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How long do you think that it will take before zoosexaulity starts to become as accepted as other sexualities?

title says it

  • 5 years

    Votes: 45 5.6%
  • 2 years

    Votes: 21 2.6%
  • 10+ years

    Votes: 619 77.1%
  • 7 years

    Votes: 20 2.5%
  • Never

    Votes: 98 12.2%

  • Total voters
Considering pedophiles are seemingly slowly creeping into acceptance within the LGBT+ community, by calling themselves “maps”, there’s potential we’ll eventually be accepted too. We just need to come up with a fancy new name for it, like the pedos did. ?
If the pedos are accepted before us humanity needs an apocalyptic intervention.
If the pedos are accepted before us humanity needs an apocalyptic intervention.
Lmao! You’re not wrong there. Sadly, I think they ARE slowly becoming more accepted. Still a lot of pushback, but they’re definitely getting recognition, specifically on TikTok. Not sure about other platforms. Only way I know if through conservative channels, pointing the shit out.
Only in the clown tent is where that will be excepted. Well, and at the top of the high table of government officials. Noting like leverage and black mail. It is quite strange it’s being excepted at a rate such as it is. Guess when dirty Jeff took a fall from the bunk they needed to shift perception before someone uncookes them books. Conspiracy of course. But strangely fitting.
Only in the clown tent is where that will be excepted. Well, and at the top of the high table of government officials. Noting like leverage and black mail. It is quite strange it’s being excepted at a rate such as it is. Guess when dirty Jeff took a fall from the bunk they needed to shift perception before someone uncookes them books. Conspiracy of course. But strangely fitting.
Fucking hell, I didn’t even think of that! Totally conspiracy, but it makes sense! I can’t think of any other possible reason why pedos would be gaining traction, before zoos. “Quick! We need to make kiddie touching socially acceptable, before we incriminate ourselves with the release of the Maxwell list!” Crooked politicians deserve a fate worse than death.
Considering pedophiles are seemingly slowly creeping into acceptance within the LGBT+ community, by calling themselves “maps”, there’s potential we’ll eventually be accepted too. We just need to come up with a fancy new name for it, like the pedos did. ?
They aren't gaining as much as you think...and in the end the attempt at changing their image is going to bite us too. MAPS reeks of the same bullshit as NAMBLA , and will find the same reception. When a National Church organization can disenfranchise their own Churches simply because they allow female pastors....well we HAVEN'T " come a long way, baby!" If you can't smell the tar and the chicken feathers, you better get hep, dude.
Considering pedophiles are seemingly slowly creeping into acceptance within the LGBT+ community, by calling themselves “maps”,
Are they actually sneaking into acceptance with the same people who refused z?? Amazing...

there’s potential we’ll eventually be accepted too. We just need to come up with a fancy new name for it, like the pedos did. ?
Person ?


Nah. Fine as it is. Better not to mix into groups, politics and public image.
Considering pedophiles are seemingly slowly creeping into acceptance within the LGBT+ community, by calling themselves “maps”, there’s potential we’ll eventually be accepted too. We just need to come up with a fancy new name for it, like the pedos did. ?
That's absolute bullshit.

Not gonna happen, on either front.
Honestly it would probably take everyone out in the streets protesting for it which would require everyone coming out and speaking about it openly but I highly doubt that’s going to happen because I’m not willing to out myself and I can’t imagine many others would be willing to either so I’m not optimistic at all about it??‍♂️
In history, zoophilia has never been universally accepted, and there has always been an aversion to it. I think that trend will continue.
Honestly it would probably take everyone out in the streets protesting for it which would require everyone coming out and speaking about it openly but I highly doubt that’s going to happen because I’m not willing to out myself and I can’t imagine many others would be willing to either so I’m not optimistic at all about it??‍♂️
Lol, yea, not gonna happen.

Even then, you'd have a small group of people, getting laughed at ar ridiculed by everyone else. Joining in in that "protest" would lose you your job, family, friends...
Honestly it would probably take everyone out in the streets protesting for it which would require everyone coming out and speaking about it openly but I highly doubt that’s going to happen because I’m not willing to out myself and I can’t imagine many others would be willing to either so I’m not optimistic at all about it??‍♂️
One word:
(That's actually two, but only because German uses only yhe best-in-class word glue :) )

I do not think the created a noticeble change, either pro or against, even with that stupid pamflet to "norms".

I wonder if their life was affected, though.
It's not a matter of time, it's a matter of cause and effect. There are unpredictable cultural events/movements that cause counter-reactions etc... etc... and if something taboo like homosexuality, transexuality, smoking weed, or zoosexuality gets caught up in it things can happen very fast [two decade fast]. It can work the other way, suddenly a social movement forms and slavery or alcohol is illegal.

People who say it can't happen are as ignorant of the nature of history as the people who give timeframes before the 'avalanche' has started.

Also the merits of the arguments don't matter, I've proved that to myself many many times. Consent, zoonoses, "social cohesion", utility, "actually your a pedophile", are all excuses. Expose them when you encounter them but don't expect that to do anything.
Lol, yea, not gonna happen.

Even then, you'd have a small group of people, getting laughed at ar ridiculed by everyone else. Joining in in that "protest" would lose you your job, family, friends...
oh yeah no doubt their lives would be absolutely ruined. I don’t think we should do it, it’s a horrible idea but I couldn’t see a movement like that taking place otherwise. Unless that group were to jump on the lgbt…lmnop alphabet soup bandwagon, but then again the “child lovers” (rapist scum) are also trying to jump on them now because the American people are pissed about that as it is and a zoophilia movement could possibly push them over the edge and cause untold amounts of destruction and chaos as our society kind of hangs in the balance as it is (at least in densely populated areas)
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oh yeah no doubt their lives would be absolutely ruined. I don’t think we should do it, it’s a horrible idea but I couldn’t see a movement like that taking place otherwise. Unless that group were to jump on the lgbt…lmnop alphabet soup bandwagon, but then again the “child lovers” (rapist scum) are also trying to jump on them now because the American people are pissed about that as it is and a zoophilia movement could possibly push them over the edge and cause untold amounts of destruction and chaos as our society kind of hangs in the balance as it is (at least in densely populated areas)
Well that's the thing people don't seem to understand. You don't jump on the LGBT bandwagon, that wagon was built by a political tribe to have something to agitate about.

There were good people who just wanted what they were owed in the movement of course, especially in the beginning; but in the grand scope of history they were just pawns in a political game. They got what they wanted so I guess they won, but the political need did not die hence they've moved on to trying to convince kids that self-mutilation might make them feel better.

It's a social phenomenon like fashion.

There is no reason zoosexual decriminalization couldn't have followed up after homosexual marriage. No reason at all, but it didn't happen. The wheel landed on transexual and so that's the mania of the moment.

We don't decide, so long as we live in a system of lies and irrationality nobody decides.

So, when you understand what's going on you don't jump out of the closet because the world will not bend to your courage no matter how great. You wait and hope, and as for that backlash you alluded to; it will probably still happen. They're going after people's kids and they aren't psychologically capable of stopping themselves.

Something will break.
Well that's the thing people don't seem to understand. You don't jump on the LGBT bandwagon, that wagon was built by a political tribe to have something to agitate about.

There were good people who just wanted what they were owed in the movement of course, especially in the beginning; but in the grand scope of history they were just pawns in a political game. They got what they wanted so I guess they won, but the political need did not die hence they've moved on to trying to convince kids that self-mutilation might make them feel better.

It's a social phenomenon like fashion.

There is no reason zoosexual decriminalization couldn't have followed up after homosexual marriage. No reason at all, but it didn't happen. The wheel landed on transexual and so that's the mania of the moment.

We don't decide, so long as we live in a system of lies and irrationality nobody decides.

So, when you understand what's going on you don't jump out of the closet because the world will not bend to your courage no matter how great. You wait and hope, and as for that backlash you alluded to; it will probably still happen. They're going after people's kids and they aren't psychologically capable of stopping themselves.

Something will break.
I definitely agree that’s all true. The world will probably not change in our lifetimes but it’d be neat if it did??‍♂️
At this point I don't even care about being "accepted", I know it's never gonna happen. I just don't want to be arrested for loving an animal when it's considered perfectly acceptable to eat or financially exploit them.
If the far left push their you-know-what apologia out in the open even more than it already is, and there's signs that it's actually sticking (dear god!), I say don't waste a good opportunity and use their momentum to get that Z in there, snatch whatever gains we can and then toss the whole lot of them right under the bus in the wood chipper

Alternatively pretend to be furries, everybody and their grandma knows we low key fuck our pets too, but it's not really polite to bring it up. Don't do it in public, it's an instant ban.
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tbh talking to non-furry zoos here feels so weird I can't even describe it, imagine not wanting to have several fursuits, an overflowing dossier full of porn of your character(s) and a separate ref sheet for your dick...

As for me, I dunno. Wouldn't really want my family knowing regardless if it's socially acceptable or not, would make playing with the family dogs super awkward. No more belly rubs ever forever cause they'll think I'm perving on them, you know they will think that. As for bestiality, at least it's not illegal where I am. And arguably even less so with my stuff and things, so I dunno, I'm fine either way, so whatever.

tbh i dont know if im really a furry, because i love furry porn, comics and things related, as well as i love animals (in a sexual way) because im zoo, but i wouldnt like to have a fursuit, honestly. i dont think they are sooo cool

but about the family part, i 100% agree. i love giving handjobs and deepthroats to my husky, but i like just playing around and go walking/running with him outside too. it would be so weird to imagine that people would think im just horny and trying to do something with him when im just like petting him on his belly or kissing his head
I can't see it changing while furbabies is such a big thing. Till people start seeing adult animals as adults whom just may not have as high an IQ as humans rather than children, it will never be accepted more broadly.
I hope sooner than later. But im sure most of us do.
It might be never, at least when speaking broadly. A lot of people want to recriminalize homosexuality. A fundamental shift in how people understand sexuality, and the function of sex would need to take place, first, and I don't see that happening any time soon.
It might be never, at least when speaking broadly. A lot of people want to recriminalize homosexuality. A fundamental shift in how people understand sexuality, and the function of sex would need to take place, first, and I don't see that happening any time soon.
Oh plenty of people see it as casual fun already. Don't read too much into it. I once thought it was more about perception and logic, but it isn't. It's just an iceberg full of sheeple repeating what they grew up with.

Forever is a very long time, and our species isn't gong anywhere. You do have the correct outlook though in pointing out that there is a backlash against LGBT. History is not a continuous progression towards anything except maybe better technology and even then not really.

Sexual deviancy in the classical western world was probably gross but hardly criminal. We regressed in terms of sexual liberty, and it could happen again.
Ha! A million years you moron. Or the collapse of society.

Fyi you go into a Village in Honduras and start fucking you're own livestock - I promise they won't give a fuck. Same thing in a lot of places. The developed world however we have the time to sit around and tell each other how to live. How to feel ,what to think, who to love.
“Never” should have been an option. Thinking that acceptance is right around the corner is naive. We won’t see it in our lifetimes.
Nor will your great great great great grand kids. Or the next 100 generations either. As you said, never seems about right.
I think this is more of a generational thing for sure and as we as a society become more accepting of all sexualities, it will become more normal but there will always be those who are against this lifestyle. It will be a long time.
AI is being developed to help communicate with animals. If it's successful, I wonder how it would change the sex landscape, if it's discovered that animals are indeed consenting and or enjoy sex with their human companions? Not to answer a question with another question, but it would speed things up I imagine.