What we would like to do is for the homeless animal population to be reduced by people being more responsible with their animals and not breeding more into existence when millions are euthanized in shelters every year because there are too many of them. Giving a homeless animal love and care is highly encouraged.
I would hope that everyone who thinks of themselves as zoo or even just an animal lover agrees with this. Unfortunately, it has always been a battle. Even 40yrs ago as a child there was a humane society in the very rural small town i grew up in, that my parents did volunteer work for. Overpopulation and unwanted pets was a serious problem even then. Unfortunately the majority of the population seems to have little concept of an animals actual value as more then just actual value or usefulness. The problem has only multiplied at the same rate as the human population it seems, not gotten better. With so many no longer seeming to have the slightest respect or responsibility for their own actions. If they do not take responsibilty for their own actions, why would they for a pet. For many pets are just property, to use how you will and get rid of if you no longer wish to be bothered with them.
Is it really that fanatical to not want to harm animals?
NO, it is not.
I think people get defensive and take it personally because their lifestyle in which they were raised is being questioned. But, it's not an attack on the person. I will give that some vegans do personally attack others
In many ways it is a part of human nature to get defensive when one feels attacked, and it riles you up to the point of wishing to attack back in defense ... often, when their is no true reason to attack back. The main reason people often have a hard time simply calmly discussing a volitile topic such as a lot of this thread turned into, is not as much about the differences of opinion, but the serious fanaticals refusal to accept that their can be no other opinion or different set of moral beliefs. On both sides. The belief that everyone must except their
moral opinion, with no exceptions.
Even when some of their points are valid reasons for many, they can not except that not everyone can accept every
morality issue they see. Grey areas in morality will always exist in different ways for all of us.
Some seem like they only wish to sledgehammer their moral beliefs on everyone. It can never happen with everyone. Continuing to sledgehammer
how right you are, and everyone MUST conform to your beliefs, because your morality is the only way anyone should feel, does not make it happen, no matter how much they truly believe there can be no other thought on it.
For the most part, vegans aren't "preaching" because they have a superiority complex; it's because they care about animals and want to convince people to stop paying for them to be mistreated and killed at an early age.
I think you would find a majority here feel this way as well.
The flaming issues that develop are not because of this.
The anger that develops on such topics are mostly the ways some wish to push this. Claiming people are murders for eating meat, and using animal products will only cause every person doing this to get pissed off. People do not feel like murders when they have not pulled the trigger personally.
Many have no real clue about the truth of where the nice pretty package of meat came from. Unfortunately, many never will.
Also, the most effective thing a person can do if they are against what's done to animals in animal agriculture is to boycott the industry. What else could be done, anyway? The consumer has all the power. That's why you see vegans trying to convince others to stop paying for animal products. Animal products aren't necessary, and the more people who stop supporting animal agriculture, the less animals suffer, and the more plant-based options will become available. Not everyone will change their mind, but a lot of people realize they aren't okay with supporting it once they know the full picture.
Bingo!!! That is likely the only way to change peoples minds on how much meat and other animal products we buy, that doesn't piss folks off. Very few are going to stop eating meat enirely or stop using animal products overnight. Small steps get you where you wish to go.
Education about the truth of factory farms, slaughterhouses and such. The more they understand the more they swing to somewhat better alternatives.
Organic, and pasture raised, humanely slaughtered animals that at least have the appearance of being a better life for the animals, is slowly becoming bigger and bigger. Alternative choices, are at least a step in a better direction.
Boycott a word wide massive, corporate profit making enterprise is likely to do little.
Change consumer buying habbits forces the giant corporations to change some of their old habits.
People who scream about meat eaters and animal product users being murderers, speciesists, sadists, and such does nothing but piss people off, and make them attack you back.