I will never get a badge. Other users already received it after 10 comments, after 40 comments they already had a reaction score of over a thousand, just because their name is what it is.
I have always been a dubious judgment at ZV and other places, I will never achieve the same results as others, no matter how much I work for it. If my name were Floofynewfie, even a smiley face comment would receive 150 likes in an hour. This is the same for all other users, based on their history. The community prefers older members and members with consistently positive reviews.
This is why such functions are switched off on our forums.
I don't kiss ass any forum, they all have their faults and advantages. I just use it, that's the job of a user. If I find it boring, I logout.
I like ZV, I like ZC, (I also like Floofy

), I will say good and bad about both forums because this is the fair and neutral one.
And of course, sometimes it's good feelings to mixing shit.