Were curious this is couples account were still taking our time dipping our feet into the zoophile lifestyle looking for the right the right animal companion that swoons our hearts.Been checking out that place since it went public.
And the "major" differences I have noticed are the absence of non-zoo porn, their "no personal ads or meetup" requests in the forum rule (even if they technically allow those in PM'a), their "free speech" area having some moderation, no human genitalia as profile pictures, and recent talk about possibly removing all fetishistic typed threads.
It's definitely not a forum for everyone, more of a place for animal loving zoo's to hang out without being outnumbered ten to one by horndogs and leg-humpers. A lot of interesting and genuine discussions are talking place there.
what would we expect if we want to join zoocadia like is there any specific requirements for us to join.
Most of all since we are not technically zoophiles yet would zoocadia be a good place for us to join we joined zooville for education insight and information on going about the lifestyle
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