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Are all you folks already on the new forum (Zoocadia)?

I won't deny that Wolfspirit's announcement comes off very zooier than thou, and so that's how he portrays the site. I would say just ignore that and check the place out for yourself. Your own two eyes are less likely to give you any bias.
Absolutely! It's amazing, and please enjoy it. But I'm kinda tired everywhere people trashtalk kinksters.
To me it depends on what type of kinkster you're talking about. Someone that has some non-harmful kinks but is also a loving zoophile? Don't have any problems with them. Someone that pushes their kinks onto literally everybody, waving their dick around to everyone, whether or not is was asked for or even warranted, and only sees animal as sextoys and objects to merely fulfil a sexual fantasy? Yeah... that's not very okay at all.
I don't really get the point since most admins and mods there are also admins and mods here, and they are even the ones that got the rules here on ZV each time more strict.

It reminds me of the episode of The Simpsons when Springfield and Shellbyville founders got separated over the rule of "marrying cousins", but here the issue was dick pics as avatars :husky_laughing:.

Here for the sections I don't like I just don't look at it. And since this new forum doesn't have a Spanish section, I can't replace it, or I will lost contact with zoos from my own country and continent that don't speak English.

ya those usually just turn into a circle jerk of people patting them self's on the back for how much zooier than thou they are. so ya think I'll skip it.

this forum strength is the diversity of thought ensuring you can get useful practical answers to things in life in general.

I agree. I only see 2 futures for this new forum:

1) The rules will become each time more strict and the place turning so niche, that will only be left with a few active users while the rest were banned or left out of boredom.

2) Considering over there more women probably won't "lie" or "hide their condition", since they are less prone to be harassed, then lots of new users will register (even if you put more barriers) to bomb them with DMs, just like it already happened with the first version of ZV, and they will change their profiles again, or just leave the forum.
So far I like it for what it is ??‍♀️… an less pornography is ok with me bcos I no watches that stuff. I like here too tho ?
It's hard to predict what the future will be for Zoocadia. It's always going to be smaller than Zooville, as ZV had the advantage of picking up where BF died. As much as I like ZV, unfortunately it inherited many aspects that many animal loving zoophiles consider problematic along with that. If ZCA dies, it dies, although it won't be due to a luck of funds nor dedication from the staff members. The past had shown that communities like ZoophilesForum could exist as it's own little isolated forum separate from what the goliath was at the time, BF. While ZoophilesForum was indeed way smaller than BF, it had it's own dedicated following of zoos, as it was more catered to them, as is the case with Zoocadia. So far, most of those that have joined ZCA seems to like/agree with the direction we're taking with it.

It reminds me of the episode of The Simpsons when Springfield and Shellbyville founders got separated over the rule of "marrying cousins", but here the issue was dick pics as avatars :husky_laughing:.
It's a little more complex that just that. There's no dick pic avatars allowed, no personal ads and "meet and fuck" sections allowed, there's no human only porn allowed, all porn uploaded cannot just be stolen and reposted, it has to belong to you, and the DF adjacent section is opt-in only. Otherwise the rules here are more or less the same there when it comes to speech, animal ethics, acceptable porn content, etc. Basically it's a more chill place for loving zoos to hang out at, that don't want to be surrounded by fetishists, wankers, catfish, and leg-humpers 24/7 10:1. As seen on here, those sections only work to attract people that are either sex addicts, hookup seekers, catfishes, and/or people that simply view bestiality as a degradation fetish. I don't hate ZV at all, but I'm not blind to the numerous issues it has either. Zoocadia is really just an attempt to correct some of the aspects that many others consider glaring issues. It is it's own little zooey space on the net.

Zoocadia has had a few users attempt to post meet and fuck threads, we removed them, and said user just doesn't come back, as it's not really a place designed for them, it's a place designed for zoophiles.

Here for the sections I don't like I just don't look at it. And since this new forum doesn't have a Spanish section, I can't replace it, or I will lost contact with zoos from my own country and continent that don't speak English.
There's many problems with that here, as most of our mods/admins only speak English. So those sections tend to be hard to moderate. For Christ's sake there was an ongoing cat fucking thread in the Russian section of the forum here that lasted for months. Why? Because literally none of the staff here speaks Russian so it went completely unnoticed and therefore unmoderated. It's issues such as these that Zoocadia doesn't wish to repeat.
It's a little more complex that just that. There's no dick pic avatars allowed, no personal ads and "meet and fuck" sections allowed, there's no human only porn allowed, all porn uploaded cannot just be stolen and reposted, it has to belong to you, and the DF adjacent section is opt-in only. Otherwise the rules here are more or less the same there when it comes to speech, animal ethics, acceptable porn content, etc. Basically it's a more chill place for loving zoos to hang out at, that don't want to be surrounded by fetishists, wankers, catfish, and leg-humpers 24/7 10:1. As seen on here, those sections only work to attract people that are either sex addicts, hookup seekers, catfishes, and/or people that simply view bestiality as a degradation fetish. I don't hate ZV, but I'm not blind to the numerous issues it has either. Zoocadia is really just an attempt to correct some of the glaring issues. It is it's own little zooey space on the net.

There's many problems with that here, as most of our mods/admins only speak English. So those sections tend to be hard to moderate. For Christ's sake there was an ongoing cat fucking thread in the Russian section of the forum here that lasted for months. Why? Because literally none of the staff here speaks Russian so it went completely unnoticed and therefore unmoderated. It's issues such as these that Zoocadia doesn't wish to repeat.

Of all those you mentioned, you can avoid most of them just not looking at those sections. The only real difference at first sight is the SFW avatars, and there is a still a big debate here, so it could be implemented maybe in the future, or at least having a switch to hide them.
And specially with most of you still being admins and mods here and having a lot of power (is not like you all left the staff positions or were kicked out).

I understand the only English rule, here in the Spanish section sometimes I see people violating the rules, and not being moderated (except for phone numbers or links). And people using the Spanish discussion section for ads when they have the Country section for that... But I wasn't asking for having different languages in your new forum, I was just giving the main reason why I wouldn't considering "replacing" one forum for the other, since I use English and Spanish sections 50/50.
Of all those you mentioned, you can avoid most of them just not looking at those sections.
Unfortunately you cannot, if they just hung out on those sections and didn't propagate all over the forum (minus the DF, as they're usually not brave enough to touch that) it would be easier to ignore. But the users unfortunately drag their horny leg-humping everywhere they go. From the Zoo-exclusive section, to the fun and games, to the general section. You have these users basically ruining the experience for everyone else because they can't just contain their horny, and will harass everyone else. Whether that's in the form of DMing dick pics, replying to women posting about their experiences with "Dat HAWT. DM me gurl ??", or basically expressing how animals are nothing but fucktoys to them all over the forum, or dragging their dick everywhere they post, being outnumbered 10:1 by these people brings down the entire place.

The other challenge is trying to moderate these people, such as when they post meet and fuck threads in the general section. It's about as easy as herding a hord of feral cats.

Basically these types of leg-humping responses will be deleted off of Zoocadia, as there's no rules against it here, but everyone voted for it to be a rule over on ZCA at nearly 100% "yeah, delete them." The other thing is that by having these sections omitted it doesn't give them incentive to stick around for very long. If they want to meet and fuck, they can stay here.

Is ZCA for everyone? No. But it is a place where zoos can actually have a discussion without 80% of any thread being overran by the leg-humpers.

OffgridK9Lover calls it "circle jerking" I call it being tired of dealing with their BS in every. single. discussion. on. this. forum. Tomatoes, tomatoes. ?‍♂️

But you're really only touching upon one way that the site differs from here...

And specially with most of you still being admins and mods here and having a lot of power (is not like you all left the staff positions or were kicked out).
While I don't like tooting my own horn, I believe I am one of the more liked staff members on here. But you have to remember that *I* am not ZooVille, *I* am an individual with my own personality and my own set of ideals. My main purpose on here is to enforce the rules of this website, which I do to a tee, but even though that's the case, that doesn't mean I'm blind to the issues this site has due to pandering to the leg-humpers. I still plan to admin here, yes, but I do want to also admin for a community I've created with basically a group of my pals that share similar ideals as myself.
I find it interesting that some are accusing ZCA of being a "holier than thou" or old guard only type place, yet I've felt very welcome there and I'm far from being a "household name" here.
I checked out that zoocommunity forum, looks familiar something about the head topic but not sure if it's the same one I saw, been few years back but it doesn't look pleasantly like here or on ZC. Don't know anyone's perspective of zoocommunity ?‍♂️
I tried to register on this website but I never received a mail for the validation of my account so I gave up.
Obviously if everyone is agreeing and have the same mentality will not feel that way for those members. The "holier than thou" elitist position is aimed from zoophiles/zoosexuals towards people who are not zoophiles, the kinksters. As if we are some sort of scum, that's the thing.
ppl commenting it's for "holier than thou" ppl are the ones who clearly didn't even check the place out.

if you like numbers, don't have the need to have a picture of a dick as your avatar and didn't secretly join to try to get someone to lend you their animal you'll be fine.

after you spend longer time on this one, you'll (hopefully) see why is the word "kinkster" often used as a synonym for "scum". if not, you might be part of the problem yourself. not having romantic feelings towards animals doesn't necessarily make you "scum", viewing them as sex objects for your gratification (up to the point of somehow feeling entitled enough asking someone to lend you theirs seems like a normal thing to do) does.
And I absolutely agree with that. Using anybody just for the sake of using them is scum behavior. But I've been called (in other sites) a world of things and ridiculized because I'm a-romantic, nymphomaniac (on meds rn) and fetishist. I love animals, I love my dogs, but for me they are my pets (in a good way), not my bfs, and a lot of people have trouble with that. And I'm not talking about the place itself, just the people who feel superior because they are zoophiles and not fetishists.
punching down is easy.
Punching down is the rest of the society with us. Like it or not, all of us here are abnormal.
and some ppl take solace in jabbing at those they deem "bellow them". and it's kinda understandable given how vile the usual fetishist seems to behave. female users staying in hiding or leaving is just the tip of the iceberg. there's none of that on zooville2.

i won't lie, i dislike fetishists too. borderline hate them. a-romantic is not a fetishist in my book.
I tried to register on this website but I never received a mail for the validation of my account so I gave up.
That's odd, I was going to manually approve your account, but I see that it's fully registered and it appears that you've made posts from it. It might have been around the time we were getting the email server switched over to a dedicated server.
That's odd, I was going to manually approve your account, but I see that it's fully registered and it appears that you've made posts from it. It might have been around the time we were getting the email server switched over to a dedicated server.
I was talking about the zoocommunity website not ZC my bad!
Obviously if everyone is agreeing and have the same mentality will not feel that way for those members. The "holier than thou" elitist position is aimed from zoophiles/zoosexuals towards people who are not zoophiles, the kinksters. As if we are some sort of scum, that's the thing.
Just my two cents. Zoophilesfourm I think could be considered hollier than thou considering they catered more towards horse lovers than dog lovers. But that was just something I heard a few times about.
And I absolutely agree with that. Using anybody just for the sake of using them is scum behavior. But I've been called (in other sites) a world of things and ridiculized because I'm a-romantic, nymphomaniac (on meds rn) and fetishist. I love animals, I love my dogs, but for me they are my pets (in a good way), not my bfs, and a lot of people have trouble with that. And I'm not talking about the place itself, just the people who feel superior because they are zoophiles and not fetishists.
I don't think being a-romantic with dogs means you aren't zoo. If you feel sexually attracted to dogs, even if you don't see them as partners, you are still zoosexual. Fetishists are the ones that just use the dog like an automatic dildo machine and don't care for the dog. Or then you have the voyeurs that just want to watch a women being fucked by a dog....
I don't know... If I'm a zoophile, owner and practitioner of zoosexuality myself hangin out in a zoophiles forum, I will feel "superior" and "holier than fetishists", for sure (in a zoo scale only). Frankly, I have not seen that radical approach in Zoocadia, yet.
I'm perfectly fine in Zooville ,I like to keep my online social life to the bare minimum. Going to multiple websites feels like advertising myself to get caught....plus they don't have the dumpster fire
I can agree with this. I was thinking of saying something along the lines of your reply.. I checked out the site and I just don’t feel the need to join.. And I know that’s okay. ?
I keep getting confused about those wanting a place where the "real" zoos can go.

I've heard for many years now that zoophilia is a sexual orientation. A sexual orientation CAN include individuals who are attracted to and who feel drawn to others romantically, emotionally, and/or sexually.

Since a fetish is a form of sexual gratification centered around obsessive sexual thoughts of something, then fetishizing animals is still zoophilia.

Go ahead and enjoy your website. I think it's nice to have a place for those that want no new perspectives to go and be boring. That way it leaves more fun for the rest of us. I enjoy diversity, yes sometimes diversity brings up some nasty elements of human depravity. However it can also bring up some of the most passionate experiences of human creativity that I wouldn't give up for anything. You don't have like it, but you do have to accept the truth.
Well, hell if I know. I'm sure I don't qualify, since my purity level is insufficient.
Shesh. It is not an elitist site.

You have 250 (2+ word) messages (not just "hawt" "moar plz" on the porn section), you are able to express ideas in written format.
If you have respect for animals, and your -only- purpose here is not just getting a woman to watch... you are probably as good in there as in here. ?

Ugh. Procastination is my middle name. I still need to create that acount
There's users on both sites I both adore and dislike. Honestly still come here for porn. I go there for non sexual topics.

I don't know what's the big deal one way or the other. They wanted their own place. I don't ever pretend to know anyone from one blog to another. I mean a lot of us have been online together for 20 years or so. We could have twenty websites for all I care.

I'll tell you though it's alot less new users begging for their first time over there. I hope it stays exclusive for their sake , they don't have nearly enough admins if it blew up.

It feels like a library as a posed to a seedy dive bar. Keeping in mind you can still get molested in a library.
Shesh. It is not an elitist site.

You have 250 (2+ word) messages (not just "hawt" "moar plz" on the porn section), you are able to express ideas in written format.
If you have respect for animals, and your -only- purpose here is not just getting a woman to watch... you are probably as good in there as in here. ?
Well, the thing is that I'm rather unsure about all that. I really do love my cats and dogs. According to the consensus opinion, that makes me a zoophile. Yay! Gold star for me! All I do with them is pet them and kiss them on the forehead, but that's no matter; I still have the gold star. Even if I fainted at the very idea of humans and animals having sex, I'd still be a zoophile anyway just because I love them, although that's obviously not the way society generally uses the term.

The problem is that I also find it very passionate to see women mating with animals. I didn't choose this attraction, but I can't wish it away either. Although I can express my desire about it in more than two syllables, and even write about it in an almost tasteful way, this makes me a fetishist, barely worth toleration even around here. Some people here have been pretty blunt about what they think of people like me. To me, it looks like they created a new site just to get away from our polluting influence.

So what am I then? Bearer of the gold star, or a fetishist? Anyway, what I'm getting at is it would be better to be a little less divisive. No matter what lines we draw here about who's a this or who's a that, society thinks of us all the same way.
So what am I then?
whatever the fuck you want. right now you seem to be someone who dwells on fucking labels way too much.

zooville2 is not some super-elite-tight-knit-haven-for-truest-purest-zoos-only thing. it just tries to keep the creeps (you know, no posts dick pic avatar dweebs who are there only to pester female users) away.

is one of your labels "a creep"?