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i do not wish to offend anyone with this post. do any of you feel... ashamed of who you are?

Op...you might want to seek a pro to talk to. There is never a reason to be ashamed of who you are, and if you feel so, it might be an underlying problem.
The only underlying problem is govt lead media who crucifies certain groups of people. The govt goal is to control every aspect of our lives and this particular one is no exception to that rule. In a way all this crucifixion is to divert the attention away from the hidden agendas and the real issues the govts deliberately create in life. Unfortunately because of their so called laws and rulings groups or individuals suffer in the process. Dont allow big brother to control your state of mind as this could have many negative side effects on the human body and it will also lead to anxiety and depression (worst case suicide).
To shed the shame that is heaped upon you by a sick, dying, outdated cutural system is a step-by-step process that doesn't happen overnight.
It does all begin with accepting ONE tiny, yet important fact: There is NOTHING wrong with you.
You are very much entitled to feel what you feel.
Second step is to accept this is YOUR life and YOUR journey. No one, absolutely NO ONE has the right to tell you how to walk your journey.
Third is the largest step, but the most productive one: unlearning all the garbage that society has told you is true.
Well said my friend (y).
The only underlying problem is govt lead media who crucifies certain groups of people. The govt goal is to control every aspect of our lives and this particular one is no exception to that rule. In a way all this crucifixion is to divert the attention away from the hidden agendas and the real issues the govts deliberately create in life. Unfortunately because of their so called laws and rulings groups or individuals suffer in the process. Dont allow big brother to control your state of mind as this could have many negative side effects on the human body and it will also lead to anxiety and depression (worst case suicide).
Government is an institution of power controlled by politicians. Certainly, both it and media love to influence social behavior. But if it is suppressing folks like us, it is because people have gained control of it who have that agenda. But how about religion? It is at least as guilty. In ancient times, they needed people to make babies and anything that interfered with that was made taboo. Now we need them to stop making babies, but nobody got the word.
And the final time was a couple months ago. I was in a group text with two coworkers and one of them, as a joke, sent a video of a dog eating out some girls pussy. They thought it was all funny which is why it was sent. Then the other person in the group decided to show more people at work. Everyone laughing about it saying ‘what the fuck is that’ and ‘that’s fucking sick’. Then proceeded to mess around saying I probably like that stuff. About how they’ll get me a stray dog so I can play with it. And yet again, I played the part and acted like it was gross.

This is the probably the biggest issue with society and peer pressure.

There may be only one person in a group that is totally against playing with animals but the expectation is that everyone be as equally offended.

This is hard from a mental perspective in that each person has to change their feelings to agree with another's perspective even if they don't agree.

In South America where sex with animals is an every day thing there is no mass disgust as the single person is not able to persuade through lack of knowledge.

Most men and boys have done it and most women know that they have.

We need to spread this attitude to the rest of the world.
This is the probably the biggest issue with society and peer pressure.

There may be only one person in a group that is totally against playing with animals but the expectation is that everyone be as equally offended.

This is hard from a mental perspective in that each person has to change their feelings to agree with another's perspective even if they don't agree.

In South America where sex with animals is an every day thing there is no mass disgust as the single person is not able to persuade through lack of knowledge.

Most men and boys have done it and most women know that they have.

We need to spread this attitude to the rest of the world.
I somehow doubt most men and boys have done this in South America.
I somehow doubt most men and boys have done this in South America.
It is much more common in rural areas than you think. A documentary done in villages along the coast of Columbia had a scene in a class room where the teacher (a woman) asked the boys how many of them had been with burros and every kid raised his hand! Rural areas of Brazil have a lot of zoophilia but it is spread over a wide range of domestic animals from horses down to chickens.
It is much more common in rural areas than you think.

Also The Grand Tour did a highlight tour through columbia showing how common it is.

There is one Female elected official trying to put a stop to it through out country Argentina because she says it is disgusting.

The funny part is that is that it was always occurring and the missionaries could not stop them or it became an acceptable part of the Catholic doctrine that you did not have sex with your wife until you were married. So how do you get good at sex for when you are picking a wife. Dogs and goats then when old enough you have sex with Donkeys. Your wife knows you can pleasure a Donkey so you should be well practiced.

Married men are supposed to give up donkeys and they say they do, but you know some of them keep screwing animals.

I would love to know where the fertility festival involving Alpacas happens I want to plan my holidays.

Overall it is a better mental health situation and will reduce youth pregnancies.

I do wonder if the number of rape cases in rural areas are lower in South America and maybe North America.
Also The Grand Tour did a highlight tour through columbia showing how common it is.

There is one Female elected official trying to put a stop to it through out country Argentina because she says it is disgusting.

The funny part is that is that it was always occurring and the missionaries could not stop them or it became an acceptable part of the Catholic doctrine that you did not have sex with your wife until you were married. So how do you get good at sex for when you are picking a wife. Dogs and goats then when old enough you have sex with Donkeys. Your wife knows you can pleasure a Donkey so you should be well practiced.

Married men are supposed to give up donkeys and they say they do, but you know some of them keep screwing animals.

I would love to know where the fertility festival involving Alpacas happens I want to plan my holidays.

Overall it is a better mental health situation and will reduce youth pregnancies.

I do wonder if the number of rape cases in rural areas are lower in South America and maybe North America.

Yes, I have seen all those things in various sources myself. As far as men stopping after marriage, there were several men who said they went back to donkeys. I saw that fertility festival covered in a documentary about Patagonia. There is also a donkey festival in Columbia celebrating boys and their donkey girl friends, although they didn't appear to have sex at the festival. They generally dressed the donkeys up like women and showed them off.
I am a 23 y/o transguy who have always been into girls.
I also happen to have a rather low sex drive, and I am very content with being single and I do not crave for any sort of intimacy. Especially not emotionally.
But at the same time, I have also always been into male dogs. Which is weird because I'm not into human males at all really. At least I don't think so. I consider myself straight. Seriously. I am so confused by this.

I do not live by myself at the moment, and I have only been with a dog yeaaaars ago, but ever since then I have had, uh, a craving. But I hate it. It makes me feel ashamed. I don't understand why. Is it the taboo of it all? What else could it be? I want to keep it behind closed doors, but internally acting out on it would make me feel so ashamed, even though I really want to act on it someday.

Does anyone else feel the same?
One word.

Y e s.
It is much more common in rural areas than you think. A documentary done in villages along the coast of Columbia had a scene in a class room where the teacher (a woman) asked the boys how many of them had been with burros and every kid raised his hand! Rural areas of Brazil have a lot of zoophilia but it is spread over a wide range of domestic animals from horses down to chickens.
I'll partially believe it when I see it. Got a link to said documentary? Oh, FYI, don't believe everything you see and hear either.
I'll partially believe it when I see it. Got a link to said documentary? Oh, FYI, don't believe everything you see and hear either.

The Grand Tour Season 3 episode 2. They interview the villagers about their lives with female animals. I do not think Homo sexuality is tolerated in Columbia.

VICE: Donkey sex: the most bizarre tradition. from 2012

I think if you looked you will find a few more reports.

The gaucho's in Argentina are well known for it. They are the ones the politician is trying to outlaw their sexual activity.

There is a large area of land to police for people humping animals in the forest.

I can't remember what Kinsey's ratio for US country boys trying animal sex is.
I'll partially believe it when I see it. Got a link to said documentary? Oh, FYI, don't believe everything you see and hear either.
One was done by Vice. It is shorter than the main one. Google "donkey sex Columbia" (without the quotes) and you will get pages of hits.
The only underlying problem is govt lead media who crucifies certain groups of people. The govt goal is to control every aspect of our lives and this particular one is no exception to that rule. In a way all this crucifixion is to divert the attention away from the hidden agendas and the real issues the govts deliberately create in life. Unfortunately because of their so called laws and rulings groups or individuals suffer in the process. Dont allow big brother to control your state of mind as this could have many negative side effects on the human body and it will also lead to anxiety and depression (worst case suicide).
...it is not the government but the religious nuts that try to control everything sexual as they have done for centuries...
I am a 23 y/o transguy who have always been into girls.
I also happen to have a rather low sex drive, and I am very content with being single and I do not crave for any sort of intimacy. Especially not emotionally.
But at the same time, I have also always been into male dogs. Which is weird because I'm not into human males at all really. At least I don't think so. I consider myself straight. Seriously. I am so confused by this.

I do not live by myself at the moment, and I have only been with a dog yeaaaars ago, but ever since then I have had, uh, a craving. But I hate it. It makes me feel ashamed. I don't understand why. Is it the taboo of it all? What else could it be? I want to keep it behind closed doors, but internally acting out on it would make me feel so ashamed, even though I really want to act on it someday.

Does anyone else feel the same?
If i could marry my Dog and give Him puppies, i would.
Please don't feel ashamed and especially never feel alone - you can see you're clearly surrounded by like-minded people.
I am a 23 y/o transguy who have always been into girls.
I also happen to have a rather low sex drive, and I am very content with being single and I do not crave for any sort of intimacy. Especially not emotionally.
But at the same time, I have also always been into male dogs. Which is weird because I'm not into human males at all really. At least I don't think so. I consider myself straight. Seriously. I am so confused by this.

I do not live by myself at the moment, and I have only been with a dog yeaaaars ago, but ever since then I have had, uh, a craving. But I hate it. It makes me feel ashamed. I don't understand why. Is it the taboo of it all? What else could it be? I want to keep it behind closed doors, but internally acting out on it would make me feel so ashamed, even though I really want to act on it someday.

Does anyone else feel the same?
i’m a 22 trans guy and i have the exact same case. i only like girls and never human males but i have a really big attraction for male dogs and i don’t understand why and it also makes me feel ashamed of this. the only difference would be that i do have a high sex drive
As a zoo..no. I did realize I had different inclinations. I love my sexuality, sexual curiosity. it brings me pleasure..and at end of the day one must cheris pleasures on this planet. IN little time we will be gone.
I am a 23 y/o transguy who have always been into girls.
I also happen to have a rather low sex drive, and I am very content with being single and I do not crave for any sort of intimacy. Especially not emotionally.
But at the same time, I have also always been into male dogs. Which is weird because I'm not into human males at all really. At least I don't think so. I consider myself straight. Seriously. I am so confused by this.

I do not live by myself at the moment, and I have only been with a dog yeaaaars ago, but ever since then I have had, uh, a craving. But I hate it. It makes me feel ashamed. I don't understand why. Is it the taboo of it all? What else could it be? I want to keep it behind closed doors, but internally acting out on it would make me feel so ashamed, even though I really want to act on it someday.

Does anyone else feel the same?
I'm 24m no shame I'm pretty fit and attractive but I really want to find a girl I can share my k9 secret with its just so damn hard to find one which saddens me and makes me not want to date at all
Yes definitely, I have paid some girls to watch k9 videos and I just said you wanna watch some crazy fkd uo videoe? So I sent them like other porn videos first and then said gradually got more nasty until I got to the k9 videos and usually it’s always the zoo videos they say is too fkd up. They say stuff like people who have sex with animals are bad people and need mental help and yeah it kinda makes me feel ashamed because I have to just go along with it I can’t tell them I’m into it I just say I like to watch the videos but I agree and go along with what they say. People are not accepting of it or but ironically like 99% of the people I have asked have seen either a girl get fucked by a horse or a dog so it’s weird how all these people have seen those videos before yet I kinda get shamed for watching them lol
Yes definitely, I have paid some girls to watch k9 videos and I just said you wanna watch some crazy fkd uo videoe? So I sent them like other porn videos first and then said gradually got more nasty until I got to the k9 videos and usually it’s always the zoo videos they say is too fkd up. They say stuff like people who have sex with animals are bad people and need mental help and yeah it kinda makes me feel ashamed because I have to just go along with it I can’t tell them I’m into it I just say I like to watch the videos but I agree and go along with what they say. People are not accepting of it or but ironically like 99% of the people I have asked have seen either a girl get fucked by a horse or a dog so it’s weird how all these people have seen those videos before yet I kinda get shamed for watching them lol
I’m the 1%…. Nvr seen a video… nor plan2…?
Yes definitely, I have paid some girls to watch k9 videos and I just said you wanna watch some crazy fkd uo videoe? So I sent them like other porn videos first and then said gradually got more nasty until I got to the k9 videos and usually it’s always the zoo videos they say is too fkd up. They say stuff like people who have sex with animals are bad people and need mental help and yeah it kinda makes me feel ashamed because I have to just go along with it I can’t tell them I’m into it I just say I like to watch the videos but I agree and go along with what they say. People are not accepting of it or but ironically like 99% of the people I have asked have seen either a girl get fucked by a horse or a dog so it’s weird how all these people have seen those videos before yet I kinda get shamed for watching them lol
That is just their societal programming. Sadly, they don't even realize it. To be a happy zoo, you must give up on thinking "people" know better than you do, and that there is an old guy in the sky who is watching you. Begin looking at things for yourself and asking yourself rational questions. The concept that something is "just bad" without a rational justification of the harm it does, is merely the result of pre-programming (also called prejudice).
you... pay women to watch bestiality videos?? Or other videos too? Why on earth...?
Yeah like I know girls on only fans that tak requests for stuff, so like I’m hoping that by getting them to watch more kinky videos and zoo videos after they watch it enough times it will desensitise them and eventually rewire the brain into getting turned on by it. Then maybe they will even become beast lovers too. I think I may be getting ther slowly according to everyone I asked they said they got into it from watching porn so that’s the idea lol will see if it works or not but that’s how I got into it too
Yeah like I know girls on only fans that tak requests for stuff, so like I’m hoping that by getting them to watch more kinky videos and zoo videos after they watch it enough times it will desensitise them and eventually rewire the brain into getting turned on by it. Then maybe they will even become beast lovers too. I think I may be getting ther slowly according to everyone I asked they said they got into it from watching porn so that’s the idea lol will see if it works or not but that’s how I got into it too
and what's the endgame of being such a manipulative piece of excrement? create more "beast lovers" or hoping that maybe one day, one of the "converts" performs for you?