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Bad Genie

What do you mean by not being a sexy one? That's confusing. Granted. You can fly but never land again. I wish I could own the quantum realm.
Granted. You only earn $25 a day due to alcholic addiction. I wish I could seize control.
Granted, but you now lack genitilia.
I wish I could become sober by saying a command word. xD

granted. the command word is Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, and it must be said without any mistake.

Granted. You only earn $25 a day. I wish I could seize control.
granted. you may seize control of household appliances and wash dishes and clothes with your mind.
You didn't make a wish, so I'll make one for you.

From this point forward your clothes will never be dry, no need to thank me, it was the least I could do. ??
Edit: Just realised you did. Granted, their voices turn out to be like Lenny's from Of Mice and Men.

I wish I was able to hold my breath underwater.
Granted, but every body of water is below freezing due to climate change, so you can only stay submerged for a minute tops

I wish I could talk to my dad again........he's fine, just busy lol
Granted, "new" to you lol

I wish my dick was magic so I could fuck the world
Granted. You can now change the world's history worse, never better.

I wish I had unlimited resources.
granted. an infinite amount of mass fills up the entire universe, and everything implodes under the pressure and the immense gravitational force.

i wish in my mind i could see and hear things happening in far-off places without actually being there
Granted. All you can hear is the silence of the cold, dark vacuum of space.

I wish I could defeat God.
Granted, but now you are in a tournament of the gods and your next opponents are the norse ones.

I wish I was more popular with the ladies.
Wait, if you're a woman why would you need to do that?
Granted. All the grandmas in town dote on you.

I wish I had a motorcycle.
Granted. It's a 1960s vintage bike and it's beyond repair and can't be used for salvage parts.

I wish I could know the secrets of the universe.
granted. you have now reached a state of such immaculate enlightenment and wisdom that, by comparison, all other people seem brutish and foolish, and you cannot stand to be in the company of other people, for they are either unable or, more likely, unwilling to "get on your level".

i wish my closet door was a two-way portal into an extradimensional space, leading to a wide plane consisting of a fantastical wilderness scape, full of a variety of biomes and creatures
Granted, however you lost the key and can only listen to the fun everyone is having on the other side of the door

I wish I had a key to Shanoirll's closet