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Deep quotes you heard or made up?

Or : “You can’t love moms too much” ?
Yeah, I didn't love my mom, not past my early teens when I became capable of conprehending what she put us through and what kind of life she wanted us to have if she had managed to get custody.
"I'm in an abusive relationship with life. It keeps beating the hell out of me and I'm too cowardly to leave it."
Once in a zoo, some small German kids saw an arctic fox in winter fur.
They yelled “guck mal, ein Eisbär” = ‘look, a polar bear’
It is difficult to assess its size when it has only been seen on television !
“Marshmallow farms are in danger of going bankrupt in Canada due to global warming” ~potatoY the comments section from both sides was ?
England lost two wars to America, then America twice came Englands defense.

your children may be rebels, but no one picks on your family but you.
Two percent of people think;
Three percent of people think they think;
And ninety-five percent of people would rather die than think.

-George Bernard Shaw
"I've learned, the only time a man has the right to look down on another, is when he needs to help him stand up again"
Gabriel García Marquez.
"A man of the highest virtue does not keep to virtue and that is why he has virtue. A man of the lowest virtue never strays from virtue and that is why he is without virtue. The former never acts yet leaves nothing undone. The latter acts but there are things left undone. A man of the highest benevolence acts, but from no ulterior motive. A man of the highest rectitude acts, but from ulterior motive. A man most conversant in the rites acts, but when no one responds rolls up his sleeves and resorts to persuasion by force." - Lao Tzu on the near forgotten concept and ever present danger of Fake Virtue.
"It will be okay in the end, and if it's not okay? Then it's not the end"

Say that one a lot in my day to day
Think it's attributed to John Lennon
"I found that if you have a goal, that you might not reach it. But if you don't have one, then you will never disappoint."
"The alternative to talking is not talking. And I do not believe that not talking with our adversaries has any chance of turning them into our friends."