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Did you tell your parents about your zoo interests?

Have you told your parents about your zoo interests?

  • Yes (I told my parents)

    Votes: 90 8.5%
  • No (I did not tell my parents)

    Votes: 974 91.5%

  • Total voters
Staying strong. Even after being told by a so-called "friend" to just kill myself.
That's not happening. If anything, it's just motivates me more to move forward and become successful. Show everyone how wrong they are, ya know? :)
You get some free supportive hugs my friend. My father without knowing it painted a bullseye on my back with his statement about how all zoos should be shot years ago while giving a blind eye to my brother being a homosexual.
I hear you. It’s why I keep my pack small, it’s much easier to manage fallout and keeps trust. I actually told one of my fiends last night. He’s cool with it. I wish you had more luck. Stay bullet proof my man.
Yeah smart idea bud. Alot of folks pretend to be allies while intending to do us all harm or rat us out so others can do us harm. I wish all of you here good luck and true friendships.
My brain has pretty much turned into swiss cheese at this point. Cancer.
Maybe that's why I've been so open about everything with everyone. I'd be lying if I said that I'm not terrified, but at least I have the luxury of dying at home.
Speaking of dying, I don't plan on taking my own life. I want to live as long as possible, but after recent events and the fact I cannot control my actions, that's where I get terrified.

I don't post here often and of course I've never met any of you personally, but I want to thank you. Being so kind to just some random guy on the interwebs does help. Especially since I'm at a crossroads and don't really have anyone else to talk to.

Oh my ...
I keep my fingers crossed that you will have some more good experiences and find peace during your time, CaptainK9, and that it may last as long as possible while you want it to last.

PS: It's more than two years ago that a vet said that my dog would only have a few days left. And while life has not been as easy as when he was young, he is still here today and had many enjoyable moments since then. :)
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Oh my ...
I keep my fingers crossed that you will have some more good experiences and find peace during your time, CaptainK9, and that it may last as long as possible while you want it to last.

PS: It's more than two years ago that a vet said that my dog would only have a few days left. And while life has not been as easy as when he was young, he is still here today and had many enjoyable moments since then. :)
Thank you :)
I'm so happy to hear that your Pupper is still hangin' in there! I can't imagine life without mine. A 13 year old Husky.
She's been quite ill lately which adds to my depression. So much so that I've been sobbing a lot lately.
She actually saved my life yesterday afternoon. I was suffering from another Transient Ischemic Attack and she came to my aid. I love this Dog with every fiber of my being, It'll be hard, but I'm gonna stay alive long enough to keep her safe <3
I wish I could but they would only hate me and shun me it's a burden to not tell but o would rather have them in my life then not
The less my parents know the better. And on the same coin, I ask why would my parents need to know? It would not do them, nor I any good for them to know. Of course I have also never been one to feel the need to tell friends or anyone else for that matter. The less people that know that I am zoo, the less people with knowledge they can out me with.
I did not tell my parents explicitly that I am a zoophile, but I have a feeling that at least my mother maybe knows. And that would be a good thing, since nothing bad happened so far.
I made a few mistakes in the past, if you add those together I may start looking a bit zooish which is why I think she knows.

I also openly told my parents on a few occasions that I jerk my dog off (every day). Obviously I did not tell them I use my mouth to do it. :gsd_wink:
I got away with it because I have evidence that masturbation was used and is used by professional dog handlers to calm the dogs down before exhibitions or work for example. My dog is extremely horny and probably partially because of that quite distracted outside and aggressive towards other male dogs. Jerking him off does actually help a bit so that was my excuse.
I’ve actually considered telling my dad. He’s extremely understanding and supportive. He knows a lot of my other... let’s just say interests, because he is actually very active in the kink community and has acted as a safe place to talk about things with someone I trust. No, nothing has happened between him and I. Just talks on how to be safe, what kind of kinks and taboos are out there, etc. I feel like overall he’d accept me.
Didn't have to tell my biological dad. He wasn't surprised and even made sure I was properly educated about what I was getting into.
Didn't tell my mum, but she probably suspected something was different about me sexually. She simply let my biological dad handle it.
Most definitely didn't tell my stepdad and was strongly advised against it by both my mum and biological dad.

FYI, my brother found out and was fine with it. Just not his thing is all LOL
Didn't have to tell my biological dad. He wasn't surprised and even made sure I was properly educated about what I was getting into.
Didn't tell my mum, but she probably suspected something was different about me sexually. She simply let my biological dad handle it.
Most definitely didn't tell my stepdad and was strongly advised against it by both my mum and biological dad.

FYI, my brother found out and was fine with it. Just not his thing is all LOL
Have you posted any stories of your adventures learning about being a zoo with your dad and then further into your life?
I was 15 went i was caught, with the family dog. I was in my bedroom on the floor on all fours, the dog was fucking me like a hammer. when my sister walked in the room. At first she just stood there watching me, there was no way of getting him off me. I thought she would tell my partents but she never did.

Today she always jokes with me, How are your two four legged boyfriends today?
you need to realize that HUMANS have religion, animals have no concept of it. So we are in fact a special species in that regard.
I have a theory about this. Don't animals have weird behaviors that once followed around for years scientists figure out why? Well humans are smart enough to realize the finality of death and fear it, resulting in religious behaviors as a form of coping with our inevitable end.
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