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Did you tell your parents about your zoo interests?

Have you told your parents about your zoo interests?

  • Yes (I told my parents)

    Votes: 90 8.5%
  • No (I did not tell my parents)

    Votes: 974 91.5%

  • Total voters
Yes, my Father does , my stepmom, stepbrother and my aunt does know, happened back when they found out, then my father's newly wed wife also found out but they keep to themselves and accept it, still bit judgemental but as I do accept their choices, I keep all to myself and what's happening at my house where I have more privacy doesn't concern them ...
Has anyone told their parents about their zoosexuality? I did years ago, and I kind of regret it, because now whenever I say "someday I will get [animal]", one of them says "are you going to have sex with it"? It's an annoyance that I can't undo.
I'm in my early 30s, but when I was about 16 I went into my parents office at home while they were gone to check out a website I accidently stumbled across at school in computer lab.

I liked the Beastie Boys, but when I searched it at school it lead me to a beastiality website. I wanted more so I saved the url and googled it at home while parents were away.

Well they checked the history tab on the computer and found out. Mom sat me down at the table and had a talk with me. Don't think she ever told Dad, but mom confessed she was a zoo and said some things Dad doesn't need to know. Makes sense since we always had 3 dags at all times and how Dad told me she would share ice cream cones with them.

Some years later I was getting off an overnight shift at McDonald's and pretended to go to sleep while parents and brothers left to the grocery store. We just got the first male dog, parents always had female. And I had experiences in the past with friends dogs and wanted more. So I slipped into parents room after they left, let chocolate out of his crate, pulled my pants down and helped him mount me. Right as we started, sure enough I see parents pull right back in front of the glass door and Dad caught me red handed.

I think they always knew. Parents aren't stupid. I'm sure most parents know if you are a zoo or not and just don't address it. I watched a documentary of a 40 year old woman finally confess her interest with her parents on liking horses and dressing up with a bridle and horse tail and all, and they were happy to get their daughters confession. They were happy because she was happy.
I think some of the people here saying "Why would you ever, ew, this is basically incest" and shit must have some pretty repressed relationships with their parents (Which doesn't mean "Bad" just exactly what I said, repressed) But yeah in case some of the more positive stories in this thread don't spell it out clearly, not everyone has a completely stunted relationship with their parents and not every parent raised their kids to never address the concept of sexuality in front of family. Not every person from every culture is so closed off about completely natural aspects of the human experience. And no, I'm not talking about those weirdo made up "open family" incest fantasies that people won't stop posting all over the internet whenever they get the chance lol.

I was raised by a single mother and she never had "The Talk" with me and my siblings growing up. She didn't because sex was not considered a taboo topic at any point even in our childhoods. She answered any questions we had to the best of her ability, keeping in mind our maturity levels. I understood what sex was anatomically for as long as I can remember, quite literally cannot recall a point where I did not know that the P goes in the V and makes a baby. And she was also open (but not obscene or explicit) about having a sexual life. It wasn't weird because we were not taught to see it as weird. I think people often end up having similar relationships with their siblings and discussion of sexuality, so I don't know why this concept becomes so foreign with regards to parents.

That said, to answer the question still; no I haven't and no I never will lmao. I think my mom loves me enough to turn a blind eye to it, but no way in hell would she actually be accepting or okay with it. It would poison her view of me forever, and in particular the passion for animals that has become part of my identity in the way my family perceives me. I am "the animal guy" and even if I wouldn't be under threat of legal repercussions or physical abuse, it would be absolutely suicidaly miserable to deal with that irreversible shift in how they look at me. I have absolutely 0 suspicion that anyone else in my family has similar proclivities.

But I do understand why people feel compelled to open up about it. I also hate the lying and the secrets. And as someone who was raised not to be avoidant of the entire subject of sexuality, it is painful to have to be closed off about this specifically when its so dominating of my life. Its not about talking kinks and fetishes with your parents, I thought we were all on the same page that being a zoo meant significantly more than that. I don't want my family to know how or when or why exactly I want to fuck my dogs. I just don't want to hide the extent that I love them. And I don't like that I can't make comments about having crushes or being attracted to animals. In the same way someone would mention thinking a coworker or a media celebrity was cute. Its not that weird.
As a child I was caught playing with a dog once. So maybe my mom thinks it was a one time things.

But I would never tell my parents.
Same, once I got caught watching zoo porn when my dad looked into my search historic while cleaning my computer :gsd_nervous: (noob move I know but I didn't know about private navigation at the time)

I denied it was me (even if no one was ever on my laptop) and the topic was never mentionned again
Why is it that it is considered in the same group as pedophiles
We are NOTHING like those who are evil enough to ruin a child's life.
because dogs have similar brains to a 2-4 yo kid (even if adult animals are sexually mature and has a fully grown brain mature unlike a child or a teen), people view their pet as their innocent "babies" who should not be able to feel sexual needs and also because it is considered rape as animals can not consent according to ignorants

Kids just like non humans can consent to stuff by the way if you look into gentle/positive parenting, but I think the difference is that adults non humans will just enjoy the moment and don't care abour realizing what is happening (it's just I like it or not), where kids don't really know how to consent yet as juvenile and pedophilia is based on abuse

To be honest I don't really know the science between a kid's and a non-human's brain but to me it's nothing alike when it comes to that subject... But no sex with kids for sure.
My mom knows and accepts me. As for my dad, I've never told him. Because knowing him, he'd just be grossed out and tell me to shut up lol.
Are you insane? No lol. It's really not important that they know anything serious about my life. I'm into bdsm too but they don't need to know that either. If they asked me directly I probably won't deny it.
Definitely not and wouldn't ever. When it comes to this, the less people know it the better it is. I'd only trust, if at all, fellow Zoos and that too very selectively.
no, but i also haven't told my parents im into BDSM, or exhibitionism, or anything else, because my sex life is none of their business.

my partner knows, though. she's fine with it.
This is kinda related... Basically, I don't live with my family but I have been with their Saint Bernard a few times when I have visited. I just wonder if by doing that, he would be more likely to hump the rest of them. Granted they are not naked and presenting themselves for it.

In other words, even if I haven't told them, I wonder if they noticed a change in his behavior and they secretly suspect me of doing so.
This is kinda related... Basically, I don't live with my family but I have been with their Saint Bernard a few times when I have visited. I just wonder if by doing that, he would be more likely to hump the rest of them. Granted they are not naked and presenting themselves for it.

In other words, even if I haven't told them, I wonder if they noticed a change in his behavior and they secretly suspect me of doing so.
Hot how did it feel to be bred by Saint Bernard they have huge dicks
Lmao what a question! ?

Of course not but my mum noticed because she accidently found my diary with written stories related with wolves and vampires. I didn't have to tell, she just asked me "do you like fairytales like this?". So I admitted I like fantasy and tales with wild animals, succubi, vampire stuff, gothic etc.
Lucky me because I never had problems with parents about my interests.

I actually made a post about these experiences, with some pictures. Let's just say I got the knot in, but I pulled it out before it swelled up too much ? I'll get around to being with him again someday, but more prepared for it!
I been there too pulled it out before it swelled up thought I was prepared and realized how big the knot was
This is kinda related... Basically, I don't live with my family but I have been with their Saint Bernard a few times when I have visited. I just wonder if by doing that, he would be more likely to hump the rest of them. Granted they are not naked and presenting themselves for it.

In other words, even if I haven't told them, I wonder if they noticed a change in his behavior and they secretly suspect me of doing so.
The interesting thing about beastiality is that it's stretches so far from the imagination of most people, no one would guess. I would assume that unless there is a glaringly sexualized vibe that you two overtly shared, no one would assume something has happened. Dogs generally get horny.
The interesting thing about beastiality is that it's stretches so far from the imagination of most people, no one would guess. I would assume that unless there is a glaringly sexualized vibe that you two overtly shared, no one would assume something has happened. Dogs generally get horny.
When I was younger, I came across polaroids of my mom nude with her then boyfriends German Shepherd stting next to her. There was no interaction, the pic was very suggestive. Years, later I recall her saying that the same boyfriend "used to fuck his dogs". It kinda blew my mind that she would say it out loud and secondly, say it as if she were removed from the situation. Needless to say, the polaroids are how I got turned on by this lifestyle. To this day she has no idea that I have seen these photos nor would I even see a reason to tell her. I also do not see my mom in a sexually atractive manner, although I did objectify and sexualize those polaroids at the time. FYI...if there are any women who would like to roleplay, I am open....be my mommy please. hahahahah
One sister knows, the rest of the family does not. Couldn't imagine how the rest would react. But knowing how they know me I doubt they would be shocked too much.