compare which deeds ?"A word of advise. Never compare your lover to your mother."
We are a social media too, better ? ?I just said this to a friend:
“social media success is based on the amount of interaction you receive, not the quality of interaction”
Zooville is a web forum, not social media. Social media includes algorithmic recommendations, engagement statistics, and often some sort of financial opportunity for influencers.We are a social media too, better ? ?
web forums are part of the original social media. modern social media is what blogs and forums became after they were run through the capitalism machine.Zooville is a web forum, not social media. Social media includes algorithmic recommendations, engagement statistics, and often some sort of financial opportunity for influencers.
so my quote still applies.web forums are part of the original social media. modern social media is what blogs and forums became after they were run through the capitalism machine.
That is sadly the mantra in many companies ?"Dilution is the solution to pollution"
You can if you ally yourself with the one true lord.One does not simply enter the gates of mordor
“One does not simply enter the gates of mordor“ has nothing to do with religion - it is a quote from the movie “The Lord of the Rings”You can if you ally yourself with the one true lord.
And I should ad that some hobbits called Frodo ‘the lord of the ring’, but Gandalf scoulded them and said the lord of the ring was Sauron.our lords and saviors, gimly and gandalf
Yes, and I was saying that you should worship Sauron. He is a god afterall, well angel if you want to get technical, but what's really the difference?“One does not simply enter the gates of mordor“ has nothing to do with religion - it is a quote from the movie “The Lord of the Rings”
Let's see now... On one hand we have a flaming eyeball atop a tower, and on the other hand we have a flaming bush atop a mountain.Yes, and I was saying that you should worship Sauron. He is a god afterall, well angel if you want to get technical, but what's really the difference?
Tolkien was a contemporary and friend of CS Lewis. Lewis regularly criticized Tolkien for not making Middle Earth more blatantly christian. Tolkien argued "I'll use it for base inspiration and general archetypes, but I'm not making it a proselytizing mouthpiece like Narnia".Let's see now... On one hand we have a flaming eyeball atop a tower, and on the other hand we have a flaming bush atop a mountain.
Yeah, I don't see the difference either.