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Bad Genie

Granted, but you didn't specify which direction..you are now a seed...

I wish I knew anything about digimon...and could fight a cactus with ease
Granted, but you didn't specify which direction..you are now a seed...

I wish I knew anything about digimon...and could fight a cactus with ease
Granted. Digimons are born from eggs. Here are you boxing gloves. ??En garde!

I wish I would win.
Granted, every guy who sees the movie it just laughs and laughs at the child murder

I wish I had a dollar for every time I have blinked in my life
Granted, but you have to go to take it on your own from an asteroid near Jupiter.

I wish I would live in a cyber punk dystopia.
Granted, your cork penis is so buoyant that when you try to bathe you cannot get in the tub, so you just have to splash water everywhere and hope for the best

I wish I could learn magic (not the card game)
Granted, you have now learnt how to pull an extremely buoyant cork penis from a hat.

I wish I didn't have to live in a hat.
Granted, it's so high you can't get down from it.

I wish the hat tilted and were placed in Pisa, a Pisa hat.