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How long do you think that it will take before zoosexaulity starts to become as accepted as other sexualities?

title says it

  • 5 years

    Votes: 45 5.6%
  • 2 years

    Votes: 21 2.6%
  • 10+ years

    Votes: 619 77.1%
  • 7 years

    Votes: 20 2.5%
  • Never

    Votes: 98 12.2%

  • Total voters
I don't want parades, I don't need anyone knowing what I do sexually with my lovers or whom those lovers are. The only thing I care about in all this is that should anyone ever find out that my partner is not human that nothing bad happens to them.

I have no doubt they would be emotionally distressed just as much as myself if they were forcibly taken from our home, most likely castrated and there is the possibility that once they are in the system that they might get put down.

When you love someone you should care what happens to them just as much as yourself. If my family never knows I'm a zoo, or I end up in jail, or whatever... That is still preferable to any harm coming to my love, at least I know I live in a society as illogical and twisted as to worry about who is rubbing what against or in whom. My animals don't have any concept of the risks we are taking if someone drives in the front gate unexpectedly while we are enjoying time together. I don't take stupid risks like doing things in an open paddock in the middle of the day. But while it is against the law there is always a risk that is just the world we live in. That fact alone can be draining on the human involved. But it is what it is.

So would I like change? Yes.
Am I expecting change? No.

The vast majority of people have little to do with animals in their day to day lives these days, which I think is part of the problem. So maybe we need to get more engaged with animals generally before we worry about changing their thinking on an animal's mutual sexual desires towards the human in their life.
It will never be accepted as long as we have laws against it. It will remain a taboo and a sort of animal cruelty for most of the society.
Society choose chicken (laws) and did the first step in terms of non acceptance.
Perhaps in the middle ages yes, but it goes in reverse too: Can't change the law without changing people's attitude; but it's very difficult to change people's attitude when you're in the closet, and you can't leave the closet when its against the law (more specifically you can't even run a study to prove non-harm).
1. As long as men make the laws (it won’t be; man kind is threatened by it).
2. A k9 Will can has mounted both woman/man if they assume the position. (Maybe considered acceptable). It’s their instinct that drives them.
3. Whether right or wrong I’ve seen bitches in heat tear up male k9’s). If a male has to lay even a hand on a female dog society would not consider it free choice. As for larger animals I have no idea.
4. Society also has biblical and maybe established moral opinions that may take a generation to alter, if then.

I am just stating my thoughts I am not attempting to flame or upset anyone, however if you sit back give serious thought I do believe I am bring valid points.
I'm surprised that the lowest number of years is not at least 50+ years!

No way would beastiality become accepted the same way homosexual human on human sex is now in less than a century or two...or three... I just can't see it.
When people don't accept you, they have a way of making it your problem.
Only if you're pathetic enough to allow them to do so.
As it turns out the two sentences in my post are related to one another, so responding to one of them individually doesn't make much sense. Here they are together:
When people don't accept you, they have a way of making it your problem. Just sayin it might be nice not to have that thought in the back of my head that if my secret is ever exposed, my animals will be taken from me and I'll be thrown in jail.
You going to fight off the police when they come to take your animals? You might say, keep it a secret! But shit happens, and sometimes secrets get out. If that happens, the folks who don't accept you make it your problem whether you allow it or not. Hell, even if you think you can fight it out with the police and make a mad dash to Brazil, they STILL made it your problem by forcing you to abandon your home.

The acceptance of bestiality is so far away that I can't even give a reasonable estimate for the time frame other than to say not less than a century. I'd even acknowledge that 'never' is a possibility, because it's fully possible humanity nukes itself before it happens. However aside from the major hiccup during the Dark Ages, historically societies have been trending toward more sexual tolerance. Because of this I do think if we have enough time, we'll eventually reach the point where finally nobody gives a shit what other people do behind closed doors.
Zoosexuality will never be accepted because it's wrong. I enjoy watching a good zoo movie but that does not change anything. Even most of the people that think having sex with animals is okay would not stand up in public and say that. If they made a movie with their animal friend, they would not show their face. Why, because even they know it's wrong.
Zoosexuality will never be accepted because it's wrong. I enjoy watching a good zoo movie but that does not change anything. Even most of the people that think having sex with animals is okay would not stand up in public and say that. If they made a movie with their animal friend, they would not show their face. Why, because even they know it's wrong.
For a small portion of us no, we don’t. On the other hand, the knights in armor still believe it will be excepted. They won’t be the ones in the light. Just the fools who bend the knee to the belief.
Even most of the people that think having sex with animals is okay would not stand up in public and say that. If they made a movie with their animal friend, they would not show their face. Why, because even they know it's wrong.
No, we do not show up because other people think it is wrong and it would make our life more difficult because of them.
Your logic makes no sense.
No, we do not show up because other people think it is wrong and it would make our life more difficult because of them.
Your logic makes no sense.
Why not stand up for yourself? Oh, you're waiting for someone else to do it for you!
Why not stand up for yourself? Oh, you're waiting for someone else to do it for you!
Not at all the reason. If I told you to go storm a room with a 9 full of people and no such bullet soaking steel vest are you going to enter that fatal funnel? You can’t begin to make a case if a bullet to the brain pan is indefinite as soon as someone leaks that out of their trap.
Why not stand up for yourself? Oh, you're waiting for someone else to do it for you!
NO ONE here, who has a fucking brain that actually functions, is waiting for any of you dipshits to do a single thing for any of us.

We ARE quite happy to sit back and watch the retarded ones burn their lives down though. It's cheap entertainment.

More or less, when someone can't ever get a concept through their thick skull, you just have to let nature do what nature does, thin out the stupid for the benefit of all.
Zoosexuality will never be accepted because it's wrong. I enjoy watching a good zoo movie but that does not change anything. Even most of the people that think having sex with animals is okay would not stand up in public and say that. If they made a movie with their animal friend, they would not show their face. Why, because even they know it's wrong.
You're confusing moral conviction with having such a poor theory of other minds that you're unable to see that they'd rip you apart because they're in the wrong.
This poll was done pretty badly. Never, 10 years, 50 years, 100 years, 200 years would have been more realistic.

I think the attitude will be completely different in 50 years. It is true that throughout history they have been persecuted for thousands of years, but for thousands of years humanity has barely progressed. Today, even in 30 years, huge developments and changes are taking place.
The fact that today a politician, religious leader, or animal protector wants to ban it does not mean that a child born today who will be a politician, religious leader, or animal protector in 30 years will not partially accept it. Especially today, when young people are born among the LGBT+ flags and woke stuff and any liberant shit.

In addition, communication with animals also develops.
Leniency will probably also depend on the area, it is certain that it will not be the USA where they will start legalizing it. It is too stubborn, naive, hypocritical for that.
Western Europe is much more likely, the attitude there is already much milder and the topic of legalization is raised from time to time, but then they always get knocked down.

In the past, the church also opposed condoms, but in the end they managed to explain in the holy text why it is good. lol

Zoophilia will win over time. We will defeat the enemy like SG-1 defeated the Ori religion.
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This poll was done pretty badly. Never, 10 years, 50 years, 100 years, 200 years would have been more realistic.

I think the attitude will be completely different in 50 years. It is true that throughout history they have been persecuted for thousands of years, but for thousands of years humanity has barely progressed. Today, even in 30 years, huge developments and changes are taking place.
The fact that today a politician, religious leader, or animal protector wants to ban it does not mean that a child born today who will be a politician, religious leader, or animal protector in 30 years will not partially accept it. Especially today, when young people are born among the LGBT+ flags and woke stuff and any liberant shit.

In addition, communication with animals also develops.

In the past, the church also opposed condoms, but in the end they managed to explain in the holy text why it is good. lol

Zoophilia will win over time. We will defeat the enemy like SG-1 defeated the Ori religion.
No thats not what The Church did....they bowed to public pressure that began post WWII, and continued right up to "The Pill" and "D-i-v-o-r-c-e". Contraceptives were illegal in almost all states and many countriesuntil the early Sixties when it became obvious to the church that it was a "cant lick em, so you"d better join them, or Die".... and that was a vast majority of people.
Unless that sort of 'opportunity' happens in the Zoo world,( and why should it? We're a tiny minority).there will be no readon for the mundane world to rethink this.
I think it’ll be a while for sure, it’s mostly people thinking it’s just a kink , or that people are abusing animals etc . I mean look at the one girl who was just caught with her dog (ex saw it on the home camera). They basically accused her of abusing the dog and forcing him. It’s a warped perception people have and they try and throw other labels onto those who practice zoo that harms the reputation. I honestly think more people are zoo than we know , we’re just shamed into hiding .
Yeah, people really need to start recognizing just how smart animals actually are as well. They might not be as advanced as us but they're definitely not as dead stupid as most people seem to think they are. I think the more that becomes common knowledge the more people will eventually come to the conclusion themselves that they're low IQ adults. I'm just optimistic about how long that'll take.
Ah I remember having an argument with someone who told me my dog does not have a soul.
I only wanted to be accepted by 2. My dog and my wife. It's be 25 years with my wife. Still working on it. So if I can't get 1 woman I've spent more time with than without to fully accept me. The masses can go fuck themselves.
Zoosexuality will never be accepted because it's wrong. I enjoy watching a good zoo movie but that does not change anything. Even most of the people that think having sex with animals is okay would not stand up in public and say that. If they made a movie with their animal friend, they would not show their face. Why, because even they know it's wrong.
It's wrong yet you're here and enjoy watching it.

You contradict yourself here.

Why is it wrong? Who or what gets to decide?

There is no right and wrong in the big picture.

Was it wrong that the moon slammed into the Earth?

Or wrong that a volcano blows and kills thousands?

Right and wrong are decided by the participants. If a dog wants to, which rest assured some do indeed initiate sexual conduct with humans having no prior sexual contact with a human or any kind of training in that behavior, and the human he's trying with wants to as well, who in the hell are you or anyone else for that matter to butt in and decide it's wrong?

How about I condemn you for beating off to zoo porn because I think it's wrong?

I wouldn't because I don't believe I should have a say in what you do behind closed doors that isn't hurting anyone or any thing of someone else's, including animals.
I don't think it ever will unfortunately.
It is so frowned upon that people, who are not a part of the community, don't want to be educated on the subject. It's sad but true.
To get more awareness today by the www might be a first step. But one step of a long staircase and in many cultures there are many steps more
I honestly don't see it happening in my lifetime if ever, but to me the biggest first step would be legitimate studies to show that animals can and do consent, and maybe even more importantly, studies to show that there is a significant distinction between "zoos", that would never ever harm an animal, and the others that are messing with animals for a much darker reason, and that are usually pedophiles and shit.

They should also realize that in all reality that the zoo community is likely in the best possible position to actually do something about those people, but our hands are tied because of current legislation...
I dunno, personally I'm optimistic and I like to hope for five years, realistically its probably more like 10-15+ with how taboo it is.
It will take a long time, as in some countries, being a part of the LGBTQ+ is still not “normal”, so I’m sure it will not be normal to be in a zoo anytime soon.