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Did you tell your parents about your zoo interests?

Have you told your parents about your zoo interests?

  • Yes (I told my parents)

    Votes: 90 8.5%
  • No (I did not tell my parents)

    Votes: 974 91.5%

  • Total voters
If my parents were alive I don't even think I could approach them to tell them. They were very much the norm of older America even though they were both in their 40s when they died. (Airplane crash back in 2015) I just don't think their minds were open enough to accept it. I kind of think they would have tried to reason with me to stop it.
im extremely sorry to hear about your parents, mine are both gone as well but of natural causes. i cant imagine what you and your family went through. my heart goes out to you.

That being said, I grew up without a dad adn am now estranged from my mom so I basically don't have parents, to be fair.

Though I was raised by grandparents, and I'd literally rather be shot than have them know. Though like the poster above, I DID find a sexy novel in their room one time that was from the 60s or 70s and had a scene with a girl being mounted... this was way after I found out about zoo

That being said, I grew up without a dad adn am now estranged from my mom so I basically don't have parents, to be fair.

Though I was raised by grandparents, and I'd literally rather be shot than have them know. Though like the poster above, I DID find a sexy novel in their room one time that was from the 60s or 70s and had a scene with a girl being mounted... this was way after I found out about zoo
Sorry about your family. :(
Guess i will never understand why any one ever would tell their parents.
The same way i don't want them admitting they are swingers or anything else sexual to me.
They do NOT need or want to know in most cases
my adopted parents are no longer with us. but no i wouldnt tell them, they were born in 1934 for gods sake.
My parents probably have known forever but I never actually told them. We had a farm with boy dogs that I used to spend a lot of private time with in the outbuildings who would sometimes get worked up when I came around ? later found out other family members were very into it so I guess I got the gene
Depends on what you mean by "interest". Unlike a lot of people on here, my interest in zoophilia is a curiosity and not a fantasy. Technically, I'm not sexually interested in animals OR humans. That said, I'm very curious about what sex means to others and zoophilia is a major focal point in that. I've mentioned my curiosity in it to my father before and he admitted to finding it an interesting topic. If my interests were sexual in-nature though, I wouldn't tell either of them. They're both open-minded and probably wouldn't care, but zoophilia is immoral to a lot of people. It's hard discussing your sexual fantasies with others when they're outside the moral status quo.
my parents just know better then to ask about it. when ever im back at my folks house and my mom starts getting uppity, i just lay down and spoon the fk out of my dog, or if shes really unruly.. I tell her if you want me to keep listening you gotta jingle the dogs balls.. (then i go ring a ling a ling a ling while i wiggle my two fingers under his sack) shuts her up and works every time. Nothing says uncomfortable silence like sexualizing your dog in front of your parents.

protip - because uncomfortable silence ... is still fuckin silence.
one time when i was in highscholmy mom waked in while i was watcing this video clip of hector the old great dane just going to town on a girl in a green wig.. she was horrified and ran out of the room yelling and then continued to screa, at me about it on a coupe different occasisons.

but now at least she learned to Knock!

and she wont go anywher near my computer to boot.
i never told my parents.. they actually saw pictures of me preforming oral on my dog online. my mom was so good at figuring out my usernames and what websites i would join, i was around 12 years old when it happen but when tumblr was actually a decent website... RIP.. i uploaded pictures of my in the dog house preforming oral sex on my male dog to tumblr, at the time i had no idea what tumblr really was and thought it was a safe place.. was i freakin wrong lmao. the word got out to my dad, the neighbor and also my birthmom (i was adopted at birth) (was an open adoption) my birthmom freaked out, told my uncle that has a girlfriend and a wife.. who now disowns me to this day but yet.. a wife and girlfriend? so the word went from california all the way to bum fuck missouri. after the fact.. my mom made me delete the pictures and then my parents told me they dont care what i do just dont do it around them.
Had to change my vote to "yes"
I told them last night in a drunken stupor/depression.

I'll be dead (if I'm lucky) in a few days so I'm trying to let everyone know of my [so-called] sins. Needless to say, I can no longer speak to them but it's ok. I guess there's worse things than having an intimate moment with a dog. Not mine though, she's more like my child. Mine was with a friends' Border Collie. His tongue was majestic. I also confessed this to my friend and he was a bit freaked out so I asked him that if he didn't approve, to punch me in the face. He did. lol
Wow They would have killed both me and my sister.
I need to hear this story. Would you care to enlighten us on it ?
Did you both discover the joys of playing with the dog, together or was it a separate occurrence ?
If it were a separate occurrence, who discovered it first ?
How was the other person introduced to it ?
Sorry. I have question.
Had to change my vote to "yes"
I told them last night in a drunken stupor/depression.

I'll be dead (if I'm lucky) in a few days so I'm trying to let everyone know of my [so-called] sins. Needless to say, I can no longer speak to them but it's ok. I guess there's worse things than having an intimate moment with a dog. Not mine though, she's more like my child. Mine was with a friends' Border Collie. His tongue was majestic. I also confessed this to my friend and he was a bit freaked out so I asked him that if he didn't approve, to punch me in the face. He did. lol

Well, maybe things will have lightened up in a few days. Of course I don't know your friends and parents and I don't want to sound as if I knew better. So just in general: sometimes things come as a surprise/shock, and after some time people realize that both the world and the person is still the same as it was before an outing. So I hope it goes well for you.

As for dying in a few days ... Are you serious? Do you have a terminal illness? ? Otherwise get help?
Had to change my vote to "yes"
I told them last night in a drunken stupor/depression.

I'll be dead (if I'm lucky) in a few days so I'm trying to let everyone know of my [so-called] sins. Needless to say, I can no longer speak to them but it's ok. I guess there's worse things than having an intimate moment with a dog. Not mine though, she's more like my child. Mine was with a friends' Border Collie. His tongue was majestic. I also confessed this to my friend and he was a bit freaked out so I asked him that if he didn't approve, to punch me in the face. He did. lol
What Tailo said. :(

If you are depressed, the first thing I should say is don't hurt yourself. If you really have a need to, get yourself some help.

I also want to say I've been down that road, I know what it's like. Seriously, please don't do anything reckless. :(

There are people here on the forum whom you can talk to, who can help you with this.
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Had to change my vote to "yes"
I told them last night in a drunken stupor/depression.

I'll be dead (if I'm lucky) in a few days so I'm trying to let everyone know of my [so-called] sins. Needless to say, I can no longer speak to them but it's ok. I guess there's worse things than having an intimate moment with a dog. Not mine though, she's more like my child. Mine was with a friends' Border Collie. His tongue was majestic. I also confessed this to my friend and he was a bit freaked out so I asked him that if he didn't approve, to punch me in the face. He did. lol
I have a philosophy, "the futile thing is always there for you to do for as long as you remain alive. That option never goes away. Before doing something futile, try doing something crazy first. Before trying something crazy, try something more soundly advised. The futile thing to do is always there. That's the great thing about it: you never really lose that option, so you are free to try everything else first."
As for dying in a few days ... Are you serious? Do you have a terminal illness? ? Otherwise get help?
My brain has pretty much turned into swiss cheese at this point. Cancer.
Maybe that's why I've been so open about everything with everyone. I'd be lying if I said that I'm not terrified, but at least I have the luxury of dying at home.
Speaking of dying, I don't plan on taking my own life. I want to live as long as possible, but after recent events and the fact I cannot control my actions, that's where I get terrified.

I don't post here often and of course I've never met any of you personally, but I want to thank you. Being so kind to just some random guy on the interwebs does help. Especially since I'm at a crossroads and don't really have anyone else to talk to.
My brain has pretty much turned into swiss cheese at this point. Cancer.
Maybe that's why I've been so open about everything with everyone. I'd be lying if I said that I'm not terrified, but at least I have the luxury of dying at home.
Speaking of dying, I don't plan on taking my own life. I want to live as long as possible, but after recent events and the fact I cannot control my actions, that's where I get terrified.

I don't post here often and of course I've never met any of you personally, but I want to thank you. Being so kind to just some random guy on the interwebs does help. Especially since I'm at a crossroads and don't really have anyone else to talk to.
I'm so sorry about that. :( I'd wish you the best but it sounds like your case is pretty advanced. Maybe even terminal. :cry:
I could never. It would end i one of two way. They take it for what it is or probably my suicide.
a third opinion would be rich enough to make myself disappear. And I’m no where near that so I don’t like the 50/50 option in saying anything.
My brain has pretty much turned into swiss cheese at this point. Cancer.
Maybe that's why I've been so open about everything with everyone. I'd be lying if I said that I'm not terrified, but at least I have the luxury of dying at home.
Speaking of dying, I don't plan on taking my own life. I want to live as long as possible, but after recent events and the fact I cannot control my actions, that's where I get terrified.

I don't post here often and of course I've never met any of you personally, but I want to thank you. Being so kind to just some random guy on the interwebs does help. Especially since I'm at a crossroads and don't really have anyone else to talk to.
I feel that you are dealing with it very positively, then. I am glad that we have a chance to get to know you for a while.
Had to change my vote to "yes"
I told them last night in a drunken stupor/depression.

I'll be dead (if I'm lucky) in a few days so I'm trying to let everyone know of my [so-called] sins. Needless to say, I can no longer speak to them but it's ok. I guess there's worse things than having an intimate moment with a dog. Not mine though, she's more like my child. Mine was with a friends' Border Collie. His tongue was majestic. I also confessed this to my friend and he was a bit freaked out so I asked him that if he didn't approve, to punch me in the face. He did. lol
Well shit. Who strikes a terminal cancer patient?
I care for patients like that, and I have heard some crazy confessions, but never seen someone do shit like that. I don’t get taken back that easy and I had to step back 3 three feet. Your experiencing my very fear here and now. To be on your last round with life and to be shot down before you take your last breath. That’s saying something because I’ve had to take care of some real shit heads that did a lot of damage in there life. You don’t seem like a bad guy, I dont really know you but still. No words so I will roll you a imaginary joint and pass it around.
Well shit. Who strikes a terminal cancer patient?
I care for patients like that, and I have heard some crazy confessions, but never seen someone do shit like that. I don’t get taken back that easy and I had to step back 3 three feet. Your experiencing my very fear here and now. To be on your last round with life and to be shot down before you take your last breath. That’s saying something because I’ve had to take care of some real shit heads that did a lot of damage in there life. You don’t seem like a bad guy, I dont really know you but still. No words so I will roll you a imaginary joint and pass it around.
I asked for it. It didn't hurt at all.
Good to know your still with us my friend.
I lost someone this morning in my facility.
I was thinking of you and had to check in today.
Keep up the good fight. ✌
Staying strong. Even after being told by a so-called "friend" to just kill myself.
That's not happening. If anything, it's just motivates me more to move forward and become successful. Show everyone how wrong they are, ya know? :)
Staying strong. Even after being told by a so-called "friend" to just kill myself.
That's not happening. If anything, it's just motivates me more to move forward and become successful. Show everyone how wrong they are, ya know? :)
I hear you. It’s why I keep my pack small, it’s much easier to manage fallout and keeps trust. I actually told one of my fiends last night. He’s cool with it. I wish you had more luck. Stay bullet proof my man.
Hum that would be suicide for me. Considering my father once said all zoos should be shot. Put them in the same category as pedos. Plus my parents are SDAs. They are just fine with my homosexual brother, other homsexuals, Transgenders, and cross dressers. They are also are big fans of eating all kinds of meat and not even giving any consideration to how most animals are treated in the Meat industry. Hypocrisy is one thing I will not tolerate and can not stand. So nope never told my parents. My brother is also a big hypocrite making all kinds of remarks about how disgusting he think zoos are, while being all cool about himself and all his fellow homosexuals, cross dressers, and transgenders he too is a big meat eater. So yeah not a good Idea for me to say anything about my interest in animals.
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