Esteemed Citizen of ZV
I don't want parades, I don't need anyone knowing what I do sexually with my lovers or whom those lovers are. The only thing I care about in all this is that should anyone ever find out that my partner is not human that nothing bad happens to them.
I have no doubt they would be emotionally distressed just as much as myself if they were forcibly taken from our home, most likely castrated and there is the possibility that once they are in the system that they might get put down.
When you love someone you should care what happens to them just as much as yourself. If my family never knows I'm a zoo, or I end up in jail, or whatever... That is still preferable to any harm coming to my love, at least I know I live in a society as illogical and twisted as to worry about who is rubbing what against or in whom. My animals don't have any concept of the risks we are taking if someone drives in the front gate unexpectedly while we are enjoying time together. I don't take stupid risks like doing things in an open paddock in the middle of the day. But while it is against the law there is always a risk that is just the world we live in. That fact alone can be draining on the human involved. But it is what it is.
So would I like change? Yes.
Am I expecting change? No.
The vast majority of people have little to do with animals in their day to day lives these days, which I think is part of the problem. So maybe we need to get more engaged with animals generally before we worry about changing their thinking on an animal's mutual sexual desires towards the human in their life.
I have no doubt they would be emotionally distressed just as much as myself if they were forcibly taken from our home, most likely castrated and there is the possibility that once they are in the system that they might get put down.
When you love someone you should care what happens to them just as much as yourself. If my family never knows I'm a zoo, or I end up in jail, or whatever... That is still preferable to any harm coming to my love, at least I know I live in a society as illogical and twisted as to worry about who is rubbing what against or in whom. My animals don't have any concept of the risks we are taking if someone drives in the front gate unexpectedly while we are enjoying time together. I don't take stupid risks like doing things in an open paddock in the middle of the day. But while it is against the law there is always a risk that is just the world we live in. That fact alone can be draining on the human involved. But it is what it is.
So would I like change? Yes.
Am I expecting change? No.
The vast majority of people have little to do with animals in their day to day lives these days, which I think is part of the problem. So maybe we need to get more engaged with animals generally before we worry about changing their thinking on an animal's mutual sexual desires towards the human in their life.