There has been a time that I was really struggling with my zoosexual attractions, but (spoiler alert....) I managed to give it a place in my life. Yes it's there, but it's not dominating other aspects of my life (study, work, friendship, etc.) as much as my neurodivergence does. There have been years where I tried to ignore the feelings, only having them coming back even stronger. A bit like when you tell yourself not to think of pink elephants.
Question: what are you thinking of right now after reading this last line above?
In hindsight, I think my reluctance to accept my zoosexuality as a good thing - or at least, not as the abuse that people tell you it is - was that I didn't know of anybody else out there feeling the same way. This was pre-internet times. And even when internet took off, we first had to deal with those crappy phone modems, so looking at / downloading porn was the last thing on my mind. Add to this the desire to fit in with married life, your own home with a garden, a dog, a business car, and 2.3 children, and you might get the idea how this expectation of fitting in was playing havoc on my mind.
But, as I said, I wasn't just struggling because my mind kept wandering off to mares and dogs. No, the autism plays its part. Struggling with human interaction, I was rather shy, and even now I find it difficult to socialise because I cannot be bothered with the things that are apparently important in life. Think of the latest celebrity gossip or reality sewage. Erm, I mean, television.
In the end, I keep telling myself - and it starts to sound convincing now - that my zoosexual intimacy is nothing to be ashamed about, as long as I put her wellbeing before my own lust. The sex was not the all-important thing in my interactions with my now late marefriend. We had a wonderful time together, be it riding, brushing, simply being in the field, and the very rare time we actually were intimate. She was happy, so I was happy.
So whether I wish to be "normal"... I don't think so. Maybe it's easier in the sense I can actually read people, enjoy the latest celebrity gossip or other mind-numbing shite, but I would also miss out on the wonderful insights and connections my zoosexuality and my autism have given me.