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Did you tell your parents about your zoo interests?

Have you told your parents about your zoo interests?

  • Yes (I told my parents)

    Votes: 90 8.5%
  • No (I did not tell my parents)

    Votes: 974 91.5%

  • Total voters
I have considered coming out multiple times in the past but have ultimately decided against it. They're relatively tolerant and I don't think they'd disown me, but I'm worried it will just make our relationship more awkward and distant.

I do think they already suspect it though, considering that since puberty I have had a strong interest in equestrianism but no interest in finding a human partner. They even occasionally make jokes about how I'll "marry a horse someday", without realizing that would be something I would absolutely love to do.
No but when Cupcake passed away and we buried him while I was really emotional I got the feeling my mom knew, I haven't asked her if she knows and I am not sure I want to.
Ive already disappointed my parents by coming out as gay which to them meant no grandkids. Then I told them id never marry cause i dont believe in it, which meant ive broken tradition. As the only child the family name dies with me.

If i told them i was a zoo id be afraid theyd kill themselves. I dont need to dig the hole deeper you know?
I think I have mentioned it before, but I am sure my Daddy knew, but he was such a gentleman he never said a word. It was only he and I and my amazing Charlie and, although I would never have dreamt of saying anything, I am sure he worked it out.
Well i told my mother, but it wasnt to come out or anything like that, it was purely to hurt her. Me and my brother grew up hearing her say nice things to us like"if abortion wasnt illegal back then.." so once we were safe and away from her i told her , my brother fucks me daily and i love it , oh and the dog too hope ypu die alone.
Well she was always a golddigger(not really good one)/hooker so as she got older she became alone and with almost 0 pension well it gives me pleasure to know she depends on us the ones she wanted to abort. We make sure she has bills payed and food but i couldnt be more cold to her if i were frozen. So i told her but i knew the response before i did .
now what a conversation that would be, mom, dad, one or the other, you know my dog Baron?? well I'm his bitch, yeah, that would go over well, NOT!! who in their right mind ever would.
Would they have to invite him to family dinner then?? :ROFLMAO:
oh hell no… when I first got my laptop as a teenager I accidentally left it in sleep mode after busting a nut to an anthropomorphic furry pegasus leather daddy full of hot gay sex and water sports… My mom decided to open my laptop that day…oops I forgot to shut down my browser… Suffice it to say the conversation did not go that great and we decided, after a week of not talking to one another, to collectively forget about the incident lol … she’s super fine with me being gay but I think finding out her son fucks animals would destroy her mental health. it’s a far cry from I have a fetish for leather men lol
Why would I tell my parents about that? If something really only relates to my private life, why would I burden my parents with it? I don't want to compare this to an ordinary kink like bondage, because I feel like that won't land right, so I'll explain it like this: if I were gay, and liked fucking men, but had zero intention of ever being in a relationship with one, meaning it only has to do with my life behind closed doors, telling my parents about it would basically amount to: "hey, mom and dad, I want you to know that I like taking random guys home and fucking them. I feel like it's very important for you to know what I use my penis for." It's just weird to do that. And, honestly, it would be weird to do that, even if you're straight, it's just that coming out isn't something that straight people ever have to think about, so being gay felt like a better parallel. If something is unrelated to my public life, my parents don't need to know about it, regardless of how accepting they would be.
In an ideal world my parents would have the emotional maturity and openness of mind to respond with respect, compassion and support. That's unfortunately not the world I live in, so my response is an emphatic: HELL NO.
My first two dogs died almost at the same time old age. I was very heartbroken, losing them hurt for almost a year. That's when I told most of my friends and parents. Many people already guessed, so nothing happened.
Why would anyone in their right mind do that?! People get too comfortable when they spend some time on this forum thinking that the outside world thinks the same way. It's sweeter this way when no one knows.
Pratically quite all of my parents know not cause i told but because they found me in sexual act with animals. But they never talk me about this and me too
I'm heterosexual, not zoosexual. I do naughty things with male dogs sometimes. I'm pretty sure my parents would find it disturbing if I told them. My mom is a totally innocent old lady.. growing up my parents slept in separate beds, in separate rooms. One time she asked me questions about my sex with an ex and it was the most awkward/uncomfortable conversation I have ever had in my life. I like to avoid all of that.
Then you’re more than heterosexual lol
My dad probably knows, not that I told him. My brother also probably knows. Several of my close friends I grew up with know, but because I told them. I remember asking back on Knotty.me years ago whether it would be a good idea to tell them and it certainly hasn't been a bad decision thus far in my case. It's very hard to live life as a genuine person while also comprehensively masking that aspect of how you express love. I don't think I would want to have this conversation with my family though even if they were accepting of it, so we just let it be. Aside from being on the receiving end of the occasional beast joke or referring to my dogs as my "harem".
My dad probably knows, not that I told him. My brother also probably knows. Several of my close friends I grew up with know, but because I told them. I remember asking back on Knotty.me years ago whether it would be a good idea to tell them and it certainly hasn't been a bad decision thus far in my case. It's very hard to live life as a genuine person while also comprehensively masking that aspect of how you express love. I don't think I would want to have this conversation with my family though even if they were accepting of it, so we just let it be. Aside from being on the receiving end of the occasional beast joke or referring to my dogs as my "harem".
calling the dogs your harem sounds like they envy you.
Haha, I guess there are some pretty clear benefits to canine lovers
Yes. apart from some people housing small pigs, then cats and dogs are the only species generally accepted to be held inside our house. While cows, sows and goats are not. So to keep them as your companion at least a hobby farm is needed.
Someone wrote about taking his partner (a dog) to his room - while I had to refrain. My family would certainly hear my cow comming up the stairs ?
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Parents doesn't know, only my bf and one friend knows about my kinks. I have normal life with my partner but I'm open for experience with big dog in future.
Parents can't know, dad may be very disapointed, but I think mum may accept it. She always saying "If You are happy, I'm happy with Your happiness" haha ?

No. I will never talk about my sex. My sex life is not my parents business. My sex top secret.
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