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Deep quotes you heard or made up?

"A grave is not to be dug hurriedly or shallowly. Anytime a life is taken it is worth a moment's reflection and a proper resting place"
Zooville is a web forum, not social media. Social media includes algorithmic recommendations, engagement statistics, and often some sort of financial opportunity for influencers.
web forums are part of the original social media. modern social media is what blogs and forums became after they were run through the capitalism machine.
(As he waters down motor oil in the front yard) "Dilution is the solution to pollution" -My Dad.

He was such an ass at times, but I miss him :LOL:
"Optimistic literary aphorisms never really stand much of a chance against the meat-hook realities of life."
Yes, and I was saying that you should worship Sauron. He is a god afterall, well angel if you want to get technical, but what's really the difference?
Let's see now... On one hand we have a flaming eyeball atop a tower, and on the other hand we have a flaming bush atop a mountain.
Yeah, I don't see the difference either.
Let's see now... On one hand we have a flaming eyeball atop a tower, and on the other hand we have a flaming bush atop a mountain.
Yeah, I don't see the difference either.
Tolkien was a contemporary and friend of CS Lewis. Lewis regularly criticized Tolkien for not making Middle Earth more blatantly christian. Tolkien argued "I'll use it for base inspiration and general archetypes, but I'm not making it a proselytizing mouthpiece like Narnia".

If you're not familiar with the greater Middle Earth lore. The universe was created by Eru (Illuvitar in the language of the elves), God. Eru then created the Valar and the Maia, analogous to great and lesser angels. He then led them in song, in which they "created" the world. During the song one Valar, Melkor (satan), grew proud and attempted to corrupt the song and make it his own. When the song ended Eru pointed out into the void and the Valar beheld a barren world. He then sent those who wished to onto that world in order to bring the song to life. On the barren world the Valar, each with legions of follower Maia, wielded their godly powers to sculpt the world and create the vision the song had given them. Melkor, with the blessing of Eru who said even his discord was actually part of his divine plan, descended onto the world together with the Valar and continued to corrupt their works. Melkor became known as Morgoth and was defeated at the end of the 2nd age. Sauron was a Maia in service to Melkor who sought to continue his work through the 3rd age.

Gandalf and the other Wizards are Maia in service to other Valar who were tasked with keeping an eye on Sauron without directly interfering.
"A fool cannot be brave, for one must understand the danger one courts in order to act bravely in the face of that danger.”