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Are all you folks already on the new forum (Zoocadia)?

And there it is, @OP I never said the circle jerk was your intention of the site, just what they invariably turn into, why they all die in time.

And got 2 more rambs to process today. Been on a ginger garlic bend as of late, turned out amazing!
I love how you immediately bragged about how you kill animals.

Kinda shit i hope to get away from on a forum expressively for loving animals.
Been checking out that place since it went public.
And the "major" differences I have noticed are the absence of non-zoo porn, their "no personal ads or meetup" requests in the forum rule (even if they technically allow those in PM'a), their "free speech" area having some moderation, no human genitalia as profile pictures, and recent talk about possibly removing all fetishistic typed threads.

It's definitely not a forum for everyone, more of a place for animal loving zoo's to hang out without being outnumbered ten to one by horndogs and leg-humpers. A lot of interesting and genuine discussions are talking place there.
Sounds like a place that'd be super ideal for couples or people practicing that don't need losers throwing themselves at them.

Sadly someone of us are still out here relying on sites like these in the hopes of meeting someone thats shares this passion ?
Even if I fainted at the very idea of humans and animals having sex, I'd still be a zoophile anyway just because I love them, although that's obviously not the way society generally uses the term
I am sure that part you'd be fine there. You may or nay not call you zoo, but I do not know many "true zoos" demanding their friends to be sexually active with animals.

For porn and watching, this place is just fine, as well as for contacting woman for this purpose.

The other site might creep you if you dislike the general concept of sex with animals, but still a good place if you ever need help on problems you do not dare speak with vets or "norms".

Is it worth to you? Um. Not sure. That is for you to decide, but I do not see a door kicking your butt if you go.

Gold medal or  creep...
Eh! The world reserved "Creep" for US animal sex entusiasts. ?
Personally I might stick you a label of "kink" (in a friendly, non offensive way) only because you say you faint at the thought of sex with an aninal, yet, you like seeing a woman at it. ?
Still, you have anomals, care for them and will likely see them as more than a toy, so, yes, as long as you are not the harrassing type, you do not look as part of the problem.
Just a quick PSA (on my own accord) for any of you unaware, some of the Zooville mods got together and created a new zoo forum (which is pretty active) that is designed more for real zoos and to better keep out the fetishists, bestialists, kinksters and zoosadists that websites like this unfortunately tend to attract. If you understand the difference between those terms and you fully identify as a zooromantic, zoophile or zoosexual zoophile, come on and join the growing pack!

Did not know, cool!
That site is not ideal because they allow 13+ to register. Doesn't matter if no porn is allowed there, it still looks like grooming to any Fed, which is why I stay far away from there.
Agreed! Any site that involved any form of sexuality and under 18 yr olds is going to be crawling with undercover law looking to trap a pedo. I don't think this looks appealing to me at for that reason
Don't know if I have the patience to open a new account. Besides, I don't think that many people from Europe (and especially Poland) will join but maybe I'm wrong. Sometimes I wonder if I have to travel to the US to meet some zoo friends :D
I don't understand why everyone can't just be in the same place,
it feels like splintering into different websites will just isolate people trying to look for each other.
I've been trying to make friends with people in my area who would understand me for a while on this site,
but now I'm worried that everyone local might just be on another site.
I don't understand why everyone can't just be in the same place,
it feels like splintering into different websites will just isolate people trying to look for each other.
I've been trying to make friends with people in my area who would understand me for a while on this site,
but now I'm worried that everyone local might just be on another site.
Because people don't think alike and can't put them in the same bag. This didn't work under communism either.
I don't understand why everyone can't just be in the same place,
it feels like splintering into different websites will just isolate people trying to look for each other.
I've been trying to make friends with people in my area who would understand me for a while on this site,
but now I'm worried that everyone local might just be on another site.
It's not for everyone, no porn to speak of, no meetup ads allowed and no horny ass horndogs begging for shit 24/7. If that works for you join up, otherwise don't.
Fetish, zoo, etc there are levels of gray in everything. In started looking at animals sexually and affectionately from an early age. I went through years of denial, disgust with myself. Pushed it off only to keep coming back. If I did it over again could I have been zoo exclusive? Maybe I think so, but now I cannot without loosing so much I love today. So I relegate to myself it is a fetish, but feels more than that. My feelings are far more than wanting to fuck a warm animal hole. Yet I can't call myself zoo exclusive. Gray area
It's not for everyone, no porn to speak of, no meetup ads allowed and no horny ass horndogs begging for shit 24/7. If that works for you join up, otherwise don't.
I don't know why that couldn't have just been incorporated into some part of this site somehow.
I feel that people don't see any middle ground here.
There's so few people already.
It's hard to form any connections and personal understand when things are so fractured.
I understand that there are issues, I just don't understand why there can't be a more cohesive solution.
HAHAHA have you seen how alot of adult string a sentence together on these forums. Its worse than a 13yo. How an essay will prove who is an adult and who isnt is beyond me. There are many illiterate people out there. Im not and never will judge them but Im just saying :).
Many seem to want to blame this inability on texting/The Net in general but I believe it was always the case. The Internet has just made it readily apparent.
I don't know why that couldn't have just been incorporated into some part of this site somehow.
I feel that people don't see any middle ground here.
Porn, the ability to post hookup ads, the ability to put dick pics as your pfp... all of this has attracted a lot of folks who are only interested in satisfying the needs of their dick/clit. They're here, quite frankly they're the majority, and making a new section that is less porn oriented is not going to change that. Hell, we've GOT plenty of sections that are less porn oriented.

It's hard to form any connections and personal understand when things are so fractured.
I understand that there are issues, I just don't understand why there can't be a more cohesive solution.
If you've got a solution for this site, I'd love to hear it.
Probably to much hassle to set up different account again. I'm happy here as not very many people bother me. I do talk to some people but not that many. As people can be a bit standoffish until that get to know u properly. Which is understandable.
Zoocadia fulfills a need, but it's likely redundant. The concept of forums for exclusive groups isn't ideal; instead, a social bubble equivalent or forum groups with a filter for relevant topics would suffice. Unfortunately, Zoocadia lacks sections in other languages, which could pose challenges for those struggling with local regulations. Having been part of communities for over 15 years, I've noticed repetitive conversations even in purist forum groups. Perhaps a neatly organized FAQ-style website (not a wiki) filled with expert-contributed topics (e.g., debunking myths, comprehensive pet care guides) would better address basic questions.

but I don't want to get into criticizing an initiative, it's good to try something.

give me 1gb of disk space, 1 database and a subdomain and we'll get started :p
I do not think he left because of me. :D We almost did not interact at all. But we often hit issues with unclear translations.
I do not think he left because of me. :D We almost did not interact at all. But we often hit issues with unclear translations.
You have to rely on reports in a purist community, people will not allow indecent behavior to pass... otherwise come see me I will make you learn languages.
Zoocadia fulfills a need, but it's likely redundant. The concept of forums for exclusive groups isn't ideal; instead, a social bubble equivalent or forum groups with a filter for relevant topics would suffice. Unfortunately, Zoocadia lacks sections in other languages, which could pose challenges for those struggling with local regulations. Having been part of communities for over 15 years, I've noticed repetitive conversations even in purist forum groups. Perhaps a neatly organized FAQ-style website (not a wiki) filled with expert-contributed topics (e.g., debunking myths, comprehensive pet care guides) would better address basic questions.

but I don't want to get into criticizing an initiative, it's good to try something.

give me 1gb of disk space, 1 database and a subdomain and we'll get started :p
You are a funny guy.
I wont join simply because they are splitting hairs and treating folks just as others on other forums and sites treat every zoo. I have learned that it is simpler to ignore those types you do not like and those things you do not like and let them have their place and space. it is arrogant and very elitist to make a sight that is suppose to celebrate the freedom of loving animals and other people who enjoy it as well and than get pissed off when folks exercise that freedom and go running off to create something "better" that really is not . This is is exactly how the us went from being a truly amazing free country to the absolute nightmarish, restrictive, craphole that it is now, too many people wanting it their way.
It annoys you that there are people who hate the continuous dickpic avatars and read about it 10 times every day, how the butt is stretched apart a knot, how many liters of sperm flow on the ground or how wild it is to fuck a smelly male pig, how many people swapping fuck a female dog.

Life in zoophilia consists of other things besides sex. These people went to another forum to talk to each other. And now you are jealous that forum is working and more active than expected.
If they stay here and you would be chased out of here with the restriction of fetishes by amending the regulations, you would be upset. But not. We went ahead and made our own forum, and left this one untouched for you. But you don't like that either, you disparage.

Fuck off.

I've wanted to ignore you before, but now I actually do.
But then isn't this post a bit pointless in a way it's going to get more people like zoosadists to join the site. Plus people can just pretend to be someone there not when that join be changing usernames.
I haven't been a part of this community for terribly long, so I'm not totally certain I understand whether I fit into those categories or not...
Zoosadism aside, if only because that one is obvious and I really can't stand such shit.

I'm into beasts in a sexual capacity and somewhat romantic? I wanna git a stallion wifey and I have a sexual attraction to some other animals such as pigs and canines... But I don't know what that makes me.