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Did you tell your parents about your zoo interests?

Have you told your parents about your zoo interests?

  • Yes (I told my parents)

    Votes: 90 8.5%
  • No (I did not tell my parents)

    Votes: 974 91.5%

  • Total voters
It's about honesty. Some gay people come out to their parents, so zoos can come out to their parents as well (assuming that one's parents won't "spread the word" to other people). It also depends on the attitude of one's parents, and whether one's parents can be trusted to keep a secret. On Beast Forum, some zoos said that when they told their parents that they were zoo, they learned that their parents were also secretly zoo.

It seems most zoos are very secretive and dishonest (secretive in relation to family members). Note that I'm using the word "dishonest" in a literal sense (in other words, not as a value judgement). There's nothing wrong with hiding zoo interests from one's parents -- each situation is different. That being said, there was a poll like this on Beast Forum, and about 80% on the BF poll didn't tell their parents -- but the poll on this thread is 97% of people not telling their parents.
You know, I GET honesty....what I dont get is the stress in YOUR life being passed by you deliberately on to someone else. They didn't ask for it, and likely dont deserve it. We all carry baggage out of childhood, but as adults we should be learning that THAT baggage doesnt matter much. Letting it go is as much a part of maturity as grey hair WILL BE. Seems like a great way to completely trash your parental or sibling relationship.
No. Though i feel burdend not by lying but by twisting the truth all the time. It would not be in my best interest to do so. Im also working with animals so coming out to anyone would almost be comparable to suicide.
haha, as a rule of thumb it's generally a VERY bad idea. If telling anyone isnt for some reason bad enough, then in this case it definitely is... it's just hard to imagine any pros of telling them, i cant think of any reasonable positive aspects of this, and surely of none that would be worth risking bad reception:)
haha, as a rule of thumb it's generally a VERY bad idea. If telling anyone isnt for some reason bad enough, then in this case it definitely is... it's just hard to imagine any pros of telling them, i cant think of any reasonable positive aspects of this, and surely of none that would be worth risking bad reception:)
Well said, and I agree mate. Plus, do parents need to know much if anything about their child’s sexlife?
im not saying there is no single case it is s good idea but it's really hard to imagine.. i dont know, if i stretch my imagination i would say a good context would be if you caught your mom knotted with a dog, you could reveal then not to feel ashamed because you did the same?
im not saying there is no single case it is s good idea but it's really hard to imagine.. i dont know, if i stretch my imagination i would say a good context would be if you caught your mom knotted with a dog, you could reveal then not to feel ashamed because you did the same?
Ok, I’ll concede on that one hahaha
I like this question and the responses, but no. Going slightly off topic, I might eventually tell one friend of mine who ive spoken to and thinks that bestiality is ok under the context that its just licking. Maybe in 5 years or so I'll tell him. As for my parents, my mom may eventually find out but thats in the waaayy far out future, and I might eventually tell my other relatives. Ironically, out of my family, my parents are least likely to find out first
as trivia i may add that in the past mostly in the countryside guys fucking animals werent THAT uncommon and were ... well, maybe not accepted as we understand it now, but it was mostly a reason to laugh at guys who are horny but struggle to pick up a girl. So it was kinda kink... they were seen as perverts but id say they were accepted even though laughed at... women were a whole nother story, for some reason they were seen as worse than babylon whores... i really dont know why... perhaps because if a woman wanted sex she wouldnt have any problem in finding a partner regardless of her looks.. so relations with animals could be seen as some sort of unclean, demonic, maybe satanic... i wonder what would contemporary people say if such secrets were to be massively revealed?
as trivia i may add that in the past mostly in the countryside guys fucking animals werent THAT uncommon and were ... well, maybe not accepted as we understand it now, but it was mostly a reason to laugh at guys who are horny but struggle to pick up a girl. So it was kinda kink... they were seen as perverts but id say they were accepted even though laughed at... women were a whole nother story, for some reason they were seen as worse than babylon whores... i really dont know why... perhaps because if a woman wanted sex she wouldnt have any problem in finding a partner regardless of her looks.. so relations with animals could be seen as some sort of unclean, demonic, maybe satanic... i wonder what would contemporary people say if such secrets were to be massively revealed?
It may just boil down the proverbial double standards still perpetrated today. A guy who gets around is a stud and sowing his wild oats, a woman is considered a slut. It’s wrong, and unfair.
Why would anyone ever want to tell their parents about something like this?? Hell, I can barely deal with it myself. I can’t imagine how they would feel. It’s like people who flaunt their sexuality and push it in people’s faces (while everyone knows it’s an act only to attempt to normalize something that is very abnormal in hopes that people will think they are proud of it)...no way. Just keep it to yourself. It’s a no brainer, even if you tell them EVERYTHING, this isn’t one of those things.
Should we tell out kids when we have them then? lol
My mom is how I learned people did that, she showed me a pic of some girl she went to highschool with and her husky. She pointed to them and said everyone at school thought she had sex with her dog or was in love with him, she'd full on make out with him in front of people apparently. It was a black and white siberian husky in her senior photo. I was like 9
My mom is how I learned people did that, she showed me a pic of some girl she went to highschool with and her husky. She pointed to them and said everyone at school thought she had sex with her dog or was in love with him, she'd full on make out with him in front of people apparently. It was a black and white siberian husky in her senior photo. I was like 9
But also definitely think my mom was zoo, or at least into beast
Plus, do parents need to know much if anything about their child’s sexlife?
Do parents need to know about their children's significant other though?

There is a difference between people for whom this is just kink—who are maybe not even into animals themselves and just love to see someone get pounded by a critter. There is no reason to tell such details about one's sex life to one's parents. It's not them same as with those whose boy- or girlfriend is an animal and always will be, who will never have children. Parents normally don't ask about sex details, but they are interested in their children's partner for life and they are interested in grand-children. And from the perspective of zoos ... maybe they are not proud of being the one who has sex with animals, but they may be proud of their partner and not feel well about denying him or her.
as trivia i may add that in the past mostly in the countryside guys fucking animals werent THAT uncommon and were ... well, maybe not accepted as we understand it now, but it was mostly a reason to laugh at guys who are horny but struggle to pick up a girl. So it was kinda kink... they were seen as perverts but id say they were accepted even though laughed at... women were a whole nother story, for some reason they were seen as worse than babylon whores... i really dont know why... perhaps because if a woman wanted sex she wouldnt have any problem in finding a partner regardless of her looks.. so relations with animals could be seen as some sort of unclean, demonic, maybe satanic... i wonder what would contemporary people say if such secrets were to be massively revealed?
There is also more of a virginity cult around women. Maybe it's because of their hymen, maybe it's because they are the ones who would be left with a bastard child in case of unprotected pre-marital sex with a man, maybe it's because of a cliché that they would be the more beautiful, pure gender ...
I was 15 went i was caught, with the family dog. I was in my bedroom on the floor on all fours, the dog was fucking me like a hammer. when my sister walked in the room. At first she just stood there watching me, there was no way of getting him off me. I thought she would tell my partents but she never did.

Today she always jokes with me, How are your two four legged boyfriends today?
So fucking hot
I was 15 went i was caught, with the family dog. I was in my bedroom on the floor on all fours, the dog was fucking me like a hammer. when my sister walked in the room. At first she just stood there watching me, there was no way of getting him off me. I thought she would tell my partents but she never did.

Today she always jokes with me, How are your two four legged boyfriends today?
Let me guess, browsing history? :eek:


Long story short.... years ago when i was still living at home i somehow stumbled upon a porno magazine and in it was an ad for exotic videos, particularly one with humans with horses... can't remember if it was solely women or not. So one day i got the courage to gather up the 80 something dollars for it and mailed it.

I waited for months... it never showed up. Fast forward about ten years when i became an adult and moved away. I stopped in to visit mom on my way through the area and not sure how it came up but we ended up talking about about weird sex stuff wind the kitchen table. Then out of the blue my mom said she had a video that showed up years ago in the mail which involved horses..... i was speechless.... she offered to go get it for me but i was like "meh it was something i was interested in back then because anything involving horses drew my attention and was just curious of how a woman could take something that big. Just dumb curiosity while going through puberty." I was currently married at the time of that incident but i'm sure she has had a good clue aboit me with horses since she knows just how much they mean to me and how horse obsessed i am. Heck i had a horse and never dated or brought girls home like normalvteenage boys so I'm sure she put two and two together over time. Actually she was shocked when i got married lol.

But even though i highly believe she knows that is not a conversation i need to have with mom!
My dad died early in his 50s. ....20yrs ago I told my mom. I have been married for over 30 years...wife knows....we separated for a while but back together... with separate bedrooms. I went through a period in 2000 when I first got on the net and found others like me. Realized I was in love with my mare....That was when I told my wife, Mom, and others. I’m almost 70.... you all seem quite a bit younger....
Overall the reasons to tell the people we love, is because we hate so very much to keep lying to them. We are not criminals....but the laws have made us criminals. I am honest to a fault.. Anyway....keeping my true zoo feelings inside was eating away at me...I was deeply in love with my mare and wanted to share that with others. Somehow, I felt safe as part of the “zoo community” and this was our “chance” to come out just like LGBT........Boy was I wrong..
Well all of that changed of course through the years...that being said....my Mom was understanding..... she is now gone.....several close friends know and are still supportive, but it is all underground again. Now I do not tell anyone else. ...I guess I had to modify my feelings to look at keeping such a secret as just being private.....especially in today’s climate.
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