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Are all you folks already on the new forum (Zoocadia)?

I will never get a badge. Other users already received it after 10 comments, after 40 comments they already had a reaction score of over a thousand, just because their name is what it is.
I have always been a dubious judgment at ZV and other places, I will never achieve the same results as others, no matter how much I work for it. If my name were Floofynewfie, even a smiley face comment would receive 150 likes in an hour. This is the same for all other users, based on their history. The community prefers older members and members with consistently positive reviews.
This is why such functions are switched off on our forums.

I don't kiss ass any forum, they all have their faults and advantages. I just use it, that's the job of a user. If I find it boring, I logout.
I like ZV, I like ZC, (I also like Floofy :husky_ohmy:), I will say good and bad about both forums because this is the fair and neutral one.
And of course, sometimes it's good feelings to mixing shit. :ROFLMAO:

They got more reactions because they were in the fun and games area. Not because everyone knew each other. But I won't take away from you being right. Continue.
They got more reactions because they were in the fun and games area.
And they add likes each other's meaningless game comments because they know each other or their ZV background. On such sections, the reaction signals should be turned off or counter zero, e.g. It raises members to a high score who do not even comment in relation to zoophilia. It should also be set here on ZV. Games comments and reactions have a value of 0.

btw, I know UR20Z he writes comments to make people fall at each other's throats. :)
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i don't think it's even a secret some sucking up is happening over there. "household names" do have what seems like ten times the reactions to their post count, happens here too it's just more hidden in the noise.

i can see @UR20Z getting bored on zooville2 rather quickly if he does decide to join. "not nice" replies are getting deleted which is fucking hilarious.
i don't think it's even a secret
It's no secret, it works like this everywhere, but its maximum could be moderated by ignoring comments and reaction points in insignificant section areas. And this is something that ZV could also learn from. After 10 very hot comments in the porn section, private messages are allowed.

"not nice" replies are getting deleted
Did this happen in ZCDF? I did not see in the zoophile sections that there was a deletion.
Anything can happen in the DF part, just like here. I avoid it by far. Maybe I should do the same here.
you're not a mod there, are you? how would you see a deletion?
was in introductions
Xenforo can issue a moderator/administrator rank, while looking like a normal user.
Of course no.

They must have had their reasons. I'm a dubious user, many people don't like me, none of my posts have been deleted. If someone was deleted, it was for a good reason.
New forum... I still have logins from other forums I never use, and when I am in two places at the time I usually fade from both. Um. Got to think about it.

No wankers and no genitals pfp sounds good.
On the other hand one of the reasons to join here was finding zoos near me. Found just a few, but on the Spanish subforum. Most are not go to English sites and in fact I never encountred any in past encarnations of English only forums.

Another was finding some of the old farts I used to talk to, but have not identified them here, so not likely to find them there either.

And the 50% ratio... ugh. That will take a lot of mutual back scratching if you are a frequent poster and you do not
a) post "content" -porn or fun and games- or
b) post aiming to piease. (limiting your posting and manner to get some reactions so you do not down your ratio)
Just cheched the most frequent posters. Most are under the ratio.
I know I would not qualify as I am
Here only 8 would qualify, some for porn uploads, other cause they are staff and get many reactions when they solve some big annoyance.

Well. All alternatives are good to consider. Bookmarking ?
i don't think it's even a secret some sucking up is happening over there. "household names" do have what seems like ten times the reactions to their post count, happens here too it's just more hidden in the noise.

i can see @UR20Z getting bored on zooville2 rather quickly if he does decide to join. "not nice" replies are getting deleted which is fucking hilarious.
Are you ok? I mean you seem very hung about something.
And the 50% ratio... ugh.
No. 0.5 ratio:
100 comments, 50 points.
1000 comments, 500 points.
10000 comments 5000 points.

And Floofy checkd reaction point stuff, reactions cannot be turned off separately. Either it works everywhere or nowhere. Unfortunately, this is Xenforo's fault.
It's annoying because it's a paid forum system and you'd expect something like this to be customizable. :rolleyes:
And users would have been happier if the score was more reflective of professional knowledge in zoophilia rather than the "count to infinity" stuff. Does not matter.
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I hope it works out for you. I'm completely turned off by like half of this forum but I find it's fairly easy to avoid the stuff I don't like.
100% agree its hard to even be here sometimes because of some of the stuff I really have no need to want to join anywhere else and honestly been losing interest here so its kinda complicated.
Are you ok? I mean you seem very hung about something.
i am. luckily for you it also has nothing to do with you or your unfortunate presence on zooville2.

you can hide your uno cards, i'm going back to not giving a shit. generally speaking, nothing in particular... zero desire to be "the loud one"
It's not about ego its about not having to encounter gross individuals and videos that are fetishist, bestialist, borderline zoosadist and all around specist. An actual zoo is not someone who is ok with the objectification of nonhuman animals like sex toys and disrespecting them. Then there's the endless dicks in users' pfp. Not sad to see that non-existent either.

If it's listed safe then I'll give it a try, i feel odd when a kinky weirdo with a gross photo and a profile full of crap decides to follow me on zv...

Sorry @Octavian i quoted your answer by mistake ?
i am. luckily for you it also has nothing to do with you or your unfortunate presence on zooville2.

you can hide your uno cards, i'm going back to not giving a shit. generally speaking, nothing in particular... zero desire to be "the loud one"
You should still go to therapy and work/talk off that discontent.
i am. luckily for you it also has nothing to do with you or your unfortunate presence on zooville2.

you can hide your uno cards, i'm going back to not giving a shit. generally speaking, nothing in particular... zero desire to be "the loud one"
Ignore also works on ZC and here too. Use it on someone you don't like.
I like you.
The idea of the forum sounds nice. Basically a Thanos Snap of the less desirable types would probably give me a reason to up my activity... but hearing about the hidden porn section brings something else to mind. Will it be regulated at all?
As in. How likely would it be that I go there now and see a dozen or more of my own Content being shared... without me being a member yet?
The idea of the forum sounds nice. Basically a Thanos Snap of the less desirable types would probably give me a reason to up my activity... but hearing about the hidden porn section brings something else to mind. Will it be regulated at all?
As in. How likely would it be that I go there now and see a dozen or more of my own Content being shared... without me being a member yet?
We are only going to allow porn to be uploaded if the person who is uploading it created it themselves.

So yes, it will be regulated. And if there is someone claiming your content as theirs, there will be hefty consequences for that person.
These oh-so-serious and worthy zoo forums are always total sausage fests in my experience, because it turns out that female participants like to lighten up a bit when they talk about sex and relationships. I'll leave you boys to yourselves and your animals and stick around here to do a lot of wanking and occasionally enjoy some human female chat and friendship. Yeah, I love dogs, but I love other humans too.
These oh-so-serious and worthy zoo forums are always total sausage fests in my experience, because it turns out that female participants like to lighten up a bit when they talk about sex and relationships. I'll leave you boys to yourselves and your animals and stick around here to do a lot of wanking and occasionally enjoy some human female chat and friendship. Yeah, I love dogs, but I love other humans too.
Ok, bye.
These oh-so-serious and worthy zoo forums are always total sausage fests in my experience, because it turns out that female participants like to lighten up a bit when they talk about sex and relationships. I'll leave you boys to yourselves and your animals and stick around here to do a lot of wanking and occasionally enjoy some human female chat and friendship. Yeah, I love dogs, but I love other humans too.
Most of those women that love to let loose and talk about sex are dudes... just sayin.
Ignore each other back and forth, here and on ZC and the problem is solved.
Anyone who hates the other person and doesn't press the Ignore button is an idiot. Very simple.
Playing ignore button hot potato and only encouraging circlejerks to read is the very definition of evading discussion and promoting immaturity. It should only be used sparingly.

Not simply "ooga booga I don't like big words I'll stop talking". (I mean who the freak says "alright ignored" or "blocked" like it's some epic nuclear warhead.). Usually when people ask for a discussion they want something THEY wanna see. Since every discussion should go.
1. Insert argument
2. Insert counter argument
3. Adds in evidence
4. Op adds in their evidence
5. Compare and decide which is more applicable

Not a endless loop of "no yous" before dribbling into heated arguments over nothing.

The whole purpose of a ignore function is to limit harassment/communication till a later period (if applicable to which could be as long as desired)

(Don't take offense to this I'm just simply putting my viewpoint on it)
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These oh-so-serious and worthy zoo forums are always total sausage fests in my experience, because it turns out that female participants like to lighten up a bit when they talk about sex and relationships. I'll leave you boys to yourselves and your animals and stick around here to do a lot of wanking and occasionally enjoy some human female chat and friendship. Yeah, I love dogs, but I love other humans too.

Sometimes you are lucky with those people. Stay safe. And don't let your luck run out. *Tips hat*
Playing ignore button hot potato and only encouraging circlejerks to read is the very definition of evading discussion and promoting immaturity. It should only be used sparingly.

Not simply "ooga booga I don't like big words I'll stop talking". (I mean who the freak says "alright ignored" or "blocked" like it's some epic nuclear warhead.). Usually when people ask for a discussion they want something THEY wanna see. Since every discussion should go.
1. Insert argument
2. Insert counter argument
3. Adds in evidence
4. Op adds in their evidence
5. Compare and decide which is more applicable

Not a endless loop of "no yous" before dribbling into heated arguments over nothing.

The whole purpose of a ignore function is to limit harassment/communication till a later period (if applicable to which could be as long as desired)

(Don't take offense to this I'm just simply putting my viewpoint on it)
the ignore button is the death of a healthy discussion, even more so if one uses it enough to be left in a little "yes man" echo chamber. my ignore list is empty here and shall remain so on zooville2, too. anything can be resolved.

having an opposition and random arguments about whatever is healthy in the long run. it's how ppl grow.
That never happened to me. They did ask me to write an essay for them that they'd have to review and approve of. I didn't feel like it, and just left. :LOL:I'll go back to write it some time.... when I feel like it.
To me it sound like you have to write an essay so that they can get their jollies off on what content you disclose to them. Theres a problem there in itself and warning bells going off for me personally. Id rather stay here on ZV where Ive met some very nice people who share the same interests as I do. I dont see the need to jump boat to find another site which seems no different to this one. Just a few moderators getting together to undermine this site and eventually to have ZV shut down so that 1 or 2 of them can say "hey look how wonderful we are and look at what site we have created for you people who are into ZOO. My goal is to meet people in person and become great friends in real life. Not just sit behind a keyboard and type crap all day and to scratch an insecure itch that I may have. Im not in denial and dont have to search for acceptance.
99% likely all to choose the 18+ option. And I think that's why they ask for an long introduction, because the words of a 13yo and the words of an adult are different
HAHAHA have you seen how alot of adult string a sentence together on these forums. Its worse than a 13yo. How an essay will prove who is an adult and who isnt is beyond me. There are many illiterate people out there. Im not and never will judge them but Im just saying :).