I think some of the people here saying "Why would you ever, ew, this is basically incest" and shit must have some pretty repressed relationships with their parents (Which doesn't mean "Bad" just exactly what I said, repressed) But yeah in case some of the more positive stories in this thread don't spell it out clearly, not everyone has a completely stunted relationship with their parents and not every parent raised their kids to never address the concept of sexuality in front of family. Not every person from every culture is so closed off about completely natural aspects of the human experience. And no, I'm not talking about those weirdo made up "open family" incest fantasies that people won't stop posting all over the internet whenever they get the chance lol.
I was raised by a single mother and she never had "The Talk" with me and my siblings growing up. She didn't because sex was not considered a taboo topic at any point even in our childhoods. She answered any questions we had to the best of her ability, keeping in mind our maturity levels. I understood what sex was anatomically for as long as I can remember, quite literally cannot recall a point where I did not know that the P goes in the V and makes a baby. And she was also open (but not obscene or explicit) about having a sexual life. It wasn't weird because we were not taught to see it as weird. I think people often end up having similar relationships with their siblings and discussion of sexuality, so I don't know why this concept becomes so foreign with regards to parents.
That said, to answer the question still; no I haven't and no I never will lmao. I think my mom loves me enough to turn a blind eye to it, but no way in hell would she actually be accepting or okay with it. It would poison her view of me forever, and in particular the passion for animals that has become part of my identity in the way my family perceives me. I am "the animal guy" and even if I wouldn't be under threat of legal repercussions or physical abuse, it would be absolutely suicidaly miserable to deal with that irreversible shift in how they look at me. I have absolutely 0 suspicion that anyone else in my family has similar proclivities.
But I do understand why people feel compelled to open up about it. I also hate the lying and the secrets. And as someone who was raised not to be avoidant of the entire subject of sexuality, it is painful to have to be closed off about this specifically when its so dominating of my life. Its not about talking kinks and fetishes with your parents, I thought we were all on the same page that being a zoo meant significantly more than that. I don't want my family to know how or when or why exactly I want to fuck my dogs. I just don't want to hide the extent that I love them. And I don't like that I can't make comments about having crushes or being attracted to animals. In the same way someone would mention thinking a coworker or a media celebrity was cute. Its not that weird.