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Deep quotes you heard or made up?

"Humans live to consume, and their appetites are endless. They drop garbage on the ground wherever they go. Earth is like a house they lit on fire but continue to live in. They use Earth's resources to make ugly things, like teal croks and truck nuts."
"I appreciate mythical creatures, alright I really do... well, expect for mermaids. You know, where do they get off sittin' up on rocks all high and mighty expecting you to ask them out on a date. I mean, why they so stuck up? I mean, if you half fish you gonna smell all like fish. You understand?"
"I do not understand why humans celebrate their births. Everyone who is alive has been born, it is not special. A birthday party is just a participation trophy."
"Your attention please. Those of you flying with us today, please remember that your carry-on luggage must remain with you at all times, and small children must be stowed under the seat in front of you."
"If a people can be made to hate that which is unlike, they can be distracted from the decay amid their own kind.”
"To bring a light into the darkness does not end the darkness, but only reals how puny, how weak, how finite is the light."
Isn't it interesting that the only difference between "Therapist" and "The rapist" is one teensy little piece of nothing-at-all?

(This dark thought brought to you by your friends at 'Things That Make You Go "Hmmmmmm...🤔", Inc.' )
"Hard times make people strong.
Strong people bring easy times.
Easy times produce weak people.
Weak people cause hard times."

- quoted on the radio as a friends saying