Yeah no. You prove the point that some folks just wont accept that their acts are no better than anyone else an therefore your going to try and claim higher ground well there is none to be claimed in the world of zoos.You can not just way your magical Social scientist wand and say I now change this definiton because! Wordds ahve meaning and it does not change simply to suit ones needs, wants, and desires. Zoophilla like Pedophillia means exactly what it infers. the orginators gave it a defintion and that cannot be changed no matter how hard you try. Why becuse I do not ever see any one changing the term pedophilla simply because in the world at large no one accepts messing around with children. Thus logically they same would apply to animals. Fact a large percent of zoos are pedofiles experts have studied this sick fact for years it proves out in the furry commuity with all the baby fur crap. Also to prove a point by definion and animal cannot give consent becuase they do not have the mental faclties and understnding to do so, their actions are an impulse to certain stimuli that goes to their basic intincts. So yeah any zoo is going to fall into the same category if you wish to be logical and honest about it.
Give me a break, it only happend because for so long you all tried very hard to get the mods to see it your way and destroy it for the rest of us. It started not too long after the site was formed in fact. He explained that very clearly when he got disgusted with me. Had he gotten things to go his way alot of people would have been selfishly forced out simply becuae we saw things in a differnt light and had a diffrent opinion on the matter. But those who are selfish and stubbern will not adult up and will therefore blame everyone else and claim they were the better person. Well let me tell you what that is not the case at all. by continuing to come back here and argue the point and beat a dead horse you prove the point. A better person would have left and never come back and would not keep trying to recruit others to your cause.
If you own carnivores of any kind you are a zoo sadist by default becuse you have to feed your pets don't you? Do you yourself consume meat? I grew up in the country and understand how how food animals are treated I also know how big commercial industries treat their animals. Do you consume any products that come from animals, or from places the use animals as farm labor? Do you use comsetics or any number of other items that come into being via the use of animal testing? Do you keep any of your animals pinned up, do you have filthy living quarters for your animals, is their outdoor area large enough for them, is it nice or is it a nasty mudhole? Do your inside pets ever get to go outside on their on and have ample space to excercise? I could go on and on but if you answered yes to any of these questions you are guilty of cruelty yourself. Oh btw do not give me the bullshit answer of well food animals and work animals fall under a totally diffrent definiton becuse they do not . They are all living, breathing sentient beings all worhty of equal treatment. I can not fault others becuse i am no better in that I do consume animal products and things that come from all that I metioned above. I would be very hypocritcal if I did. there is a thing called freedom and everyone is entitled to it on their own terms.
I can not agree with you or take yor side because non of us is guiltless of any of the reasons you claim for creating your new, "better" site, in fact many of you are hypocrites because I knew damn well many of you are hiding dark sins from each other. It is how zoophilla works at its core. I'm never going to sugar coat it for anyone. I know becuse I have been a pansexul, meat consuming zoo since I was a child in gradeschool.
...I can't say I've heard of animals being used for testing cosmetics in like, several decades. At least not in the nation I live. It'd be absurd.
As for eating meat or feeding a carnivore...
There is a
BIG difference between enjoying food made of animals...
And enjoying the
suffering of animals. Most folks that eat meat don't do so for the sake of causing suffering, they eat meat because the meat itself tastes good, because it satisfies their hunger and nutrition needs, and because the alternative is often so prohibitively expensive or lacking in quality that they cannot afford it. Literally and figuratively.
Trying to equate such things to sadism of any kind is intellectually dishonest worst, painfully ignorant at best.
As for animal care... It depends on whom you ask? Typically those caring for greater numbers of animals care less about individual suffering and focus on making sure they live healthy and safe lives, something they couldn't achieve if they weren't domesticated and were left to fend for themselves in the wild. This sort of care, even if not equal to that which humans give to their children, is still worth seeking; this is proven by the wolf's ancestors becoming the most widely-known socially-symbiotic species tied to mankind's existence.
Personally, having cared for hens, I cared a great deal for them. Whenever they died of old age or in the rare case due to things such as the bird flue, I'd end up in an emotional fugue. In terms of their conditions... I'd say it's not a house line that which I live in, but it's definitely a place they enjoy living. Animals don't have the exact same desires, instincts and standards as humans do.
Hens enjoy sand, fluffy dirt, straw and such when it comes to materials in their shelters. They like to dig lil divots out to lie in and sprawl on a bit of a tilt when it's hot out and enjoy the shade. They have a funny preference for
'wild water' rather than more pure and clean water, as I've observed when I let them out to peck the yard.
...Getting a bit off track, but...
My point is that I enjoy eating meat. I like the taste and I
need it to remain healthy, as do obligate-carnivores.
To deny an animal their dietary needs is feckless, idiotic cruelty. To claim owning or caring for a carnivore is immoral is even more rarted given that, if they had to kill to feed themselves, they'd likely cause far more drawn out and excruciating pain than is endured by those animals which humans farm. Farmed meat is, with proper standards of case, the best possible moral answer to the problem of
'how to not-starve with a belly full of leaves and beans'. Not to mention the stress and pain they might suffer during a hunt, whether or not they succeed.
Supplements are
NOT replacements. Pills cannot fulfill your needs perfectly, they can only help offset them temporarily.
Plants which contain proteins do not contain the variety nor quality of proteins found in meats and dairy. The result of lacking in both is that in order to get all the proteins you need in addition to getting enough... Is that you have to eat a
LOT. Like, so much it would bloat you.
Also be aware that not everyone can even absorb the vital nutrients found in various nutritional supplements and plant-based alternatives.
Many have tried to be vegan. Long-term, the majority cannot and eventually return to eating meat. It's not a choice; we
need to eat meat.
Most people aren't aware, but humans aren't true carnivores; we
can digest vegetables and the like, but it's more of a fall-back survival strategy when meat is scarce and all we have left is greenery. As a species, we're less restricted in diet than any other carnivorous animal... But we're far from being herbivorous in terms of our evolution and dietary roots.
Eating meat is not sadistic.
Slowly and thoroughly torturing an animal before killing it, or killing it in a brutal fashion...
the act of torture and ending a life in and of itself? That is sadism.
Valleyote, I believe you may be woefully misinformed on a number of topics... Particularly regarding the care and use of animals in various industries. While the poultry industry and other agricultural giants are known for their terrible conditions and careless workers, most actual small-scale farmers are far more humane, love their animals. I would literally stumble out of bed, grab a stick from the yard and try to fight off a mangy coyote than risk allowing my precious, dopey lil feathery babies to be harmed.
Also, as regards pedophilia, folks with paraphilias tend to have more than one or two.
The fact is that pedophilia has strong correlation with
any form of sexual deviancy from the heterosexual 'norm' and 'vanilla sex'.