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Deep quotes you heard or made up?

“I dont know what happened to you but it could be any number of explanations. Hallucination, telepathic communication from another race, repressed memory, momentary contact with a parallel reality. Take your pick. The universe is such a strange place. “

The Doctor to Tuvok.
Star Trek Voyager S3e2
All right

Wild child full of grace
Savior of the human race
Your cool face

Natural child, terrible child
Not your mother's or your father's child
Your our child, screamin' wild

(An ancient lunatic reigns
In the trees of the night)
With hunger at her heels
And freedom in her eyes
She dances on her knees
Pirate prince at her side
Staring into the hollow idol's eye

Wild child full of grace
Savior of the human race
Your cool face
Your cool face
Your cool face

You remember when we were in Africa?

Wild Child​

The Doors

"It's really cold outside, they are calling it a major freeze, weeks ahead of normal. Man, we could use a big fat dose of global warming!"

Twitler, 10/19/15
“Sunshine don’t fear death respect it you never know when it’s coming ok you can’t run from it you can’t hide from it live everyday like it’s you last day ok sunshine but responsibility Always comes first and nothing else but when it comes make sure you have already made peace with it I love you sunshine” last words my great grandmother told me before she passed away