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What is your religious/irreligious affiliation?

What is your religious/irreligious affiliation?

  • Judaism

    Votes: 17 0.7%
  • Christianity

    Votes: 526 22.9%
  • Islamic

    Votes: 38 1.7%
  • Hindu

    Votes: 18 0.8%
  • Buddhism

    Votes: 34 1.5%
  • Pagan/wiccian/ancient religion

    Votes: 206 9.0%
  • Agnostic

    Votes: 408 17.8%
  • Atheist

    Votes: 825 35.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 223 9.7%

  • Total voters
I take the high number of atheists as giving oneself a pass to start fucking.
Why? Atheism isn't some act of rebellion against God, it's the complete absence of belief in any god or spiritual world. I don't give any consideration to Jesus or Allah or whatever when I think about sex or anything else, these entities aren't real to me, it would be on par with wondering if Santa would be upset and put coal in my stocking if I dared to put a dog's dick in my mouth.
religion as always creating disputes between people don't know if there is something more powerful than ourselves, what I am sure is that it's not something invented by the human being
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I MUST have a God. I would invent one otherwise, for pleasure's sake. Freud's Pleasure Principle, for me, can only come through radical Transgression--an idea made famous by De Sade.
Sounds to me like you're a narcissist with a need for acts of self-aggrandizement. You need a God to exist so you can play the role of the Great Transgressor, the Adversary, The Dragon, a paracausal cosmic force that undoes the works of his enemy father creator by way of sexual release. That's not religion though, it's just a mind game you play with yourself, most likely to your own long term detriment. Pretty good.
Agnostic atheism for me.
The agnostic part says that I can't prove my point as the existence or non-existence of deities are unprovable by nature and I should always be open to new knowledge.
The atheist part says that it's far more probable that no deity exists than that a deity, even more so a very specific one exists.
So I'm free from faith and wishful thinking, I prefer to know stuff. Obviously the world isn't entirely filled with facts and theories (scientific or otherwise) are fine as well. I aknowledge them. When it comes to stuff I can't know, I love to speculate, but in the end, if something just seems way to unlikely, it usually does so for a reason.
Also, reason and skepticism is always something I admire. And I don't mean conspiracy theorist skepticism, just the regular kind that makes one think.
As I made clear I don't believe in a creator, therefore I also don't believe in any kind of creation myth. We might not have all the answers to life, the universe and everything (yet), but that doesn't mean that the answer should be the ever so popular "a (sky)wizard did it" placeholder.
And since I don't believe in a creator I also don't believe in a specific reason to be here. We just are, we should make the best of it anyway, since we only live once.
Also I don't ascribe a greater or smaller value to animals than to humans. To me, we are equal in our right to be here. Most animals aren't in any way shape or form less cognisant than we are, they perceive their surrounding through their senses as we do. We just have the ability to communicate our ideas and no way to communicate complex ideas outside our own species. That doesn't make animals less valuable. And it doesn't make humans more valuable. Every lifeform (before emotions get involved) is equally valuable to me, that doesn't take anything away from humans though, because I value a lifeform that is alive way more than most non-living things in the world, so it doesn't really matter what species it is, it's already of (high) value.
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Atheist for as long as I can remember. I never felt I believed in God, or Jesus, or any religion. I understand why people do, but it just never made any sense to me. There have been so many groundbreaking discoveries in science. Things that can actually be proven with facts and research. Saying ''That's how God works'' just isn't enough for me to believe in.

And people tend to use "God" as a placeholder for what they don't know (to answer questions like, "where did the universe come from?")
But technically, anything related to Satan is also related to christianity, right?
No offense, just curious how both aspects (atheism / The Satanic Temple) relate to each other...

They don't. Full stop.

Atheism = "There is no deity".

Satanism = "Satan is the deity".

Flip, flop, or splash around any way you like, them's the facts, regardless of who does or doesn't like 'em.
But technically, anything related to Satan is also related to christianity, right?
No offense, just curious how both aspects (atheism / The Satanic Temple) relate to each other...
There are two kinds of Satanic beliefs. Theists are ones that believe in an actual live in hell Satan. NON-theists believe that the symbol of Satan represents the "Keep that shit to yourselves", there ain't no magic, and leave me alone.

"The Satanic Temple is a nontheistic religious group based in United States. The Temple is recognized as a church for the purposes of tax exemption, with chapters in 13 states and Canada. The group uses Satanic imagery to promote egalitarianism, social justice, and the separation of church and state. " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Satanic_Temple

They don't. Full stop.

Atheism = "There is no deity".

Satanism = "Satan is the deity".

Flip, flop, or splash around any way you like, them's the facts, regardless of who does or doesn't like 'em.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Satanic_Temple "The Satanic Temple is a nontheistic religious group based in United States. The Temple is recognized as a church for the purposes of tax exemption, with chapters in 13 states and Canada. The group uses Satanic imagery to promote egalitarianism, social justice, and the separation of church and state. "
This is why I can respect most Satanists, They're in on the joke.
While others.....*sigh* Just as bad as anyone else with an imaginary friend.

Does anyone else find it strange that if you told a psychiatrist that there was an invisible all powerful being who controls every aspect of your life and if you don't obey they'll punish you in life and death, They would think you're insane, But if you say it's a religion, it's fine?
This is why I can respect most Satanists, They're in on the joke.
While others.....*sigh* Just as bad as anyone else with an imaginary friend.

Does anyone else find it strange that if you told a psychiatrist that there was an invisible all powerful being who controls every aspect of your life and if you don't obey they'll punish you in life and death, They would think you're insane, But if you say it's a religion, it's fine?

So from that perspective, major religions like Christianity are glorified cults.
I'm between atheist and agnostic, because I'm too much a scientiest to believe an omnipresent and omnipotent entity and other religious concepts. I find it hard to believe in a life after death and paradise.
So I try to life my life like there is just this one chance, so I try to use ir in good way. Not to make money or become mighty like antialtruistic politicians.
If a put a smile on just one face everyday , treat everyone around me nice so they enjoy spending time with me, beeing a bit altruistic and don't look away if people suffer.

But I strongly hope, when my time has come, I'll be positively surprised by what lies behind this last border ??
Well lets see, They ask for complete trust and belief, money, threaten you with a horror only they can save you from, ask their followers to go out and "save" others so they can build their numbers.....yep, sounds like a cult to me.
Y'think? <snicker> The only thing missing is the kool-aid - Oh, wait - Those wacky Xtians use wine instead, don't they?
Wine is 85% water. 15% is not a miracle. You, Reading this now, Can make make a stronger miracle at home with water, honey and yeast.
If water freezes you can walk on it.
If you stand around a burning bush that contains DMT, you might just start to see and hear things.
If only 2 animals from every species were saved, all of the offspring would be products of incest and have a MULTITUDE of disabilities and immunity issues.
Hitler wishes he killed as many people as the Catholic church has.
There are two kinds of Satanic beliefs. Theists are ones that believe in an actual live in hell Satan. NON-theists believe that the symbol of Satan represents the "Keep that shit to yourselves", there ain't no magic, and leave me alone.

"The Satanic Temple is a nontheistic religious group based in United States. The Temple is recognized as a church for the purposes of tax exemption, with chapters in 13 states and Canada. The group uses Satanic imagery to promote egalitarianism, social justice, and the separation of church and state. " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Satanic_Temple

Ah, I guess that makes sense. I read up about that a bit and was going to say "atheistic religion? Isn't that an oxymoron?" But if it's just a church for tax exemption, I guess it's not a "true" religion and therefore not as much of a contradiction than I thought it was. Plus true egalitarianism, social justice, and the separation of church and state is nice to have.

So from that perspective, major religions like Christianity are glorified cults.

Most of them certainly started as one. Like Islam Christianity sprouted from Judaism. Basically with the only difference being, that they believed in Jesus, saying that he is the savior while Judaism said "Nope, the savior wasn't here yet." And then they grew in numbers. Most (if not all) monotheistic, abrahamic religions have the same roots anyway. And in the end, all religions are cults to a certain degree, just publicly accepted ones (in case of the major ones).

If only 2 animals from every species were saved, all of the offspring would be products of incest and have a MULTITUDE of disabilities and immunity issues.

That's also, why the whole "Adam & Eve" story just doesn't work. Sure, their kids would be fine, but their kids would be the only generation of people on the world, so... Incest would have to happen sooner or later and all the genetic issues associated with that. But I guess being religious means you can gloss over the errors of reasoning in the story...
no dogma for me. but as far as what I believe or how it is I think: I take responsibility for my actions and whatever repercussions they may have.. if we get ourselves into a mess, it's on us to get ourselves out. who knows what happens when you die, the only thing I do know is you don't take your stuff with you. make the best of it.
I born and raised under Christian faith however id probably class myself as being more agnostic than anything else as I’ve gotten older.
I pity the one Muslim we apparently have here. Gotta be a rough situation, it’s like being a Christian it seems in how harsh and un-accepting people can be :(
I was raised Christian, but nowadays I lean towards agnostic more than anything else. I occasionally attend church to appease my grandmother though ?‍♀️
I was indoctrinated into protistant type faiths... the whole 9 yards till college. Ive been working for decades to undo all the dammage the dogma inflicts upon one... Shame in sex, self, etc. Its taken me decades to dig out.

No more sky wizards for me!
I'm in your boat still salvaging the wreckage religion made. Being raised to believe you're wicked just for existing can really fuck a person up.