Happy for you bothI already did
I searched that site many a nightThe old Midnitecrow pet lovers forum
Sounds like a strong marriageWe don't put mental constraints on each other like that
Well saidThat is kind of why we are here to share this amazing lifestyle and connect with others who are into the same things we are. Obviously this specific kink is much more difficult to bring up in the normal vanilla world so breaking the ice knowing that someone is already into beast is definitely a big relief. ?
Sorry didn’t work outNope.
Yeah would have to be more connection than that but is a good startDepends on the circumstances.... Outside of the bestiality kink, a lot of other kinks factor into it too... One matching compatible kink wouldn't be enough to say for certain if the leap is worth it.
Sounds like you have perfect life for youNah, not interested.. I have no reasons to date with anyone ?
Take your timeNo, not because the people here aren't cool tho, i have found many lovely people on this site actually, but i'm just not interested rn and i'm not ready to take that step yet.
Well yes. I have BF who knows about my kink so.. I don't have reason to looking for someone new. But I can always talk on PM's haha ?Sounds like you have perfect life for you
I would if we can take the time an patients to get to know each other before meeting up, but the most interesting people just live to far away, and there are just to much fakes around to consider it mostly.I am curious if there was an actual interested number of group members that would want to find a partner on here. Onewho would want a significant other that truly loves animals as much as they do?