I can take a look at the settings for groups, but really the groups plugin and the forum software both desperately need to be updated. I've asked the server owner probably close to 6 times now about upgrading everything (which would be like an hour's worth of time to do), and each time he basically ignores me about it. From what I can tell from looking at it in the past, everything ***should*** be configured correctly in the admin panel, but it doesn't work right. I could just flat out disable the plugin for groups, and that would save our mod team here some headaches, but I know that would upset a good amount of users on here.I randomly visit these groups when I think about it which I often forget exist because of that lack of notifications, and each time there's posts by people, with few to no replies, unless it's a really old thread but even then, I've never seen a group thread break the 1 page mark. So my guess is there's people who seem to randomly check in regardless and post threads or respond to existing threads they see of interest, but that's as far as anything ever goes.