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How long do you think that it will take before zoosexaulity starts to become as accepted as other sexualities?

title says it

  • 5 years

    Votes: 43 5.4%
  • 2 years

    Votes: 21 2.6%
  • 10+ years

    Votes: 620 77.5%
  • 7 years

    Votes: 20 2.5%
  • Never

    Votes: 96 12.0%

  • Total voters
If thats your point, why are you not barking and growling with the puppies? Reality check: IF YOU didnt need communication with people you wouldnt be here, OR walking upright, ergo us big hairless primates must have more value to you than you claim. Any stuffing up I see is more related to hypocrisy than to anything else.

You really have biology issues, bub, especially about dogs. IT DOESN'T take a lot of brain power to do what you were born, and bred, to do....when was the last time you thought about pissing, or breathing, or your heartbeat?

WhyEVER do you think there are SO many breeds of Canines? Some do similar tasks in very different areas, but not all dogs are identically talented.
I do growl and bark with the puppies at times when talking to them. Did I claim that I don't use human communication with people or I don't value humans? All I said is dogs learn more words in our language, compared to how many words in their language the average human bothers to learn. And that humans as a species have a larger effect on the planet than any other species.

I see, so if your born and bred to do something thus it is easy for you to do, means that it doesn't take any intelligence to do it? All it means is that your brain has evolved to give more brain realestate to the task to enable you to do the task easily not that it doesn't involve interlect to perform the task.

Nah, it's not worth my time, I shouldn't play in a dumpster fire thread debating things that the thread isn't even about, especially when I agree with some of what your saying, unfortunately your responses seem to be going off on tangents and putting words in my mouth. So I shall bow out and apologise for being a bur under your saddle blanket.
Don't hold your breath for seeing it in your lifetime... it will be generations, if ever
You should read some social media for mainly younger people especially stuff like reddit.
I know it will kill your brain cells don't worry mine too.
But it's extreme what you often can find there especially not on the main page.
Last year there was a thread with thousands of upvotes and participants about "young girls taking the dog pill" to escape the "patriarchy" and the stupid mean "fuckboy Chad's"
Complete bs, since it's every girl's own fault which guy she let's stick his pee pee in and every girl with discipline and class is able to say no, but ye liberal left nose ring girls...

So assume it's especially for the hyper sexualized young western people way more common than many think. And since special snowflakes here tend to demonstrate for about eeeeverything its only a matter of time when it's included to the lbgtqi+ brain fart movement.
You're the only one here who's not taking action, in fact you've been very proudly talking this whole time about how you think any form of action is futile insanity.
Uhhhh Santa?....

It IS futile insanity. There is not a single iota of a reason to think anything else. This little hobby has next to NOTHING in common with homosexuality, nor with any of the other 'philias. Well, in the loathing department it does. You insist on acting as though any given pair has two voters....it doesnt. The numbers are not there. And what do you think the Forces of the Religious Right will be doing while you're proselytizing for this? What do you think all those Gay people who have only just gained some Constitutional Rights will be doing....They WON'T be helping us...they'll be elbows in blocking body blows. Do you people even watch or read the news? Physical Body Freedom is being eroded further every day, with this rightward leaning SCOTUS. You think because thats just GIRLZZZZZZ that it isnt going to affect you? Texas put a bounty on abortion-seeking women....and thats a relatively innocent issue...although if theres a bounty on pussy, there should be an equal bounty on the cock that knocked her up... six or seven other States are following Texas's lead. That, old boy, is a trend. You think youre going to do better with THIS?
I do growl and bark with the puppies at times when talking to them. Did I claim that I don't use human communication with people or I don't value humans? All I said is dogs learn more words in our language, compared to how many words in their language the average human bothers to learn. And that humans as a species have a larger effect on the planet than any other species.

I see, so if your born and bred to do something thus it is easy for you to do, means that it doesn't take any intelligence to do it? All it means is that your brain has evolved to give more brain realestate to the task to enable you to do the task easily not that it doesn't involve interlect to perform the task.

Nah, it's not worth my time, I shouldn't play in a dumpster fire thread debating things that the thread isn't even about, especially when I agree with some of what your saying, unfortunately your responses seem to be going off on tangents and putting words in my mouth. So I shall bow out and apologise for being a bur under your saddle blanket.
You should read some social media for mainly younger people especially stuff like reddit.
I know it will kill your brain cells don't worry mine too.
But it's extreme what you often can find there especially not on the main page.
Last year there was a thread with thousands of upvotes and participants about "young girls taking the dog pill" to escape the "patriarchy" and the stupid mean "fuckboy Chad's"
Complete bs, since it's every girl's own fault which guy she let's stick his pee pee in and every girl with discipline and class is able to say no, but ye liberal left nose ring girls...

So assume it's especially for the hyper sexualized young western people way more common than many think. And since special snowflakes here tend to demonstrate for about eeeeverything its only a matter of time when it's included to the lbgtqi+ brain fart movement.
Seen it, not buying, thank you. Its nonsense, and what do upvotes and participants have to do with anything? If thats part of the criteria for this thread, then we're all in serious trouble. That nonsensical hypothesis is exactly the same as the stories that flew about all over France in the First WW about how while the men were in the trenches, their doggies were in the wenches. There could be small numbers of women subscribing to the theory.... but not the kind of numbers that are significant for the threads purpose. even ten thousand "upvotes" mean nothing in any real sense....much as flipping right or left while reviewing the dateables means nothing. Youre attaching far too much importance to an ephemeral.
Seen it, not buying, thank you. Its nonsense, and what do upvotes and participants have to do with anything? If thats part of the criteria for this thread, then we're all in serious trouble. That nonsensical hypothesis is exactly the same as the stories that flew about all over France in the First WW about how while the men were in the trenches, their doggies were in the wenches. There could be small numbers of women subscribing to the theory.... but not the kind of numbers that are significant for the threads purpose. even ten thousand "upvotes" mean nothing in any real sense....much as flipping right or left while reviewing the dateables means nothing. Youre attaching far too much importance to an ephemeral.
That's not what I wanted to say with it.
The up votes and participants show it exists.
And the lbgtqi+ movement even included people who loves and have relationships with objects... Those are even a greater minority.
And god dare some of those freaks fight that pedophile is accepted aswell, without a huge backleash.

The thing exist, it's not that uncommon it seems, curiosity is enough (or do you think the 20% of the teens that see themselves as part of the lbgtqi+ movement all slept with the same sex or fucked their way through the cities, for sure not = only a matter of time.

I don't wish it do become a part of this brain crippling movement but that its accepted through this is probably the biggest possibility.
Yeah you are, and hes only claimed to love HIS animals, as I recall.
Love in which way? Only for their genitals? Or their skins?

Anyone who talks like that about animals in general don't have any Humanity. The only sin animals have is being born in this world therefore he doesn't love them he only likes their bodies for his use/ utility only.

Hence the pests critters also i quote "death is death it doesn't matter how they get there". I understand having a quick fix for a infestation however it's nothing to be proud of.
I do growl and bark with the puppies at times when talking to them. Did I claim that I don't use human communication with people or I don't value humans? All I said is dogs learn more words in our language, compared to how many words in their language the average human bothers to learn. And that humans as a species have a larger effect on the planet than any other species.

I see, so if your born and bred to do something thus it is easy for you to do, means that it doesn't take any intelligence to do it? All it means is that your brain has evolved to give more brain realestate to the task to enable you to do the task easily not that it doesn't involve interlect to perform the task.

Nah, it's not worth my time, I shouldn't play in a dumpster fire thread debating things that the thread isn't even about, especially when I agree with some of what your saying, unfortunately your responses seem to be going off on tangents and putting words in my mouth. So I shall bow out and apologise for being a bur under your saddle blanket.
I will say this there's so many ways to communicate the topic either through comics, books, personal, website, information packet, honestly whatever else spreads the word to maintaining an information idea.

If nobody tries to find a solution are we really as evolved as we say to where we separate ourselves into tribes even if we are one big lump of humanity. At some point humans have to socially evolve.

As for canines you can growl at them and bump them to get communication responses which I do to mine it actually works pretty well. For humans you have to do something more thorough so they get the point. So the best way to approach this is for persistence and absolute delicacy.
Love in which way? Only for their genitals? Or their skins?

Anyone who talks like that about animals in general don't have any Humanity. The only sin animals have is being born in this world therefore he doesn't love them he only likes their bodies for his use/ utility only.

Hence the pests critters also i quote "death is death it doesn't matter how they get there". I understand having a quick fix for a infestation however it's nothing to be proud of.
Keep on living in your fantasy world, Russel. What you need to be considering is how you're a worthless bucket of shit that would out somebody if you could. Everything else pales to insignificance when stacked up against that one simple fact.
That's a strange retort. Can you even be a real zoophile if you have no empathy for the life and death of someone else's animal partner?
Ahhhh, so you're one of those whackos that think that a zoo has to, for some reason yet to be understood, automatically give a shit about everything in the world? Reminds me of a bonehead from years ago who called himself "Cowlover", and professed to be deeply, madly in love with EVERY cow, even the ones he never had, and likely never would, come within "lay an eyeball on it" distance of. Seems I recall him finding himself being laughed out of the places he tried to hang out over such stupidity.

I'll give you this much, bub: So far, you and Russel make a pretty good pair... Two delusional idiots living in a fantasy world. As I've said to him so many times, GROW UP.
Ahhhh, so you're one of those whackos that think that a zoo has to, for some reason yet to be understood, automatically give a shit about everything in the world? Reminds me of a bonehead from years ago who called himself "Cowlover", and professed to be deeply, madly in love with EVERY cow, even the ones he never had, and likely never would, come within "lay an eyeball on it" distance of. Seems I recall him finding himself being laughed out of the places he tried to hang out over such stupidity.

I'll give you this much, bub: So far, you and Russel make a pretty good pair... Two delusional idiots living in a fantasy world. As I've said to him so many times, GROW UP.
Eh, no not exactly. I would expect a normal person to say something like "It's just a dog" and an antizoo troll to say something like "HA! the dog you 'loved' is DEAD, loser!" From a real zoophile I would expect them to understand that not only can humans love animals, but animals can love us too. A real zoophile would understand and relate to that bond, because you should also know what it feels like to love and be loved by an animal. How could you ridicule something so familiar to you, unless it isn't?
That's a strange retort. Can you even be a real zoophile if you have no empathy for the life and death of someone else's animal partner?
Yes....just as "You Dont NEED to be Jewish to love Levy's"....and thats Not empathy....its sympathy....learn the difference bud. YOU DECIDED that Ur and myself, by extension, are "The Beast From 20 Thousand Fathoms" without a remote understanding for the side of the story that provoked the anger in the first place. Recon is a shameful little bugger, by his own action. That YOU dont think there should be consequences is your problem, no one elses. Relationships are a funny thing, bub....either youre IN it or you haven't a clue about it. But your way or the Highway is not a better attitude than anyone elses.
Eh, no not exactly. I would expect a normal person to say something like "It's just a dog" and an antizoo troll to say something like "HA! the dog you 'loved' is DEAD, loser!" From a real zoophile I would expect them to understand that not only can humans love animals, but animals can love us too. A real zoophile would understand and relate to that bond, because you should also know what it feels like to love and be loved by an animal. How could you ridicule something so familiar to you, unless it isn't?
Chum, here's a clue: Russel deserves NOTHING from ANYBODY after his stated willingness to out someone if he could. If it were possible, I'd invoke a full-blown Amish-style shunning on him. He gave up any eligibility for sympathy, empathy, or any other consideration whatsoever when he announced that for him, outing someone is acceptable. Exactly the same way if you renounce your US citizenship, you can never vote in an election or legally buy a gun again, our darling little Russel renounced his "Zoo citizenship" with that post of his. As such, he's deserving of nothing but scorn. Prior to his declaration, he was an obnoxious, delusional, every so often amusing (though more often in a "Good lord... the poor bastard is so wasted he doesn't even realize he's puking down the front of his shirt and pissing his pants" way than actually funny) idiot, determined to force himself into things that he had no business (and frequently, even less knowledge about) in. Even in the face of several people trying to drag him into the real world and give him a clue as to why he wasn't liked. But with his announcement that he'd out someone if he knew him, he went from "mildly amusing delusional idiot" to "active enemy". Which is just about where you came riding in with your polished armor on your gallant steed, and set yourself up as the white knight who was gonna rescue the poor oppressed moron from the evil UR20Z.

Makes me wonder just how fit you are to have around. You're going to back a fucking asshole who would out you if he could, and try to call ME the problem? Holy shit, dude... Are you even self-aware enough to realize what that says about you? Hint: It ain't good!
Chum, here's a clue: Russel deserves NOTHING from ANYBODY after his stated willingness to out someone if he could. If it were possible, I'd invoke a full-blown Amish-style shunning on him. He gave up any eligibility for sympathy, empathy, or any other consideration whatsoever when he announced that for him, outing someone is acceptable. Exactly the same way if you renounce your US citizenship, you can never vote in an election or legally buy a gun again, our darling little Russel renounced his "Zoo citizenship" with that post of his. As such, he's deserving of nothing but scorn. Prior to his declaration, he was an obnoxious, delusional, every so often amusing (though more often in a "Good lord... the poor bastard is so wasted he doesn't even realize he's puking down the front of his shirt and pissing his pants" way than actually funny) idiot, determined to force himself into things that he had no business (and frequently, even less knowledge about) in. Even in the face of several people trying to drag him into the real world and give him a clue as to why he wasn't liked. But with his announcement that he'd out someone if he knew him, he went from "mildly amusing delusional idiot" to "active enemy". Which is just about where you came riding in with your polished armor on your gallant steed, and set yourself up as the white knight who was gonna rescue the poor oppressed moron from the evil UR20Z.

Makes me wonder just how fit you are to have around. You're going to back a fucking asshole who would out you if he could, and try to call ME the problem? Holy shit, dude... Are you even self-aware enough to realize what that says about you? Hint: It ain't good!
Yeah. Back to the point you ignored. Are you a real zoo or not?

If you aren't, that's actually putting you in a better light right now. You could say horrible things about someone's dead partner because you've never really loved an animal yourself. Just a dog, whatever.

If you're a real zoo, then you know for yourself exactly how much an animal can mean to us. And then you were willing to leverage that point to inflict maximum pain get what you wanted.

So far as the community goes, who does or doesn't belong here... We should all be taking steps to protect ourselves against other people's carelessness. Cruelty is far more concerning.
Yeah. Back to the point you ignored. Are you a real zoo or not?

And which I'll keep ignoring, since this isn't about me, and I simply won't entertain even the hint that it is. It's about the worthless fuck Reconscope, and apparently, now you, the fool dumb enough to try to ride in and white-knight for him.

If you're a real zoo, then you know for yourself exactly how much an animal can mean to us. And then you were willing to leverage that point to inflict maximum pain get what you wanted.

Yep, and exactly as intended. That's all this sack of shit deserves: Pain, contempt, and scorn.

So far as the community goes, who does or doesn't belong here... We should all be taking steps to protect ourselves against other people's carelessness.
carelessness my ass. The fucking asshole flat-out stated "I would out you if I knew ya". Don't take my word for it, though - read it for yourself:


There is no higher crime in the zoo world so far as I'm concerned, and there is no such thing as "forgive and forget" for it. It'd be easier to forgive somebody for fence-hopping my critters than to forgive someone who's willing to out another zoo, no matter what the provocation is. If that's a problem for you, then it's your problem to swallow, 'cause there's absolutely nothing you or anyone else can do or say to change my stand.

Now, would you like to get back to why you're trying to play white-knight for a worthless douchebag that thinks outing people is even slightly OK?

And do yourself a favor: Keep in mind that nothing you can say or do will change my stand on this subject. Nor will I entertain attempts to try to make this about me.
And which I'll keep ignoring, since this isn't about me, and I simply won't entertain even the hint that it is. It's about the worthless fuck Reconscope, and apparently, now you, the fool dumb enough to try to ride in and white-knight for him.

Yep, and exactly as intended. That's all this sack of shit deserves: Pain, contempt, and scorn.

carelessness my ass. The fucking asshole flat-out stated "I would out you if I knew ya". Don't take my word for it, though - read it for yourself:

View attachment 250745

There is no higher crime in the zoo world so far as I'm concerned, and there is no such thing as "forgive and forget" for it. It'd be easier to forgive somebody for fence-hopping my critters than to forgive someone who's willing to out another zoo, no matter what the provocation is. If that's a problem for you, then it's your problem to swallow, 'cause there's absolutely nothing you or anyone else can do or say to change my stand.

Now, would you like to get back to why you're trying to play white-knight for a worthless douchebag that thinks outing people is even slightly OK?

And do yourself a favor: Keep in mind that nothing you can say or do will change my stand on this subject. Nor will I entertain attempts to try to make this about me.
Sigh. This is entirely about you. Cry, stamp your feet and declare otherwise, it still is.

The thing about people like Reconscope is that, if you think he's a threat, you can simply hit that ignore button and solve the problem. You don't have to interact with him and he can't out you if you don't give him anything to work with. I'm sure some people have done this already and I can't say it's an unwise move.

But you've shown yourself to be a person capable of cruelty, pursuit, and turning on zoos as soon as they violate whatever you determined to be unforgiveable.

You talk about self-awareness. I know exactly how I look, it doesn't bother me. Now you should consider that you might not be the good guy here.
Sigh. This is entirely about you. Cry, stamp your feet and declare otherwise, it still is.

The thing about people like Reconscope is that, if you think he's a threat, you can simply hit that ignore button and solve the problem. You don't have to interact with him and he can't out you if you don't give him anything to work with. I'm sure some people have done this already and I can't say it's an unwise move.

But you've shown yourself to be a person capable of cruelty, pursuit, and turning on zoos as soon as they violate whatever you determined to be unforgiveable.

You talk about self-awareness. I know exactly how I look, it doesn't bother me. Now you should consider that you might not be the good guy here.

I'm going to quote one of my favorite guitarists here - from his speech when inducted into the rock-n-roll hall of fame:
"Blah blah, blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, blahblahblah, blahblah, blah blah blah blah blah."

When you get around to paying attention to the crime he committed, rather than the fact that you think he shouldn't be punished for it, let me know. Until then... Blah blah blah blah.
I'm going to quote one of my favorite guitarists here - from his speech when inducted into the rock-n-roll hall of fame:
"Blah blah, blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, blahblahblah, blahblah, blah blah blah blah blah."

When you get around to paying attention to the crime he committed, rather than the fact that you think he shouldn't be punished for it, let me know. Until then... Blah blah blah blah.
Does this explain your rationality? Of being a true zoo?


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If you have a hard time finding normies like this, you're either really bad at arguing the points of zoosexuality or you're not looking in the right places.
I’ll believe that when the ocean drys up. Who are these normies you talk about? Are they on the internet? I’ll give my left nut to bet once one stands beside you when you and them bring it up around 10 people they will leave you hanging. Just associating with us is enough to level someones life. With the internet and social networking? Piff, give it a day before everyone knows
There should be a fifth option: never.
You can beat people with the word NEVER all day. But so many can’t live with that fact. I don’t understand why anyone CANT live with that fact.
It’s not like you can’t go about life without telling people you fuck a nanny.?
There should be a fifth option: never.
Well, if the similar poll from THIS thread is anything to go by, had "Never" been an option, it would have likely won by a landslide.

Science may be on our side (assuming that the animal is given a choice in the matter), but one thing that we can never fight against is the abundance of human ignorance. Hell, not even US zoos can agree what's "proper" and what's not when it comes to bestiality. Just look at the recent "Men fucking female dogs is rape." thread that's currently still on the front page of the DF.
Does this explain your rationality? Of being a true zoo?
My rationality doesn't matter, since the topic isn't me, but your idea that outing somebody is acceptable. Get used to it, Russel. You're scum, and I don't give a flying fuck how bad you hurt, so long as it's "even more". It's all you deserve.
Well, if the similar poll from THIS thread is anything to go by, had "Never" been an option, it would have likely won by a landslide.

Science may be on our side (given the animal is given a choice in the matter), but one thing that we can never fight against is the abundance of human ignorance. Hell, not even US zoos can agree what's "proper" and what's not when it comes to bestiality. Just look at the recent "Men fucking a female dogs is rape." thread that's currently still on the front page of the DF.
That issue isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Way too many variables and people by nature can be sketchy as all hell while being under the blanket of us who are at the root ones who see and treat our animals as equals.
Those who care for their mates as well as those of others.
And I should care for ANYTHING about you (other than your leaving and never returning) because...?

I don't give a fuck for your well being, or anything else about you, Russel - Not anymore. Used to be I considered you salvageable, but you destroyed that with those 8 poisonous words. Which words? "I would out you if I knew ya". Those words are you cutting your own throat in the zoo world, plain and simple. You just haven't realized that you've bled out yet. Sooner or later, you'll figure it out. Until you do, I'll keep shoving your face in that shitpile you made.
You can beat people with the word NEVER all day. But so many can’t live with that fact. I don’t understand why anyone CANT live with that fact.
It’s not like you can’t go about life without telling people you fuck a nanny.?
Life is too short to worry about what others may think of what I do, or have done, behind closed doors. I do my own thing and if someone doesn't like it... tough luck. I ran out of fucks to give.

Remember guys, you only get one shot at this life and that's it. Don't jeopardize yourself or your animals by fighting for a lost cause.