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Did you tell your parents about your zoo interests?

Have you told your parents about your zoo interests?

  • Yes (I told my parents)

    Votes: 90 8.5%
  • No (I did not tell my parents)

    Votes: 974 91.5%

  • Total voters
I'm pretty sure my mom knows after all her weird comments when we were going on vacation two weeks,
She asked me how are you going to do without your three four legged boyfriends?

She herself has a Rottweiler boy and has had many other male dogs before,
So I answered her do not you think I have heard you for many years when I lived at home then she said you have a point I give up.
Cats don't make dogs...
I told it my ex girlfriend last night. We are 8 years apart and we have become good friends. She cursed me that I could have told her before. We are talking about everything. She asked how long i know, that im zoo ... I told her that before we were dating ... She hugged me and said she liked me ? ps: we were dating one year when i was 16, she was my last girlfriend..
Lucky man.
If my parents were alive I don't even think I could approach them to tell them. They were very much the norm of older America even though they were both in their 40s when they died. (Airplane crash back in 2015) I just don't think their minds were open enough to accept it. I kind of think they would have tried to reason with me to stop it.
Sorry about your loss of your parents.
No I never told them and I never will. That being said I have long suspected that they knew what I was up to when younger on the farm. There were so many signs. Coming home smelling like sheep everyday when I had no business smelling like sheep. Then when I was a bit older and active with the family bitches all of the noises that came out of my room every single night. It was never discussed but I've thought about it so much in the decades since and really can't believe they didn't know what was going on. I've considered talking to them about it many times but they're old now and happy that I'm married and living what outwardly seems a normal life so I see no upside to shaking that up.
I didn't really have to tell my mom, she kind of walked in on me. On my bed, on all fours, dog on my back, she just said dinner would be ready in 20 minutes and lock the door next time. I was 19 then, I'm 31 now..... she never brought it up again.
I didn't really have to tell my mom, she kind of walked in on me. On my bed, on all fours, dog on my back, she just said dinner would be ready in 20 minutes and lock the door next time. I was 19 then, I'm 31 now..... she never brought it up again.
Wonder if she ever talked to anyone asking what she should do, if anything at all. A good outcome though. I bet you still lock the door from habit now. lol
My mother always knew that I was a bit different but she didn't know how that would develop. As it turns out being antisocial since early on in life is a sign that you might end up here. She confronted me about it and we talked for a few hours and she understood that I was built different but will always be a little confused about what it is that I am exactly. The rest of my family need not know the truth because they will not understand at all mostly because it's overly complicated and all they can think about is its illegal and against what they believe in. So my mother is covering my ass and that's a debt that I can't repay.
I didn't really have to tell my mom, she kind of walked in on me. On my bed, on all fours, dog on my back, she just said dinner would be ready in 20 minutes and lock the door next time. I was 19 then, I'm 31 now..... she never brought it up again.
That's very fortunate, plenty of stories where that went terribly wrong for everyone involved.
Sounds like what I'd do if I caught my potential future kids in the act. Maybe she's wise on her own experience on the subject and didn't think much of it beyond that.
Although I would try to talk with them later just to make sure everything and everyone is ok and safe.
My Mom found out in my mid 20s. I left something I had downloaded on the computer. I could have blamed it on my brothers, or my Dad, but I admitted to watching it because I liked it. She, was, livid. She didn't speak to me for a solid 6 months or so. Lot of good that did her cause it's been years since we've talked now. She liked the fact I was a lesbian even less than that I was into dog porn. Could only imagine if she found out how many years I had been fucking dogs in her house for. Wouldn't doubt for a second she would call the authorities on me.
I'm pretty sure my mom knows after all her weird comments when we were going on vacation two weeks,
She asked me how are you going to do without your three four legged boyfriends?

She herself has a Rottweiler boy and has had many other male dogs before,
So I answered her do not you think I have heard you for many years when I lived at home then she said you have a point I give up.
My ex that goes me into this was the same, her parents referred to her K9 lover as her BF also. I was just a guy friend lol?
That’s a no for me but power to you and anyone who does. being that transparent would just stress me out cause I couldnt undo it