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Deep quotes you heard or made up?

The chances of meeting someone here is close to that of winning the lottery. Very few will get the opportunity, even fewer more than once
It's impossible for a perfect world to exist because without imperfections, you couldn't prove it's perfection
"A revolution forged in bloodshed can justify any kind of violence as long as it proclaims to have a cause."
"It’s the little things that kill. The things you don’t notice until they’re hurtling toward you. The tiny things you forget about until all of a sudden they’re critical."
"I've seen the future. Know what it is? It's a 47 year old virgin sitting around in his basement drinking a banana broccoli shake singing I'm an Oscar Meyer wiener."
Ergo Sum. (Therefore I am.)
In a world where her bridge was built, this fool decided to build her own.
Thats two. Second one I made up.
"The heart does not recognize boundaries on a map, or wars or political policies. The heart does, as the heart does."
Was it here I saw the drawing ? Not sure.

Death with his cloak and scythe is in a house to claim a man.
He laughs and point fingers at him “you can‘t take me, I am in the living room!”
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I can’t make a decision on an issue 10 minutes from now, next week or next month…or yesterday. I can only choose for the now