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i do not wish to offend anyone with this post. do any of you feel... ashamed of who you are?

and what's the endgame of being such a manipulative piece of excrement? create more "beast lovers" or hoping that maybe one day, one of the "converts" performs for you?
your comment is completely unnecessary and disrespectful, I don’t know what compelled you to write that but have some respect. I am not manipulative, I just understand that as with everything it can be an acquired taste. In the beginning I was no different than anyone else I was against zoo sex. There is some foods and even music and all sorts of things that you don’t like straight away. I never manipulate anyone all I did was introduce them to it where eventually if you’re introduced to something enough times you will start to develop an acquired taste for it and become more accepting of it. Manipulative implies forcing or manipulating someone to do something they don’t want to. I never did that, everyone I showed the videos too were all consenting parties and I asked them before hand what they’re comfortable watching. Again you came at me with a disrespectful attitude when you really don’t know me at all. I think you need to have some self awareness because you were the person being rude therefor I believe you’re in no position to call someone else a bad person when to talk to people like that. Having more people into zoo just starts to create acceptance, look how only recently it became acceptable to be gay. Sexuality and transgender is something still not something completely accepted yet the so called end goal here is always going to be acceptance and possibly even give people a safe space in a community where they aren’t judged by others like yourself. You do seem like the judgemental type of person you judged me without even knowing me.

And for the record me paying girls to watch porn is not maipulative, it’s my way of helping them financially and supporting their only fans. They want me to buy content from them and they encourage requests and I’m friends with just about all these girls I paid. First and foremost I support my friends by paying them and that was just some out of many different requests I had done. If I didn’t want to help them with money and support them I wouldn’t pay them obviously.
Manipulative implies forcing or manipulating someone to do something they don’t want to.
forcing would be coercion (guess you know what that is too, don't you?). the rest is literally what you described what you are doing in your original post. these were your own words:
I have paid some girls to watch k9 videos and I just said you wanna watch some crazy fkd uo videoe? So I sent them like other porn videos first and then said gradually got more nasty until I got to the k9 videos
a manipulation.
And for the record me paying girls to watch porn is not maipulative,
the grass doesn't stop being green just because you say it isn't.
forcing would be coercion (guess you know what that is too, don't you?). the rest is literally what you described what you are doing in your original post. these were your own words:

a manipulation.

the grass doesn't stop being green just because you say it isn't.
You’re not the brightest are you?? Manipulation is a falsification and slander, there was no manipulation. Asking someone if they want to watch a video is not manipulation. That’s literally what I did I asked them and I told them what it was and I offered to pay them since I ain’t a cheapo I don’t expect people to watch stuff for free and time is money. I did not manipulate them you’ve put these words into my mouth and you’re talking nonsense. I can not manipulate someone into doing anything and I didn’t. I ask them and I pay them for their time, these just happen to be my friends that love watching fkd videos because it’s entertainment to them even though none of them are really into zoo they have seen zoo videos before and they enjoy watching crazy videos like that. Plus I’m supporting their Only fans because that’s what they do for a living they take requests from people who pay. You obviously not too bright and you’re just white knighting or something trying to victimise someone who was never a victim in the first place ?‍♂️?

Also I’m completely serious about finding a zoo partner to marry, so that is also part of the end goal is eventually finding a wife that is into it but of her own will and not me coercing anyone into it. You tried to make me out to seem like a bad person but you couldn’t be further off. If someone watches zoo and doesn’t like it I ain’t trying to keep shove it down their throat. If someone is open to watching it then sure I will be happy to send them videos and let them watch more of it
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I don't go out telling the world that i enjoy getting mounted by my dogs, but i have no reason to feel ashamed about how i please my dogs in the private of my home.
My dogs have never been forced to mount me nor have been treated in a bad way.
I see there was a quarrel about paying girls to watch zoo porn and heavi words have been tiped.
I’m not sure you guys realise that these girls make money by masturbating in front of the camera….
I mean, the guy said: are you willing to watch some fucked up shit and they said yes….
What’s the big deal?!
BTW, watching girl’s reactions to k9 porn, if they like it, is sexy as hell.
I have been ashamed, mainly because of upbringing and religion. I have since purged the shame and have pretty much accepted who I am.
Never had guilt or felt ashamed.
In fact I find that many non-zoos should be ashamed of what they do to other people.
I'm not ashamed of who I am but I'm a little confused at why I enjoy what I like, scared at times , excited and turned on by the sheer naughtyness, thrilled by the adrenaline rush I get by doing something so kinky then let down by the guilt I feel afterwards.
I feel the same way, the adrenaline rushes are nice when doing taboo things but then you feel kinda put down, and weird about it later.
Yes, sometimes i am ashamed. But i guess thats due to the taboo what the sociaty gives it. I guess that when there's more tolerance in this world to any sexual diversions, inwould me more at ease with my kinks
the implication of conditioning someone else?

I don’t think it’s a big deal, but that’s fine if you don’t like it then you don’t have to do it. You do things your way and I’ll do things my way.

But you can search this forum and just about everyone will say the same thing they got their partners into it by watching porn with them. Or that is how they themselves got into it.

And I don’t think conditioning is necessarily a bad thing, if that allows the person to be less judgemental and more accepting. I like to think these people in the end turn out to be much better and less judgemental people when they accept others into zoo. Plus the whole reason they are judgemental in the first place is conditioning from society that says it was bad and wrong in the first place so you need conditioning to undo years of taught bad beliefs from society.
It does kind of suck to think about how much of a taboo it is in the majority of modern society. I feel like I can only connect 100% honestly and deeply with someone when I am able to admit right off the bat that I am into non-human animals.
I come back to this thread often, lately I am having a very hard time accepting myself.
I do not feel like I am worthy of love from humans. if anyone finds out what I am, they will immediately hate me. very difficult to get close to people, when you know if you show them your true self - or if they somehow find out - it will end in disaster. It always feels like a dirty secret hovering over me. I didn't ask to be this way.
Ill give you my pro tips:

1) Experiencing Shame: Do I feel ashamed of myself: Absolutely sir. How often? Try every day, as soon as I look in the mirror.

Solution: I simply removed all the mirrors from my home.

2) Judging attraction: Calis got a stead fast method for guys that ALWAYS WORKS<> to assess attraction,, simply look at, think about, or simply close your eyes and fantasize about said thing. Now check your dick*

Solution: IF IT IS HARD - then, YES ATTRACTED. If it is SOFT/FLACCID - the NO, you are NOT ATTRACTED.

3) Regarding Shame: Shame is simply your perceived projection of other peoples values and judgements of YOU. or possibly cognitive dissonance between peoples perceived values compared to your own.

Solution 1: Since you cant remove the mirror inside yourself without extinguishing your inner light, start by asking yourself why the fuck you would really care about what other people have to think about you and if you can arrive at the conclusion I dont.. then youll be fine, and move on.

if not..

Solution 2: consider where you would like to wind up or what an acceptable view of your future could be. Finally, compare te differences between what you perceive these other peoples values to be and your own. (ie attraction in this case) Assess how much damage or difficulty sticking to your values could cause you from achieving your goals and acceptable view of your future compared to adhering strictly to their own predetermined ones. Next, you will need to decide if the added difficulty of achieving what you want when forced to adhere to their values would be worth the negative costs associated with sticking to your own. Finally, the bargaining begins as you must decide how far you are willing to compromise between how you feel, and what you are willing to change to get where you want to go. once you decide this, your new value is set and reconciled against theirs. once the payoff : cost is decided in your mind, it should be cognitive dissonance be gone on that issue until it requires further evaluation;
I come back to this thread often, lately I am having a very hard time accepting myself.
I do not feel like I am worthy of love from humans. if anyone finds out what I am, they will immediately hate me. very difficult to get close to people, when you know if you show them your true self - or if they somehow find out - it will end in disaster. It always feels like a dirty secret hovering over me. I didn't ask to be this way.

Hey.. just for fun.. heres a silver lining for you; (have i said this before, in this thread? i feel like i have said this before)


unless they're 12 years old and want to virtue signal on twitter, not only do almost all other people dislike the idea of having to discuss this subject in any serious fashion.. many of them dont even want to joke about it. they dont even want to think about it.

so, in order to hate YOU.. theyre going to have to think about something that makes them uncomfortable, and that is just too much work for most people. if people suspect, they may discuss it briefly with each other once, and that's it. no ones going to delve in bro, and sure as shit no one is going to ask you to have a conversation about it. Like heres a fun fact about me. I like to FUCK and SUCK dogs. Its not a big secret, you know how many people have asked me about it my entire life? NO ONE,. my mom maybe once got half way therebefore she was liek 'ahh NM, i dont wanna know wanna know" in fact i could be standing with a peer group having a conversation, throw that in there.. and be all but completely ignored. (we get it bro. my girlfriends here right now)

If you dont believe me, theres an easy test. get together with a group of people you know, and while they're talking, intermittently, throw this out there... "Hey. I like to FUCK and SUCK DOGS" half the time, it will be so out of context the group may not even acknowledge you said. especially if you are only half engaging. Once you get past that point, Try it agian. "HEY, I LIKE TO FUCK AND SUCK DOGS." and then, another time. "HEY I LIKE OT FUCK AND SUCK DOGS" and then let me tell you whats going to happen.

Before they stop being your friend, their going to look at you and say, "Hey, why do you keep saying that. Stop saying that."** and thats the only chance youll get. if you stop you'll still have friends. if keep saying it after this point , theyll either just start to ignore you like youve got turrets, or be like "fuck this guy - he talks about shit we dont like.." an then youre down the road"

**caveat: warning. When you get to the point where they ask you that question "why do you keep saying that?", if you, for any reason, have the urge to further elaborate, explain, or seekout understanding or acceptance.. then you (god I hope this is dumpster fire) YOU TAKE THOSE THOUGHS AND FEELINGs AND NEED FOR VALIDATION AND STUFF THEM DOWN DEEP INSIDE YOUR FAGGOT PURSE, ALONG WITH OTHER PEOPLES MADE UP PRONOUNS, INDIGNANT EXPECTATIONS AND NEEDS TO BE VALIDATED. Then you just SHUT THE FUCK UP. You already said you want to suck and fuck dogs, there is no need to go any deeper then that. Youre not teaching public elementary school here,., your thoughts and feelings around sexuality need to be kept to yourself - like its your own business - just like they used to be before people became so soft and scared over other peoples opinoons of them or need for validation.

Ultimately: you have to love yourself before you can love anyone else.. and before they have any chance of loving you back. Part of this is accepting who you are.

Story Time: my tinder bio basically read "looking for a girl that would be down to fuck me.. and my dog. why would I put a picture of my face on here.?" in the one day it was up before they banned me.. I had a girl accidentally swipe the wrong direction and wind up messaging me, and when she realized what I wrote she lost it. asked if it was a joke and then put me on blastm, yelled all sorts or profanities and accusations and insults at me. So..I glimpse at her profile and shes like the only conservative 2a anti sjw anti-feminist in all of my hometown, california.(lollike i read what she wrote when i swiped) SO>>> I got very straight with her and called her out. I was like- look thats fine you feel like that, but this is NOT THE WAY ANY SELF RESPECTING CONSERVATIVE SHOULD EVER BE ACTING. what an embarrassment to the cause. THEN I LAID IT OUT FOR HER, AND BLOCKED HER ASS

REALER TRUTH: Twos weeks later she hits me up on my telegram. remembered my user name because she got the joke behind it. apologized for being so rude. \said she felt bad. I started talking to her. turns out she banging hot. well off. educated. grew up in america but spent half her life in eastern european accent land. sounds sexy. 30 years old. body count THREE. amazing family. same values as me. THE KICKER THO,. Not interested in dogs-wants to have a family. and I bet.. if i could step up to the plate on kids.. shed consider it. But im just.. Cali aint famil friendly.. and I like not having to work 24/7s after so many years/ I just dont want to lead this girl on or be responsible for her missing her closing window of time to have kids and start a family.

It just kills me because this girl is so quality.. heh also kind of religious. btu still,pushing me hard to do it right and come at her her way,. honestly one of the only tings i can do to pump the brakes on here is yell "I LIKE TO FUCK AND SUCK DOGS.. REMEBER" to which she responds . STOP SAYING THAT, Itll never happen and i dont want to talk about it.

she wont even watch and doggy movies because she knows shes gonna think doggy is hot. but bottom-line is, shes already cut her deal. "what ever you do with dogs aint going to involve me and thats that." and there it stands. proof positive Cali could make at least one more friend who knows about his animal predilections and still tolerates him for it after the fact.

youre valid bro. and i guarantee not even a fraction as skeevy as i am. you can do it, you can do it. you just gotta decide who you are. and be okay with that. experiment. youre young. figure it out. play a conservative hand but expect to lose some with the chances you take. be ready to win even more. youll figure it out with some time.. and life is all about the journey.

sorry for the novel + storytime but im procrastinating important shit I needed to do right now. *This is genuine, certified CKM advice.*
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No. I do not feel ashamed of who I am or my attraction to animals or any interaction with them. i had countless people try to make me feel ashamed and they went the miles to say and do dishonest things to treat me like I was a bad or imadaquate person. They called me stupid for the way they chose to treat me. I cant feel responsible for their beliefs and choices.

I am downright afraid of these people for how they treated me and what they did. I suffer from ptsd now worse now than my previous distrust in people and can hardly feel attracted to other human beings the way I once could alongside with animals. Somebody might view my distrust or hesitancy of coming out to them in person as an indirect admittance of shame. they are not being honest. In their mind they want me to feel ashamed because that is how they get their kicks hurting somebody. how could I be ashamed of who I am? I never did anything wrong to people or animals. it is not my responsibility to be wrong or ashamed for anybody.
Yes I feel ashamed. But I don't only feel ashamed about who/what I'm attracted to or what I have sex with.

I'm also ashamed about my social status, ashamed I didn't go to a better school and ashamed I make less money than other people I know. Sometimes I'm ashamed that I ate a cookie or a piece of cake after dinner! I know these aren't on the same level as sex. but I just want to show that everyone feels shame some times about stupid things. Sex isn't stupid and we're taught from a young age that standard, vanilla, government issue sex is shameful so of course anything different from it will be that much more shameful.

Shame comes from your fear of being different. When you are here hopefully you don't feel as different because everyone here has similar interests. It is unfortunately, but you will probably never be able to share this part of your life and be your real self with the majority of your friends or family, but really, how much of your sex life do you share with them anyway? Its just a part of life that we show different parts of our personalities and interests to different groups of people. Be cautious who you share this part of your life with, but don't feel ashamed about it. Unless shame turns you on, then shame on you! ;)

If the shame ever gets to be too much for anyone and they are thinking of doing stupid things they should come here and post. You aren't alone out there.
Nope. I mean am I going to go out with a dog paw tat voicing my love of animals? No that's social suicide but I accepted this is a part of who I am no more than someone accepts they're lesbian or someone accepts they're asexual, etc. Don't get a pup just for scratching an itch sake cause they're all different, but do accept that part of you cause its okay. Then once you accept it, do your research, stick around for a little and become comfortable then look for a pup
Never felt ashamed. Knew I was different but as it turns out a very large fraction of the world population thinks its perfectly ok to fuck animals for his/her; his/his; her/her; pleasure and don't give it a second thought. For example Columbians in some places fuck mules, donkeys, and horses and it's accepted and practiced quite enthusiastically by all the young men across many areas and villages. I was kind of shocked once I actually did some research on attitudes and legal statuses. (Shocked how backwards we are)

However, yes when I started doing this I had some considerations to make, but I was only a kid. I always say I was 13 because it sounds better but I could have been 12 for all I know. That's way too young for a secret that big, but I also knew I liked doing it way too much to let anything stop me. But I learned to deal with it rather well and just never tell anyone.

I was only afraid of getting caught/outted by family or friends. I never listened or cared what "anyone" said about much anything my entire life, I've always made my own informed decisions. So I certainly never listened to "learned opinions" how wrong or gross zoophilia was, never not even for a second. All things considered my what my family pet and I started, we both continued to choose to do. and only got more loving and attentive as time went on. I mean it wasn't hard to see that my giant boy dog with giant boy balls and a giant 9 inch boy cock wanted to use it and enjoyed what I did for him. And as far as me? I don't think it had any lasting negative psychological impacts, and there are now extensive opinions surfacing about the normality (in the psychological community) of inter species interests and activities sexually. It's funny every once in a while we are brought into the mainstream conversation now.

You should pop in to "feral" groups or yiff boards, etc. They go Liberal guilt-crazy and attack you if you have the audacity to mention the wrong thing or assume they would be ok with zoos despite lusting over the same images of dog cocks and horse pussy and what not. But for them it's more septic because it is just a "fantasy". It's funny where we draw lines, but no I have never believed the best course of action to be fear or shame. Especially for myself because I have developed a very long list of crazy kinks that I indulge in aside from loving dogs a bit too much.