking up the only habitable planet within our reach more and more, all while nuclear WW3 also dangles above us like the sword of Damocles.
Humans drift more and more away from nature to emerge with technology.... that means sex with robots will be normal :( but animals .... is the human the only animal what hates nature in the universe? Its totaly natural that some animals include humans dont care of gender or species just he she is willing so letz do it so often as possible !
And what makes you think that in 15 years, being a zoo will become as acceptable as being gay took decades to become?
The world is changing so fast that it is hard to predict what will happen in these 15 years. The zoo probably won't be legalized by then, but maybe it will start to be more loudly talked about and slowly the society (People) will start to get used to it. Who knows, we'll live and see.
I don't see it happening in my lifetime, but at the same time, I think it's a good thing the scientific community is sorta kinda starting to look at it.

But seems like such a taboo subject, that even they are reluctant to touch it.
The world is changing so fast that it is hard to predict what will happen in these 15 years. The zoo probably won't be legalized by then, but maybe it will start to be more loudly talked about and slowly the society (People) will start to get used to it. Who knows, we'll live and see.
That's just wishful thinking.
It ain't based on any factual trend.

Its not a taboo. and i love it and sharing it. i wish one day you just could ask on a date if she is into zoo porn whitout the worry of consequences
It... is. It's highly illegal in most of the world, and will definitely get you into trouble if you share it willy-nilly.
Not happening in my lifetime.
Sadly.. manipulating these kinds of things in shorter timespans requires a great deal of money.
... but if someone wants to throw, say, 200-500million USD at the problem.... yeah, maybe 10+ years.
Needs political action, influencers, etc... and how is that supposed to happen with a set of 'hidden' people where the act they're advocating for is illegal in so many jurisdictions? .. and in a world of weaponized gatekeeping, lawfare, and all the rest...
I'm ... a little -shocked- honestly, that zoos even have podcasts now without being shut down by the PETA peoples.
So, I'm happy for what we can get... but as long as 'the gays' and 'the furries' ... and anyone else that needs someone to look down on sees us as the enemy or scapegoat for themselves... there will be no political power in this minority.
(what I mean by that... before 'the gays' or 'the furries' get pissed.... I mean it's impossible to build alliances, hence, no political power)
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Depends on where you are. One place could take 10+ years, another could take less, or will never happen unless whoever/whatever upholds the status quo gets overthrown or an overhaul.
Honestly, as much as I'd love for it to suddenly be legal and socially acceptable, like somebody else said on here as I was reading through, it's a really easy thing to demonize by saying: "Animals can't talk, therefore they can't give consent, therefore it's rape."

In order to make zoo and acceptable thing, there needs to be so many changes that it's unfortunately not realistic, the biggest thing is simply a change in attitude with the public at large, gay people were not socially accepted by most people until it was fought to kids at a young age that it's okay, even still, some people don't accept it.

So a good way to start would be to start early, definitely not saying that we should teach bestiality in schools, because that's kinda dumb when most places (in the US) don't even require sex ed as a general topic. But what I am saying is that we should teach kids that it's okay to not be apart of the norm, show kids things outside of "the norm" like furry culture, other religions, conservative views, liberal views, etc. and as we make a society that is more accepting than ones before, broaching a taboo subject with an open mind will have a much higher chance of success.

Now, what I'm saying is a borderline fantasy, at least in the US, as neither political group cares about actual change in anything other than the most pressing issue possible. But there's always hope for it one day.
With everyone wanting to change their sex. Idk why this is even an issue as long as people aren’t harming animals.
The way you word it out makes it sound like it's a trend lol. As long as the line between humans and other animals are split, no matter how many similarities in behavior we have, there's always going to be some excuse as to why it's "wrong".
The way you word it out makes it sound like it's a trend lol. As long as the line between humans and other animals are split, no matter how many similarities in behavior we have, there's always going to be some excuse as to why it's "wrong".
I think it’s annoying that people have an issue with this but don’t with other stuff Is all.