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(serious topic) Do you ever feel guilt over your sexuality?

Yes. It is not right to want to fuck animals
Hmmmm... I beg to differ. The sexual attraction to certain non-human individuals feels perfectly normal and right to me. Since I would never force or harm an animal, I see nothing wrong with it with a willing partner. I know others do, so it must be kept between me and any partners I've had, but not due to shame or embarrassment. Honestly, if someone ever caught me in the act - which is not likely, but can't say it's not possible - I'd probably start laughing. "It is not right to want to fuck animals" is just an opinion, which is totally fine... we all have 'em. My opinion skews a bit from that one. :giggle:
Yes, from time to time. I wish I had the change to talk about it with somebody I trusted. I think it'd make thing easier.
i already posted here but idc
i feel guilt and stuff but, i now identified that i go thru a cycle, like, at the start of the day i feel "zooey", atracted to my zoo stuff. then when i finish watching it, i start feeling the guilt, like i have done something terrible, and i just close everything and try to forget about it. somethimes lasts until i wake up the next day, somethimes for days. its probably related to my anxiety problems and its really tiring tbh.
I have no guilt at all about any aspect of my sexuality. I am what I am. Even at the start of my zoo life, I never once felt guilty, ashamed or that I had taken a wrong turn.

I was always a lesbian, too. Even before I knew what that was! I just preferred girls. I have only had one male "lover" and he made me pregnant. We tried to make it work, but it just didn't. I wouldn't really change anything, but even heterosexuality was wrong for me.

I feel guilty that I thought I could "change" my sexuality and become straight, if anything.
I have no guilt at all about any aspect of my sexuality. I am what I am. Even at the start of my zoo life, I never once felt guilty, ashamed or that I had taken a wrong turn.

I was always a lesbian, too. Even before I knew what that was! I just preferred girls. I have only had one male "lover" and he made me pregnant. We tried to make it work, but it just didn't. I wouldn't really change anything, but even heterosexuality was wrong for me.

I feel guilty that I thought I could "change" my sexuality and become straight, if anything.
While some people say sexuality is fluid, you can't be anyone other than who you are.
I do feel a little guilty and ashamed at times, but no more than when I first started fantasizing about making out with other girls, when I first admitted to myself that my hidden lesbian tendency was ok I loosened up and realised I liked to experiment, My first zoo encounter made me feel so humiliated and ashamed until my then lover convinced me to accept how good it really felt.
I used to feel guilty over wanting to have sex with some of my family members. Then I read Kinsey studies in the 50s and I realized I wasn't alone. Same thing for Beast. I would only feel guilty if I had pedo thought but fortunately I'm not wired that way. I do feel some compassion for those that do since I dated a woman who had those urges.
How do you read Kinsey and see it only supporting your own sexuality. Kinsey never said acting out any is bad he described how they can be positive and negative.
I have accepted who I am. But truth be told, if there was a switch then I would shut it off. No offense, but my life is kind of a mess. This has been a bit of a complication; my life would be so much easier without it. I know who I am and I know what criteria that I need from a woman in order to be happy. It is like you have a list of features and qualities and you put a checkmark by all of the ones that you need. Every time you check a box you eliminate others from your dating pool. For a regular person, the list may be Democrat, brunette, dimples, B-cup or higher, vanilla sex life, cooking skills.
For me, the list for a woman is like, Conservative, high IQ, blond, F-cup or higher, athletic or curvy, blow jobs, and Zoo sexual. Cooking skills N/A Smoking/ no. Drinking/ yes or no. Drugs/ Hell No! That leaves not very many options for a man like me. Yeah, I wish I could turn this off. I wish I was not obsessed with boobs. I wish I could look beyond physical appearance, and have sex with a woman that was morbidly obese, had zero humor, a face like a pitbull, a bitchy attitude, low IQ, and only wanted to fuck once a month. My dating pool would yield so many more options. I have met guys with wives like that, and most seem pretty miserable. I am not going to change who I am, now, at my age. So, yeah, if I could turn it off I would.
I have accepted who I am. But truth be told, if there was a switch then I would shut it off. No offense, but my life is kind of a mess. This has been a bit of a complication; my life would be so much easier without it. I know who I am and I know what criteria that I need from a woman in order to be happy. It is like you have a list of features and qualities and you put a checkmark by all of the ones that you need. Every time you check a box you eliminate others from your dating pool. For a regular person, the list may be Democrat, brunette, dimples, B-cup or higher, vanilla sex life, cooking skills.
For me, the list for a woman is like, Conservative, high IQ, blond, F-cup or higher, athletic or curvy, blow jobs, and Zoo sexual. Cooking skills N/A Smoking/ no. Drinking/ yes or no. Drugs/ Hell No! That leaves not very many options for a man like me. Yeah, I wish I could turn this off. I wish I was not obsessed with boobs. I wish I could look beyond physical appearance, and have sex with a woman that was morbidly obese, had zero humor, a face like a pitbull, a bitchy attitude, low IQ, and only wanted to fuck once a month. My dating pool would yield so many more options. I have met guys with wives like that, and most seem pretty miserable. I am not going to change who I am, now, at my age. So, yeah, if I could turn it off I would.

What kind of degree do you have and from what institution? What is your career? Are you financially responsible and/or established? Are you sympathetic to feminist issues? Are you both a good listener and a good persuader? Are you confident about your physical attributes and how can you look your best? Are you a responsible person and will you have faith in her ability to be responsible too? Do you drink or do drugs?

From my experience being able to say yes or have a good answer to those things will help you in finding a date with intelligent women who isn't shallow or a gold digger.
Not guilty and no self doubts about myself here. Honestly this is normal to me what I am and who I love and get attracted to it's a big part of me and it defines me. Sure the zoo portion of things isn't something I can wear on my sleeves because of how close minded the world can be but I don't think it's wrong ...... when I sleep with animals it's never forced it's never an animal being roped into something they do not like....if they ever showed a sign to where they were not into it then I would back off.....but whenever things do happen the lust and the love and the passion are all there it feels so natural so ment to be ...what others think and how they persieve....does not matter because I know how natural and real the feelings are.
As I posted in another thread, I have tons of guilt but none of it over whom I suck or who sticks something in me. I don't consider myself "zoo" though. To me we're all animals. Sex is natural and we don't choose attraction. I want what I want when I want it and I feel no shame. I feel dirty sometimes but I like it.
I feel really guilty about my attraction a lot of the time. I don’t fully think zoophilia is ethical, but i do think it can be ethical. I think most people here have proven that they do it ethically. I’ve only had a few zoo encounters, definitely a lot of sexual tension between a family dog and i now. I felt like i abused him, or maybe hurt him, but he initiated by trying to yank my pants off and actually wouldn’t let us stop even after i tried to stop (yipped at me until i took my pants off again for him) so i think if anything it was me who wasn’t the consensual one in that scenario. That experience really set me back a while mentally, because I basically had to let him eat me out (I’m a trans guy) for an hour until he was satisfied, even when it started to hurt, and I couldn’t push him away or stop him because he’d growl and bare his teeth. He was a built husky wolfdog mix too, so i wasn’t about to risk setting him off.

Since then I’ve had one other encounter and thought about it a lot, and i think that zoophilia is okay if your animal shows express consent by either initiating first or joining in before you touch them. i think a lot of animals see us as their ultimate providers, and sexual relief is a valid need that they need met. I have a lot of work to do before i actually accept my attraction, and I don’t think i could ever tell my partner, but I’m making progress. I don’t know if zoophilia could ever be considered right or wrong because it isn’t such a binary topic.
yes, Very often. I'm married and happily but it's different and I know this isn't something I can just say to him. He wouldn't understand and as most people do he would freak out.... our dog and I love it but I'm ashamed for having to hide this from my husband...
I used to feel guilty when I first started having sex with animals and other men around the same time. I didn't find my attractive but I liked sucking cock and swallowing a big load. It took me time just to gradually get over it now I can't get enough of it.
I have definitely had guilt, but more than guilt at this point I feel the weight of how difficult it is to live openly. I've always had an attraction to dogs, and I've always known I want to be one too (though thats a different and deeper topic), and only recently did I start to discover that I really don't want anything to do with humans at all. I don't want romance or sex with humans, and I don't want to be one. However, we live in a society of humans and theres no getting around that.
So, guilt? I've struggled with guilt minorly. But the real stress and dilemma comes from knowing that I cannot be open about who I am and it feels like I'm constantly pretending. I mean, when the topic of crushes comes up I can't exactly just tell people that my first crushes were Disney Robin Hood and Balto without being terrified of the response! I'm tired of having to randomly pick human celebs to say I'm attracted to so people don't run screaming from the truth.
I'll be honest. I often do. I think because of the world we live in, and the niggling fear that I am doing something wrong. I can often rationalize things, how we as humans do far, far worse to our animal companions and the fact that I enjoy pleasuring them is pretty low on the offense spectrum, but still it is ingrained in me to feel shame over something I've tried to change over and over.

If you had a choice would you not be a zoo? Sometimes I think I might. If it was a simple switch I would choose to be "normal"-- whatever that is. But I guess I really have no choice in this matter so I try to accept myself more. Some days are easier than others.
I'll be honest. I often do. I think because of the world we live in, and the niggling fear that I am doing something wrong. I can often rationalize things, how we as humans do far, far worse to our animal companions and the fact that I enjoy pleasuring them is pretty low on the offense spectrum, but still it is ingrained in me to feel shame over something I've tried to change over and over.

If you had a choice would you not be a zoo? Sometimes I think I might. If it was a simple switch I would choose to be "normal"-- whatever that is. But I guess I really have no choice in this matter so I try to accept myself more. Some days are easier than others.
yes, i felt guilty, i had depression and did not think i deserved the good things that happened to me
I've been active for since 14 and was 22 when I ever fully penetrate a more then willing bitch in heat if they showed any sign they didn't like my advances I always stop... All of the animal sexual partners I've been with never felt wrong but I was and still am worried about peoples judgement.
When I was young I felt a lot of guilt and shame and all that partly because it was such a secret and I knew if I were ever caught it would be terrible. That being said I did develop a special bond with the dog so I did not feel guilty for what was actually happening, just a fear of being caught or someone finding out. I knew the feeling of ‘just one more time’ or ‘just one more sniff’ and I will stop but I couldn’t.

now that I am an adult with my own place and I am much more comfortable with myself, I feel much less guilt or shame over what is happening. I feel like I have a strong bond and connection with my German Shepard and I think he lives a beautiful life with me.

I certainly wish I could be more open, but for now I am not but I also don’t feel bad either
I'm not really ashamed of it honestly. I just wish there were more people around that liked the same thing as me...
Sadly it's a small country :gsd_tired:
When I was young I felt a lot of guilt and shame and all that partly because it was such a secret and I knew if I were ever caught it would be terrible. That being said I did develop a special bond with the dog so I did not feel guilty for what was actually happening, just a fear of being caught or someone finding out. I knew the feeling of ‘just one more time’ or ‘just one more sniff’ and I will stop but I couldn’t.

now that I am an adult with my own place and I am much more comfortable with myself, I feel much less guilt or shame over what is happening. I feel like I have a strong bond and connection with my German Shepard and I think he lives a beautiful life with me.

I certainly wish I could be more open, but for now I am not but I also don’t feel bad either
I'm happy for you now
I'll be honest. I often do. I think because of the world we live in, and the niggling fear that I am doing something wrong. I can often rationalize things, how we as humans do far, far worse to our animal companions and the fact that I enjoy pleasuring them is pretty low on the offense spectrum, but still it is ingrained in me to feel shame over something I've tried to change over and over.

If you had a choice would you not be a zoo? Sometimes I think I might. If it was a simple switch I would choose to be "normal"-- whatever that is. But I guess I really have no choice in this matter so I try to accept myself more. Some days are easier than others.
100%, especially right after I do it. It's a horrible feeling, I even wish that I would never feel the same way again when I think of animals like that. I saw a shooting star while going at it and used it to wish that I would be repulsed by it and never want to do it again. It sucks to be a suck up.
I got rid of those feelings for a while but I also became uncaring and unremorseful. I became a very bad person. My intimate feelings are connected to my love and my love is connected to my compassion. If I get rid of one they all go and very bad things happen. I am a better person with that love than without.
I'll be honest. I often do. I think because of the world we live in, and the niggling fear that I am doing something wrong. I can often rationalize things, how we as humans do far, far worse to our animal companions and the fact that I enjoy pleasuring them is pretty low on the offense spectrum, but still it is ingrained in me to feel shame over something I've tried to change over and over.

If you had a choice would you not be a zoo? Sometimes I think I might. If it was a simple switch I would choose to be "normal"-- whatever that is. But I guess I really have no choice in this matter so I try to accept myself more. Some days are easier than others.
I would still be a zoo if I had the choice because the way I see it is how can you ever truly be happy if your always trying to hide or squash who you are. For many many years I pretended and told myself I wasn't bi but the feelings and attractions never go away