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Do you think you would date someone from this group?

I'd love to meet a woman on here who would share a male dog with me. I'm a guy, but my dream would be to kneel side by side with a woman in doggy position and both get pounded by our boys and then clean them off by sucking them off.

I wish more zoo girls where in Nz :(
Well, I’m single, so always open to something.. and if it’s from this site then at least we have one hell of a common interest/secret to start with lol

That being said, if there are any lasses in the uk looking then drop me a message 😂
Honestly it depends for me. I have a hard time forming feelings for someone after my marriage went south, it was a very one-sided relationship, so there would definitely have to be a pretty good connection on top of understanding that I just accepted that I’ll mostly be seen as a sex object. As well as having similar kinks and be able to have interest outside of those kinks as well. Not to mention someone that wants to be with a trans man.
I'm Guessing NO.
Because they would have to be in my Age Group between 40 as the youngest and maybe 75 as the oldest.
They would Have to Like Bears Immensely.
They would have to be Considered Bearish.
And they would have to be in At least a 2 hour drive from me.
So Probably Not Going to Hold my breath.
Hell yes, I would date a woman from here, but there's not many showing that they are available, and I can understand good reasons why they lay low.
Why would you not? Dating is prelude, not an end, necessarily. Ive met 10 folk out of this 'Pool"over 20 plus years and been in relationships with nine of those. Only two were permanent, from an early stage. One of those ended with her death. for all you failing Lotharios, there are far more women here and available than any of you would believe. Quit acting like boys, and start acting like men. The ladies will find you.
No honestly,both of us being zoo might be great and all but I'm interested in things that most people will find weird. Chances are slim that she/he would be in here
No honestly,both of us being zoo might be great and all but I'm interested in things that most people will find weird. Chances are slim that she/he would be in here
"I'm interested in things that most people will find weird"
OK, Now that you have everyones Curiosity peaked.
Please tell us more :)
Yes....it's why I am in here. But there has been other common interests... location...age... hobbies and support. I've met a few ladies in the past but we just didn't click so the search is on.
100% I would. I just want to provide a comfortable, posh environment for a potential girlfriend to focus on enjoying life and also being zoo without constraints like worrying about money or privacy.
I think most people here would. There definitely doesn't seem to be a shortage of men here. The problem lies with finding a female. I do agree that there are a lot more women that are into this, or at least would give it a shot, than most men realize - judging from my own past experience.
I have met partners from Zoo Chat sites and met in person.
So I would not have a problem with it.
Usually it was others who had an interest in Bears.
So I felt a connection with them. One guy I met wanted to Role-play as animals, We had fun and I really liked him.
But apparently there is a lot of Mental Instability in this Sexual Orientation.
I got busy with work and did not get around to checking my E-mails for about a week, Finally got around to it and seen he wrote me. So I went to call him on the phone and he Bitched me out for not returning his e-mail and immediately hung up on me. I tried to call him back and He blocked my number.
I really enjoyed his company, He lived in another state, but I would drive over every now and then and we would go to the zoo and watch the Bears together. And then we would go back to my Hotel room and have Bear Role-Play I really miss that. So Yes, If I ever found another Zoo or Furry like that again, Then Yes I would be open for dating.
There is definitely a chance!

I've met some super lovely people on here, and only very very few creepy people. Honestly the ratio is about the same, or maybe even better! Than meeting people in more standard ways!

It certainly would make for an interesting start to dating that's for sure