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What is your religious/irreligious affiliation?

What is your religious/irreligious affiliation?

  • Judaism

    Votes: 17 0.7%
  • Christianity

    Votes: 526 22.9%
  • Islamic

    Votes: 38 1.7%
  • Hindu

    Votes: 18 0.8%
  • Buddhism

    Votes: 34 1.5%
  • Pagan/wiccian/ancient religion

    Votes: 206 9.0%
  • Agnostic

    Votes: 408 17.8%
  • Atheist

    Votes: 825 35.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 223 9.7%

  • Total voters
Let us all hail our meaty lord and saviour, the flying spaghetti monster! Praise be!

All jesting aside, on paper I'm roman catholic, but actually I have always been an Atheist. Religions have done a lot of harm in the past, starting from burning books or "witches", crusades, oppression of science or people by god-approved monarchs and the like. People still butt heads over which imaginary friend or story book is best. Heck, a few years ago, some people reported they have been molested by priests and other workers affiliated with the church when they were children.

While I do not think there's something like a god, I cannot rule it out for certain. I'm trying to live my life as a good and pleasant person anyways, so if it surprisingly turns out there's a god, I believe that actions count more than some random words on some ol' pice of paper.

Please don't get me wrong. I do not think less of people with a belief just because some religious orgs did terrible things. There will always be some bad apples in organisations and it does not mean that all members are as terrible. At the end of the day, as long as they are good people, I couldn't care less about their religious affiliation.
My father is Christian and my mother is "spiritual." There was a few times I was forcibly dragged to church, but that is about it. As I have gotten older, my parents had become less strict. I guess I have the privilege to choose my own path and think for myself, for the most part. If my parents (especially my father) knew about me being bisexual and wanting to present myself as a girl, not to mention the fact that I would lay with an animal species other than our own, they would flip their shit and I would be disowned so fucking fast!
Voted buddhism cause its the most aligned with my beliefs, but I’m more spirtual than anything. There might be a better label out there, but I just try to live & let live. It’s very intersting seeing the comments & voting results on here though. Love you all!
My parents tried real hard to raise me Christian, but they also taught me to think critically, so I've always been an atheist aside from a stint of trying to be Wiccan, which never really rang true either.
I'm genuinely surprised over the percentually relatively low amount of atheists in comparison to people who are either religious or spiritual, considering how negatively organized faiths typically react to bestiality and zoophilia. Not a negative surprise either, merely an interesting observation
The truth is that zoophilia both transcends faiths and beliefs as something tangible and belief in something will not determine if someone is attracted to having sex with animals or not.
The truth is that zoophilia both transcends faiths and beliefs as something tangible and belief in something will not determine if someone is attracted to having sex with animals or not.
What’s interesting about it all is people still fallow it considering all the tec and advancing we did.
Religion prospered when people had an IQ of a squirrel. If you sent me back with some black powder I’d be god or burned like a witch
What’s interesting about it all is people still fallow it considering all the tec and advancing we did.
Religion prospered when people had an IQ of a squirrel. If you sent me back with some black powder I’d be god or burned like a witch
There are some people today who would still want to burn us at the stake for not following their beliefs.
Not true though. Christian thinkers such as Augustine of Hippo, Anselm of Canterbury, Thomas Aquinas and the scholastic school of thought the latter two represented upkept very intricate forms of reason based thinking, even through the Middle-Ages. Also people before and after them who were vital to the western thinking such as Socrates, Aristotle, Descartes, Mill and others considered the existence of God to be necessary. Even Kant in all his iconoclastic quest for empiricism and consequentialism still held the belief that there is some kind of deity out there.

And these are only western examples, Arabic, Indian and East-Asian cultures had a variety of spiritual beliefs (in spite of often coming to completely different conclusions about godhood compared to western Christians) despite their own societies and schools of thought being very advanced in their own right.
Believing in the spiritual plane does not equate to believing an a supreme deity. The Buddhists are one such group that makes this point.

Others believed in multiple gods, etc. But a lot of these religions were based on the lack of knowledge that the people of those times didn't have, such as understand natural phenomenon like lightning.

A good example is the idea of Zeus throwing lightning any time there was a thunderstorm in ancient Greece. With today's knowledge, we simply know that it's positive and negative ions causing energetic reactions through the air.
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Believing in the spiritual plane does not equate to believing an a supreme deity. The Buddhists are one such group that makes this point.

Others believed in multiple gods, etc. But a lot of these religions were based on the lack of knowledge that the people of those times didn't have, such as understand natural phenomenon like lightning.

A good example is the idea of Zeus throwing lightning any time there was a thunderstorm in ancient Greece. With today's knowledge, we simply know that it's positive and negative ions causing energetic reactions through the air.
The Buddhist are a great example of practical religion and mind set. Science is still baffled by how a man can set himself on fire and not move an inch.
By my standards that’s more impressive then being nailed to sticks.
Committed atheist. Seriously hardcore (I'm drinking wine.........)
WHAT THE FUCK?!?! I couldn't even watch that halfway, this is incredibly disturbing.... :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
That's what the beauty of it is. It's aurally assaulting. I'm still processing it, what three weeks later? Definitely gives you a different perspective on the Teletubbies. I tend to overthink things a little too much though
That's what the beauty of it is. It's aurally assaulting. I'm still processing it, what three weeks later? Definitely gives you a different perspective on the Teletubbies. I tend to overthink things a little too much though
At least give people a warning that it is disturbing content... :eek: :eek: :eek:
Another Meatcanyon fan? That channel has a bright future indeed.
It's like he's taking our childhood and destroying it. LOL. The fact that Warner Brothers sued him and made his version of wabbit season inadvertently canon which in turns makes Bugs Bunny a gay rapist makes me laugh.
Gnostic atheist? How the hell does THAT work out?
Gnostic-(Adjective) relating to knowledge

A gnostic atheist is someone who does not believe in gods, and who believes that we can know that gods do not exist.

I understand the confusion though. Gnostic used as a noun refers to one of the Gnostic faith. Therfore making a gnostic, who is also an atheist, a contradiction in terms.
Should have put some checkboxes! I find it informative if someone's an atheist or something else, but came from a history of Christianity or such. At the very least, I understand the teachings and know where they go wrong, instead of just rolling my eyes at the whole thing all my life.
Wow, tons of atheists in here! I mean I could make a joke about us zoos being godless heathens but :p

Personally I have a big mix-bag of ideas and beliefs.. I love and follow the Buddha's general teachings cause he was a dope dude (not strictly, but loosely applied to a modern day capitalist lifestyle lol until we can afford to move into the woods forever), Jesus was cool (and also a Buddhist so it's recycled), and I appreciate a lot of the spirituality and earth/nature-worship of various beliefs and a healthy dose of new-age ~age of aquarius~ mumbo jumbo.. not like crystal healing or anything lmao but general spirituality. I believe in "God" but only in that God is a general concept of what the creation of the universe is (the "Word" was God, Ohm, the big bang etc), a latent background entity or energy that just observes what it's done and become. It doesn't actually do anything. I mean, even the Bill Hicks "we are just a dream of the universe, viewing itself subjectively through matter, and when we die we wake up" idea is pretty on point with what I think. We/consciousness is all just complexity that arose from the complexity of reality and physics, nothing special or different, but a part of the same cosmic "life" as God, plants, rocks, stars whatever. It's all the same material and atoms recycled over and over.

BUT, it's also all VERY agnostic. I can't prove any of it, it's just nice to think about and puts me at ease instead of "YOU WILL BURN FOR NOT FOLLOWING THIS ONE DENOMINATION OF A RELIGION REEEEEE", so I'm just content with living in the happiest, most peaceful way I can try to until the ride ends. Then I'll find out what it's all about (or just die and become worm food). But until then, it's really not worth worrying about :p
I'm... a weird sort of agnostic but also still spiritual, but I also am like I don't think there are higher beings. I'm just one huge contradiction. It's basically because I just can't prove it.

But I am part of the Kemetic Orthodox, and I have alot of Shinto things including a home shrine

I was raised Catholic, so I guess I just feel like I should follow something just because I was used to it. It's there, but it's not like I am performing rituals or anything everyday or even often.
I'm... a weird sort of agnostic but also still spiritual, but I also am like I don't think there are higher beings. I'm just one huge contradiction. It's basically because I just can't prove it.

But I am part of the Kemetic Orthodox, and I have alot of Shinto things including a home shrine

I was raised Catholic, so I guess I just feel like I should follow something just because I was used to it. It's there, but it's not like I am performing rituals or anything everyday or even often.
I can't really call your beliefs contradictory, but rather your own style of agnostic.
Definitely agnostic. Why bother to understand something not understandable. I probably will think better about it later in my life