Esteemed Citizen of ZV
So you are a self confessed keyboard warrior.Only thing I can do is share facts with people so they ponder upon those facts and do adequate changes to their life stile based on those facts.
So you are a self confessed keyboard warrior.Only thing I can do is share facts with people so they ponder upon those facts and do adequate changes to their life stile based on those facts.
Hahaha, you are such an idiot! When did I ever say half of what you accused me of.And you think I give a shit about your opinion on this matter why? You're still a comedic clown to me with no valid arguments or opinions nor do you have anything meaningful to contribute to the forum. I mean go ahead and keep defending yourself off topic here if you want, I'm sure everyone could use a good laugh
Btw I know exactly what you were referring to. If you can get through life without the help of others to find a personal identity that separates you from everyone else then good on ya, but to expect others to handle life exactly like you do and consider them lesser when they don't is what I take issue with. Not everyone is cut from the same cloth, not everyone handles existential journey's the same yet apparently you seem to think that everyone should. Would be great if it were that simple, but because humans are such complex creatures with unique upbringings and approaches to life what your suggesting is a impossible hope.
Your argument simply condensed is "Everyone is bad who doesn't agree with me" which is why I attributed you to the same as @Aluzky and @Wolfia , different arguments, same line of stupidity.
Because calling people murderers and speciesist is polite and very gentleman of you. If you're going to start hurling shit around, don't be all surprised pikachu meme when it gets thrown back in your direction.No debate can be had when the majority of people who respond just want to be rude and make personal attacks.
You earn it and the way you and the other 2 vegan extremists behave, don't deserve it.But, I do deserve respect, and since it's been shown over and over that I won't be given it
Thats my point! You try to sound like you have Einstein IQ.So instead of putting all my thoughts out there as eloquently and clearly as possible you'd rather I dumb down my argument to that of your 5th grade debate style? No I'm good, I'd rather people see the distinction of my sound logic and and your stupid fallacy personally. Plus to use such a childish argument *well your big words means your real dumb* if fucking stupid in itself, who gives two shits about how an argument is presented, so long as all points are clearly stated. I can tell you never succeeded far into your education XD (but then again those with mental handicaps are usually stunted in any sort of developmental and educational growth anyways). BTW, I had 4 paragraphs, not 3, but its okay I can understand how counting is a hard concept for you to grasp at this point ;3
I would get a better conversation with them than I would with you. So I have no complaints about thatAs long as @Hewflungpew sat at the little kids table ;P
I would get a better conversation with them than I would with you. So I have no complaints about that
A court ruling in the UK recently gives vegans the same status as a religious movement.For those who don't know, there is something called the animal rights movement. Their goal is to abolish all meat, pets and bring domestic animals to extinction. They are a cult group and use fear and manipulation to get people to join them.
This makes me extremely anxious. I have never been good with people due to mental illness, I cannot hold a job at all, but am given disability money. My pet girl rabbit is the only way I'm motivated to live.
Ive been a zoo my whole life since 13 and I'm 20 years old now, but am only interested in female bunnies and recently performed oral sex on my Flemish giant rabbit. She has shown no displeasure and is snuggling right beside me right now and giving kisses and waiting to be pet. This feeling is far better than anything Ive ever felt my whole life.
If vegans managed to take my right to own pets, then I will have no motivation to live. I need the companionship of a female rabbit to survive.
Is anyone else afraid of these people? I needed to ask this because I am dead scared of this movement gaining power and momentum. It would be great to hear your feelings on this issue.
A court ruling in the UK recently gives vegans the same status as a religious movement.
But effectively calls it a religion protected by lawOh, that's interesting. I looked it up and just for precision, the court ruled that it is a philosophical belief system that gets the same protection like religious beliefs, so you may not be discriminated against for being an ethical vegan similarly to how you may not be discriminated against for being Christian.
Ethical veganism is philosophical belief, tribunal rules
Ethical vegan Jordi Casamitjana is "extremely happy" with a tribunal's ruling his belief is protected in
No not at all in my opinion, it's lifestyle choice but the snowflake generation is running rampant.I'm not sure what your message is? Do you mean to say that veganism is a religion?
I'd backup my accusations with proof, but all of your comments are gone so I can't. If you didn't say these things, then I apologize. You are certainly a higher caliber person compared to the other 2 nimrods.I never called anyone a murderer, nor a speciesist. Please stop lying.
I would hope that everyone who thinks of themselves as zoo or even just an animal lover agrees with this. Unfortunately, it has always been a battle. Even 40yrs ago as a child there was a humane society in the very rural small town i grew up in, that my parents did volunteer work for. Overpopulation and unwanted pets was a serious problem even then. Unfortunately the majority of the population seems to have little concept of an animals actual value as more then just actual value or usefulness. The problem has only multiplied at the same rate as the human population it seems, not gotten better. With so many no longer seeming to have the slightest respect or responsibility for their own actions. If they do not take responsibilty for their own actions, why would they for a pet. For many pets are just property, to use how you will and get rid of if you no longer wish to be bothered with them.What we would like to do is for the homeless animal population to be reduced by people being more responsible with their animals and not breeding more into existence when millions are euthanized in shelters every year because there are too many of them. Giving a homeless animal love and care is highly encouraged.
NO, it is not.Is it really that fanatical to not want to harm animals?
In many ways it is a part of human nature to get defensive when one feels attacked, and it riles you up to the point of wishing to attack back in defense ... often, when their is no true reason to attack back. The main reason people often have a hard time simply calmly discussing a volitile topic such as a lot of this thread turned into, is not as much about the differences of opinion, but the serious fanaticals refusal to accept that their can be no other opinion or different set of moral beliefs. On both sides. The belief that everyone must except their moral opinion, with no exceptions.I think people get defensive and take it personally because their lifestyle in which they were raised is being questioned. But, it's not an attack on the person. I will give that some vegans do personally attack others
I think you would find a majority here feel this way as well.For the most part, vegans aren't "preaching" because they have a superiority complex; it's because they care about animals and want to convince people to stop paying for them to be mistreated and killed at an early age.
Bingo!!! That is likely the only way to change peoples minds on how much meat and other animal products we buy, that doesn't piss folks off. Very few are going to stop eating meat enirely or stop using animal products overnight. Small steps get you where you wish to go.Also, the most effective thing a person can do if they are against what's done to animals in animal agriculture is to boycott the industry. What else could be done, anyway? The consumer has all the power. That's why you see vegans trying to convince others to stop paying for animal products. Animal products aren't necessary, and the more people who stop supporting animal agriculture, the less animals suffer, and the more plant-based options will become available. Not everyone will change their mind, but a lot of people realize they aren't okay with supporting it once they know the full picture.
I couldn't agree more. However, SkawdtDawg has been the most respectful to others and tried to promote his views without degrading everyone. It's unfortunate that his methods of debate are not used by certain other members that resort to the tactics mentioned in the quote above.People who scream about meat eaters and animal product users being murderers, speciesists, sadists, and such does nothing but piss people off, and make them attack you back.
Zoo vegans appear to be just a side branch PETA, with similar fanatical ideals of morality.
You totally made this up. None of the vegans who participated actively in this discussion even come from Germany.I disagree. The Vegans on this forum are most likely part of "Zeta" a German based pro zoo group. Seems the "vegans" that post on this forum are also associated with them and are promoting their views. Tying zoo interests with veganism is something they do a lot.
My biggest question is how many vegans have seen deer STARVING because the population has exploded beyond what the area can sustain? How many deer are sick and disease ridden because we (as humans) have killed or chased off their " natural preditors" ( i used quotes because we are ALL part of the food chain). I have seen this, it is heart wrenching. So I have absolutely zero problem with human hunting, as long as the animal will be used for food. My opinion is and always be the world needs balance tipping the scales one way or another will bring disaster. I also have no problem with raising animals humanely and using them as a food source. I am an omnivore and proud of it."It's always bad. But it's worse when there is no need to do it. There is a difference--species like wolves need to eat them or they will starve. Humans don't. Maybe they kill them out of kindness."
Does it matter to the deer who it gets eaten by? Does it matter to conservation? A dead deer is a dead deer. If it gets eaten that's all it matters. If I harvest a deer then guess what...i'm not buying meats from a grocery store for a good long while.
"Great. Let's do things like hiking that doesn't kill animals unless when killing them is in their best interest."
Yeah that's not how human interest works.
Really, now you don't believe that I didn't have a cell phone until just a few years ago? I didn't need one and got along without one just fine. But now industries have changed. I didn't know about the exploitation involved in making cell phones back then and going back to the stone age isn't at all reasonable or necessary. The problem isn't with cell phones; it's the way they're made. No career is going to force me to eat meat. That's ridiculous.
Animal agriculture will never be acceptable, no matter how good it is. Cell phones can be made in better ways. There is no good way to raise animals and then kill them
No of course I don't buy that, every adult has a phone other than the rare outlier.
Now you DO know about the exploitation, and you're saying "it's not reasonable to go back now blah blah" Then why is it reasonable for an omnivore to go to a vegan diet? It's literally the same logic.
You're also dodging the question by playing it off as if it was a realistically possible scenario that a job would force you to eat meat. It's a question of IF. And if you're true to your own principles you wouldn't take that job because you think eating meat is wrong. Now you know that cell phone sales benefit companies that oppress their workers to the point they need to install suicide nets onto their buildings to prevent workers from killing themselves. What are you going to do about it?
They don't benefit off of slave labor. You're blowing this way out of proportion. You're not even using logic at this point.
You're right in that i'm blowing this out of proportion, but that's the entire vegan argument. So enjoy a bit of your own medicine
Right, so you're doing all the harm that you're criticizing me for, AND you're killing animals on top of it. So, what are you doing to stop slave labor related to your cell phone and clothes? You say that's an issue caused by other people's greed, not your own. Yet, you claim it's directly my fault.
I am using your own logic against you. You claim I am supporting the cruelty of animals by hunting and eating meat. Well you're supporting slavery by buying cell phones and working for companies that save money by purchasing uniforms made by sweatshops. Either go on and mind your own business over what you and others eat, or accept that you're a proselytizing hypocrite