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How long do you think that it will take before zoosexaulity starts to become as accepted as other sexualities?

title says it

  • 5 years

    Votes: 45 5.6%
  • 2 years

    Votes: 21 2.6%
  • 10+ years

    Votes: 619 77.1%
  • 7 years

    Votes: 20 2.5%
  • Never

    Votes: 98 12.2%

  • Total voters
I don't think 'zoo' will ever be accepted. It's illegal in most places, so if it were to be accepted, then it will become a slippery slope and people with other illegal sexual desires will want their fetishes to become accepted as well.
yep..makes it hard but sooner or later in a 100 years maybe there will finally be a middle ground
The SCOTUS just showed you all the your rights don't matter. So even if Bestiality was legalized, the Republicans will just put more Catholics on the board to kill those rights.

So it doesn't matter in the USA if Bestiality was legal, it would be taken from you by SCOTUS.
The SCOTUS just showed you all the your rights don't matter. So even if Bestiality was legalized, the Republicans will just put more Catholics on the board to kill those rights.

So it doesn't matter in the USA if Bestiality was legal, it would be taken from you by SCOTUS.
I don’t know. Many of the animal rights groups are left leaning. You know? The ones that hate us? If anything the right would preach right to privacy of your own home if your not a blatant loud mouth about it. It’s the left that wants to know when you took your last shit.
The SCOTUS just showed you all the your rights don't matter. So even if Bestiality was legalized, the Republicans will just put more Catholics on the board to kill those rights.

So it doesn't matter in the USA if Bestiality was legal, it would be taken from you by SCOTUS.
Lol so dramatic. So one decision that someone may or may not agree with is the SCOTUS showing us "our rights dont matter" and theyre "killing our rights"? What about all the other rights we obviously still have in USA? It's up the states anyway I believe.
The SCOTUS just showed you all the your rights don't matter. So even if Bestiality was legalized, the Republicans will just put more Catholics on the board to kill those rights.

So it doesn't matter in the USA if Bestiality was legal, it would be taken from you by SCOTUS.
Exactly what "right" did they take?

Please specify the referenced part in the Constitution that was ignored in the ruling.

I'll wait..
Exactly what "right" did they take?

Please specify the referenced part in the Constitution that was ignored in the ruling.

I'll wait..
Animals are people just in a different evolutionary form.

Therefore should have rights. They feel pain like us they experience life like us. Discounting any of that is pure "pro human" and "anti animal"
Don't hold your breath for seeing it in your lifetime... it will be generations, if ever
Dunno. Not that long ago, being gay was unacceptable. Now, most people (not all, sadly) seem accepting. Zoos need someone like Harvey Milk, a strong, public advocate. Those of us who are gay and older, still remember the bad old days when suspicion was enough to get you several condemned. Standing too close to another man in a gay bar could result in arrest or worse. NYC had laws restricting the CLOTHING a man or woman could wear in public.

If there were zoo bars, I'm sure police would raid.

This cartoon always makes me laugh.


  • stray bar.jpeg
    stray bar.jpeg
    35.1 KB · Views: 20
Dunno. Not that long ago, being gay was unacceptable. Now, most people (not all, sadly) seem accepting. Zoos need someone like Harvey Milk, a strong, public advocate. Those of us who are gay and older, still remember the bad old days when suspicion was enough to get you several condemned. Standing too close to another man in a gay bar could result in arrest or worse. NYC had laws restricting the CLOTHING a man or woman could wear in public.

If there were zoo bars, I'm sure police would raid.

This cartoon always makes me laugh.
There should be zoo bars minus the sex part. Where everyone can just mingle and bond with their fur friends
Treating animals as if they are human and not the species they are is pro delusional and anti common sense.
They breathe like us? They have life experiences? It discounts their intelligence as a whole. Humans are basically the same thing if not more self-destructive I don't see no reason why they shouldn't have more legal protections against rape and other injustices
Dunno. Not that long ago, being gay was unacceptable. Now, most people (not all, sadly) seem accepting. Zoos need someone like Harvey Milk, a strong, public advocate. Those of us who are gay and older, still remember the bad old days when suspicion was enough to get you several condemned. Standing too close to another man in a gay bar could result in arrest or worse. NYC had laws restricting the CLOTHING a man or woman could wear in public.

If there were zoo bars, I'm sure police would raid.

This cartoon always makes me laugh.
For the 1000 time that it’s been said, gay and zoo are completely separate issues all together. We need to stop ridding the back of the gay community just as much as the kinks and fetish groups need to stop riding the zoo groups.
For the 1000 time that it’s been said, gay and zoo are completely separate issues all together. We need to stop ridding the back of the gay community just as much as the kinks and fetish groups need to stop riding the zoo groups.
Your right we must be in the pedo category with that logic. /Sarcasm

The more voices need to be heard before being thrown into the gas chamber they can't kill everyone.
Exactly what "right" did they take?

Please specify the referenced part in the Constitution that was ignored in the ruling.

I'll wait..
The right to privacy, one of the unenumerated rights not explicit in the Constitution. Articulated by Justice Brandeis' dissent in 1928 as "The right to be left alone".

Any time you want to discuss, please do. Are you, also, a lawyer? Subscribe to Originalism, like Justices Thomas and Alito? You might want to revisit the Constitution and see what rights are articulated in the Bill of Rights.
They breathe like us? They have life experiences? It discounts their intelligence as a whole. Humans are basically the same thing if not more self-destructive I don't see no reason why they shouldn't have more legal protections against rape and other injustices
And every dog that has been treated “exactly” as if they were human lead to countless behavioral issues and many of them lead to aggressive behavior outright to other people and other pets that don’t end well at all. It’s more destructive to have a dog that doesn’t know it’s place then one that’s rounded and is given direction.
And every dog that has been treated “exactly” as if they were human lead to countless behavioral issues and many of them lead to aggressive behavior outright to other people and other pets that don’t end well at all. It’s more destructive to have a dog that doesn’t know it’s place then one that’s rounded and is given direction.
I never said exactly like a human? I'm saying the legal protections should cover them too.

Each species has their behavioral system like how human criminals are. Some change others well are stuck. We don't "put down" broken humans but we do that to saveable animal lives

Animal rape victims are killed while human rape victims are counseled? Isn't that speciesism
For the 1000 time that it’s been said, gay and zoo are completely separate issues all together. We need to stop ridding the back of the gay community just as much as the kinks and fetish groups need to stop riding the zoo groups.
I'm not conflating separate issues. I agree they are altogether different. The issue here is acceptance. And, in that, there is much to learn. You can't discount that as more LGBT people came out -- to friends, family, to everyone -- acceptance increased dramatically.

It's easy to hate and discriminate a person (zoo, gay, trans, whomever) you don't have a personal relationship with. Much harder to hate someone you know and love.
I never said exactly like a human? I'm saying the legal protections should cover them too.

Each species has their behavioral system like how human criminals are. Some change others well are stuck. We don't "put down" broken humans but we do that to saveable animal lives

Animal rape victims are killed while human rape victims are counseled? Isn't that speciesism
They are. It’s a felony carrying heavy fines and your privileges of owning any there for after. Since 99% of the human population isn’t zoo, no one knows how to deal with such animals after being exposed to sex with humans. If the deaths of animals do too sexual encounters with humans is what you want to avoid. Don’t push the egotistical idea of zoo rights.
I'm not conflating separate issues. I agree they are altogether different. The issue here is acceptance. And, in that, there is much to learn. You can't discount that as more LGBT people came out -- to friends, family, to everyone -- acceptance increased dramatically.

It's easy to hate and discriminate a person (zoo, gay, trans, whomever) you don't have a personal relationship with. Much harder to hate someone you know and love.
All of that excluding trans is tolerated so far. But as you can see. The inch you give is taken by a mile. The push back is building up and eventually something is going to give way. You make more space for the outlandish such as pregnant men and the push for exclusive pronouns and sexual identity in the military. Where it’s not needed when your supposed to be learning to fight. If zoo was to break any ground the limits will have no bounds. We already have a problem with pedos slipping in on here. Imagine what it would look like in the full public view when everyone just goes to say “well, if that’s ok? Then why not this?”
Based off my conversations with non zoos all we really need to do is shift the public voice and we are good. Most people that I've met and talked about it with don't seem to actually give a shit. It's only till you start herding people togother that they start saying what they think others want to hear and bam bobs your uncle.

Though also yea this whole fur baby thing needs to fricking stop
Based off my conversations with non zoos all we really need to do is shift the public voice and we are good. Most people that I've met and talked about it with don't seem to actually give a shit. It's only till you start herding people togother that they start saying what they think others want to hear and bam bobs your uncle.

Though also yea this whole fur baby thing needs to fricking stop
How many? Do any hold any power? If so, do they hold enough to make a difference? Two things shift rules and regulations. Power and the money to do so. If, that’s a big if, we have a bill in our favor. All the powers against such will 3 fold to crush the bill. Animal rights groups hold way more power then we like to give credit for. And they profit big time even as a registered charity organization.
Another problem is that we decide for the animals what is right and just and fit for them. They have no voice, no say. For everyone of us who want to raise them ro be somewhst equal-in-rights-companions, there are 10 Millions who want this not.

We are humans so everyhing else is suppose to be beneath us, different, useful or food. And vice versa of couse.
That is not decided by humans, this is just a truth of reality.
Treating animals as if they are human and not the species they are is pro delusional and anti common sense.
So say you. Many others think otherwise. It's a matter, IMHO, of treating all living things with respect. That doesn't mean imbuing them with the same rights as humans.

Earlier in our discussion you indicated that privacy was not a right found in the Constitution. You are correct but need to put that in historical context. As enacted, the Constitution protected the rights of white men of property, not women, and only property owners had the right to vote, and slaves were counted less than white men. Other rights you now have include marriage (heterosexual), birth control among others.

Alito's opinion overturning Rowe casts doubt on privacy and other unenumerated rights we take for granted.
So say you. Many others think otherwise. It's a matter, IMHO, of treating all living things with respect. That doesn't mean imbuing them with the same rights as humans.

Earlier in our discussion you indicated that privacy was not a right found in the Constitution. You are correct but need to put that in historical context. As enacted, the Constitution protected the rights of white men of property, not women, and only property owners had the right to vote, and slaves were counted less than white men. Other rights you now have include marriage (heterosexual), birth control among others.

Alito's opinion overturning Rowe casts doubt on privacy and other unenumerated rights we take for granted.
Rowe isn’t protected under privacy. That’s why it didn’t stand. If you ask me it’s a violation of a doctors vow to do no harm. Anything outside of emergency or possible death to the mother it shouldn’t be done. This has nothing to do with stoping such over just using it as a contraceptive for decisions made badly. I find it ironic the sham of drinking and smoking while pregnant is still strong yet the termination of one is almost glorified.
All of that excluding trans is tolerated so far. But as you can see. The inch you give is taken by a mile. The push back is building up and eventually something is going to give way. You make more space for the outlandish such as pregnant men and the push for exclusive pronouns and sexual identity in the military. Where it’s not needed when your supposed to be learning to fight. If zoo was to break any ground the limits will have no bounds. We already have a problem with pedos slipping in on here. Imagine what it would look like in the full public view when everyone just goes to say “well, if that’s ok? Then why not this?”
Your point here is exactly the same things I heard as I sat through a number of legislative hearings when marriage equality was being debated. There are limits that are generally recognized. One of which is informed consent. An interesting debate among zoos is what constitutes informed consent and how can consent be given? Can interspecies sex ever be consensual?

We should always be protected from the tyranny of the majority.
The right to privacy, one of the unenumerated rights not explicit in the Constitution. Articulated by Justice Brandeis' dissent in 1928 as "The right to be left alone".

Any time you want to discuss, please do. Are you, also, a lawyer? Subscribe to Originalism, like Justices Thomas and Alito? You might want to revisit the Constitution and see what rights are articulated in the Bill of Rights.
An unenumerated right is nothing more than an "educated guess" based upon an interpretation on the Constitution.

As we both know, it is quite easy to have different interpretations depending upon who you ask.
HOWEVER those do not equate to actual rights granted by the Constitution.

As for "privacy" they still have that, right up until the point they involve what many consider another living being.

So no, trying to lump "new rights" onto an existing Amendment is simply not going to fly.
Rowe isn’t protected under privacy. That’s why it didn’t stand. If you ask me it’s a violation of a doctors vow to do no harm. Anything outside of emergency or possible death to the mother it shouldn’t be done. This has nothing to do with stoping such over just using it as a contraceptive for decisions made badly. I find it ironic the sham of drinking and smoking while pregnant is still strong yet the termination of one is almost glorified.
Have you read the opinions? I disagree, particularly with your interpretation of the Hypocratic oath. When a doctor refuses to perform an abortion, who has he harmed? That decision lays solely with the woman, with input in some cases from the father. Your opinion has no bearing.
Have you read the opinions? I disagree, particularly with your interpretation of the Hypocratic oath. When a doctor refuses to perform an abortion, who has he harmed? That decision lays solely with the woman, with input in some cases from the father. Your opinion has no bearing.
And, I will add, I respectfully disagree. I hope you accord my opinion with the same respect.
As mutch as I would love to see a change. My guess would be never. In all Reality, sure there are circles out there who are more accepting now then they were some years or decades ago. The broader Society will not change. As long as Sexual Morals are mainly based on Christian/Islamic/jewish principles i can´t see how itll change. And like it or not the moral foundation at least of the Western World is still very mutch Christian even in very secular societies. Were still fighting over Ideas like Polygamy, Co Paranting and other Non Standart Relationship Models among Humans. The US just cicked out the right for Abortion. Just because the LGBTQ+ Community (where i would not places zoos in at all, even if its sometimes done) got more freedoms and are represented more in media doesn´t change a thing for zoos.