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Bad Genie

Granted, but teleporting means disassembling every last atom of you body and reassembling it in the other location, which also comes with the price of losing your consciousness. You'll still be alive, and you'll still have all of your memories, everyone will still see you as you, but you will no longer be you. You would be a different person and your consciousness will cease to exist.

I will I could also teleport... but without all that! Lol
Granted, now I'm free!


I wish people would stay 6 feet away from me regardless of covid.
Granted. You could be a genius. But you're not smart enough to figure out how.

I wish for my own starship.
Granted, but where ever you go, you'll only be treated with the same quality of service that people would treat your husky with.

I wish that animals which have human superstitions and legends attached to them which call them evil and incite mindless hatred toward them could be freed of their undue bad reputations.
Granted, humans no longer fear them, unknowing, that deep inside, they really are evil and are slowly plotting their plan of attack against us

I wish milk foam on my coffee would stay warm a little bit longer
Granted, the foam sucks all the heat out of the surrounding air to keep itself warm with, leaving the room so cold that everything gets freeze-dried.

I wish that I could see deleted youtube videos.
Granted, but you can't choose which deleted videos you get to see, they play at random.

I wish my skills on the piano would improve a bit.
You mean explicitly? 'cause our moral framework kind of depends on that already being true.
yeah that was the joke lol
I wish I weren't so tired right now.
granted, you will now never know when your body needs to sleep until your brain forcefully passes out after three straight days

i wish that i could remotely see and hear things.
granted, the plate appears before your face then falls onto your computer and smashes and makes a mess.

i wish that barry b benson from the bee movie was real
Granted, but now all predatory animals starve to death due to their pacifism.

I wish that sasquatch and nessie hunters had better camera equipment
Granted, now the thread gets locked and we cant play anymore.

I wish that computers could be powerful enough and the software would exist to actually simulate an entire functioning world
Granted, but it's so convincing it's impossible to tell which is which.

I wish that I could remember what I was going to type here a minute ago.
Granted, every time it rains you get pelted by a hail of hard candies.

I wish I had a fox pelt. With a fox still attached.
Granted, the skin is dead, but the flesh under the skin lives yet.

i wish i could represent e as a ratio of two integers
How horrific! The fox thing is pretty bad too.

Granted. Having broken mathematics, you are now convinced reality is based on false principles.

I wish for a flying car. Like in The Jetsons, except quieter.
Granted. You are now the subject of UFO sightings and whenever you fly your flying car, the News wont stop talking about aliens for weeks.

I wish the texts from the Library of Alexandria were preserved.