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Did you tell your parents about your zoo interests?

Have you told your parents about your zoo interests?

  • Yes (I told my parents)

    Votes: 90 8.5%
  • No (I did not tell my parents)

    Votes: 974 91.5%

  • Total voters

I did just tell them that I’m asexual since I haven’t had the desire for human sexual contact in months. It’s only 1/2 true but they probably don’t see animals as legit partners so it was a good enough answer for them.

My dad once said “people who are sexually attracted to animals are fucked in the head!” so needless to say I’m not planning to entrust him with my true sexuality.

My mom is a lot more open minded but it’d probably be really awkward but I might give it a try someday when I have a zoophilic relationship that’s well under way.

For now and probably forever, I’ll have to lie through my teeth and come up with reasons why I don’t want to have a girlfriend or get married.
Nope, I'd rather take take it to my grave!
My mum is rather chatty with her friends and me and my siblings, so chances are somebody who'd go rabid about it could overhear it. Also, she had a 'ew, sex' attitude talking to us which rubbed off on me and caused me to have a borked view on sex. So probably not the best topic to discuss with her :/
I guess my father wouldn't mind as he is somewhat open-minded, though. Nevertheless, I won't try my luck. There's just nothing to gain vs. potentially causing a lot of drama and putting my gal in danger.
No i never told my parents, i think they also never knew but i think they did see me watching some dog porn sometime, i never heard anything about it or talked about it, my dad died about a year ago my mom watches my dog when I'm not able to be with him, she often asked why i do not neuter my lab, i awnser only iff for health reasons he has to, i do not see a point why i should......
I would never tell them that!
Although once my sister saw my cell phone when I had fallen asleep and there were dog videos on it, obviously she reacted badly and told me.
But actually I suspect she likes it because she sometimes mentions the subject about it.

now you made me doubt about it, remember i told you ? lol maybe she likes it, lol
My parents know. They caught me sodomizing our dog when they found out. We are nudists so the situation wasn't as bad as it could have been. I did initially feel kinda weird when I pulled my dick out since I wasn't sure what they'd think, which is why they had to catch me.

They talked about sex with me for a while and told me I'm getting to be that age. Worked out since it allowed me to open up and become more free with it all. In the end my brother too. Basically they said no sodomizing the dog since this could hurt them.

I became more and more comfortable with it as time went on. It got to the point where the dog mounting me in the other room was a common occurrence. I'd also let the dogs lick me as I'd jack off, either dick or butt depending on my mood.
I told my brother about my attempt with the family dog years after it happened [didn't manage to get him to mount me though :( ] and that fucktard told my mom, I then had to talk to her about it.
Oh man. My situation is kinda funny. When I was 15 I stole some porn from my dad's closet. Just an unlabeled DVD. It happened to be horse porn. A woman sucking/jacking off a monster xock and being sprayed by a huge load. A couple days later he texts me and tells me he knows what I took and would I politely return it?

But I guess I never told him I loved it and I never stopped looking for more. ?
No I have never told anyone although one of my ex girlfriend did find some of my history on my computer and there was alot of it and she also new that I was on some beastiality chat site and went on there and chatted to me and I told her not knowing it was her about making love to the female dogs it didnt end the relationship but it was not her thing
I never told them but i know my mom is into it as well. Years ago i found a zoo movie on her laptop when i accidentally opened a folder. I did not say anything and just continued doing my thing. I have no interest in having sex with animals myself i prefer watching woman into it but not my mother! So that's why i won't be open about it, since it doesn't benefit our relationship it can only make it awkward potentially.
now what a conversation that would be, mom, dad, one or the other, you know my dog Baron?? well I'm his bitch, yeah, that would go over well, NOT!! who in their right mind ever would.
Maybe they get mad and tell you to get your own dog :LOL: just kidding. I agree sexual desires should be kept private especially these. I would only be open about it if my partner was into it as well.
Pretty sure my mom is oblivious, but I think my dad suspects, and I suspect my dad may have had sex with the mares he grew up with a time or 2,,,,,,,,,If he could have found a bucket tall enough to reach draft mares!
I'm pretty sure my mom knows after all her weird comments when we were going on vacation two weeks,
She asked me how are you going to do without your three four legged boyfriends?

She herself has a Rottweiler boy and has had many other male dogs before,
So I answered her do not you think I have heard you for many years when I lived at home then she said you have a point I give up.
I'm gonna say yes.. but it was more of a forced yes?
Mom walked in on me fondling the family dog's sheath with my dick out at like 12 and we had to sit down and have a talk about it.
Fun spin she admitted to doing stuff with her dog as a kid too >_> I guess zoo is genetic for me lmao
Frankly, if I could I said. Not because I want, but because I am burdened by all these secrets and I want to get rid of them, I want to be honest, but I understand that I can not do this. I do not regret who I am, but I understand that the truth is sometimes too wrong for others. So no, I didn’t.
It's not lying to not tell anyone. It's part of you that you choose to keep private.