Esteemed Citizen of ZV
I do growl and bark with the puppies at times when talking to them. Did I claim that I don't use human communication with people or I don't value humans? All I said is dogs learn more words in our language, compared to how many words in their language the average human bothers to learn. And that humans as a species have a larger effect on the planet than any other species.If thats your point, why are you not barking and growling with the puppies? Reality check: IF YOU didnt need communication with people you wouldnt be here, OR walking upright, ergo us big hairless primates must have more value to you than you claim. Any stuffing up I see is more related to hypocrisy than to anything else.
You really have biology issues, bub, especially about dogs. IT DOESN'T take a lot of brain power to do what you were born, and bred, to do....when was the last time you thought about pissing, or breathing, or your heartbeat?
WhyEVER do you think there are SO many breeds of Canines? Some do similar tasks in very different areas, but not all dogs are identically talented.
I see, so if your born and bred to do something thus it is easy for you to do, means that it doesn't take any intelligence to do it? All it means is that your brain has evolved to give more brain realestate to the task to enable you to do the task easily not that it doesn't involve interlect to perform the task.
Nah, it's not worth my time, I shouldn't play in a dumpster fire thread debating things that the thread isn't even about, especially when I agree with some of what your saying, unfortunately your responses seem to be going off on tangents and putting words in my mouth. So I shall bow out and apologise for being a bur under your saddle blanket.