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(serious topic) Do you ever feel guilt over your sexuality?

Absolutely NOT! In times past yes until I was able to jettison that aspect of human arrogance and ignorance. There are biological, emotional and mental components that affect us in this regard. The biological one is to ensure the continuation of a species that reproduces sexually. The emotional component stems from humans (and other animals) herd nature and the 'need' to be part of such. Mentally the challenge is to surmount both of the other components AND deprogram one's self. On a spiritual level all life is equal and precious even if we lack understanding of that principle. Intimate embrace is a form of 'worship' and a 'holy' event. The generalized comments about consent and abuse et al. melt away when one sincerely chooses to learn from observation and experience...
Yes, I think in a world with anti-zoo societies it is complicated but then in my point of view, if I haven't been attracted to beastiality, I think I would have been admitted to a psychiatric institution having suicidal thoughts and/or on anti-depressant / bipolar meds for how long? Been sexually attracted to animals changed my whole unstable depressing life ( dishonesty, mood swings etc) back to a normal stable life, which includes honesty, dignity, loyalty, passion and kindness and I am grateful and don't regret it
I used to for a long time, then I realized I could just let it go. I went through it before with accepting that I'm gay. You realize "society" doesn't have all the correct answers in life at a certain point. "Society" is really really toxic. You have to make up your own mind and take charge of your own life to do what you want to do.

As long as you don't make too big of waves, society will let you push right on through your goals.
Absolutely NOT! In times past yes until I was able to jettison that aspect of human arrogance and ignorance. There are biological, emotional and mental components that affect us in this regard. The biological one is to ensure the continuation of a species that reproduces sexually. The emotional component stems from humans (and other animals) herd nature and the 'need' to be part of such. Mentally the challenge is to surmount both of the other components AND deprogram one's self. On a spiritual level all life is equal and precious even if we lack understanding of that principle. Intimate embrace is a form of 'worship' and a 'holy' event. The generalized comments about consent and abuse et al. melt away when one sincerely chooses to learn from observation and experience...
I believe that last statement of intimate embrace being a form of worship and a holy event is the most important part of being zoo! I don't believe in a higher power myself, but I do feel being intimate with whatever the species I'm with at the moment is indeed a form of veneration. I feel attached to the rest of the living world during those events.
I’ve never really felt guilt myself. It’s been a part of me so long feeling guilty feels pointless to me. It would be like feeling guilty I have 10 fingers. It does make me feel lonely sometimes because it’s not something I can talk about with most people and even the people in my life who do know it’s not like they want to talk about it. But I guess that’s what you guys are for haha.
I used to but tbh it's like who even cares? At the end of the day as long as you're not hurting anyone/anything, why even bother feeling bad about it. Bc of other people's opinions? Hold those in one hand and crap in the other, youre more likely to find something of worth in the latter.
There has been a time that I was really struggling with my zoosexual attractions, but (spoiler alert....) I managed to give it a place in my life. Yes it's there, but it's not dominating other aspects of my life (study, work, friendship, etc.) as much as my neurodivergence does. There have been years where I tried to ignore the feelings, only having them coming back even stronger. A bit like when you tell yourself not to think of pink elephants.

Question: what are you thinking of right now after reading this last line above?


In hindsight, I think my reluctance to accept my zoosexuality as a good thing - or at least, not as the abuse that people tell you it is - was that I didn't know of anybody else out there feeling the same way. This was pre-internet times. And even when internet took off, we first had to deal with those crappy phone modems, so looking at / downloading porn was the last thing on my mind. Add to this the desire to fit in with married life, your own home with a garden, a dog, a business car, and 2.3 children, and you might get the idea how this expectation of fitting in was playing havoc on my mind.

But, as I said, I wasn't just struggling because my mind kept wandering off to mares and dogs. No, the autism plays its part. Struggling with human interaction, I was rather shy, and even now I find it difficult to socialise because I cannot be bothered with the things that are apparently important in life. Think of the latest celebrity gossip or reality sewage. Erm, I mean, television.

In the end, I keep telling myself - and it starts to sound convincing now - that my zoosexual intimacy is nothing to be ashamed about, as long as I put her wellbeing before my own lust. The sex was not the all-important thing in my interactions with my now late marefriend. We had a wonderful time together, be it riding, brushing, simply being in the field, and the very rare time we actually were intimate. She was happy, so I was happy.

So whether I wish to be "normal"... I don't think so. Maybe it's easier in the sense I can actually read people, enjoy the latest celebrity gossip or other mind-numbing shite, but I would also miss out on the wonderful insights and connections my zoosexuality and my autism have given me.
Niggling is a great term.

No I don't feel bad nor guilty. Settled up with myself decades ago. If it feels wrong then don't do it.
I'll be honest. I often do. I think because of the world we live in, and the niggling fear that I am doing something wrong. I can often rationalize things, how we as humans do far, far worse to our animal companions and the fact that I enjoy pleasuring them is pretty low on the offense spectrum, but still it is ingrained in me to feel shame over something I've tried to change over and over.

If you had a choice would you not be a zoo? Sometimes I think I might. If it was a simple switch I would choose to be "normal"-- whatever that is. But I guess I really have no choice in this matter so I try to accept myself more. Some days are easier than others.
Simple answer is that shit is complicated. Long answer is that for the most part I think that guilt is for the most part it is logical. Most of the animals that zoo’s do it with have been domesticated over a long period of time. So the distinction between an animal that has been genetically breed with a positive deposition to humans and an animal that actually likes you are very hard to discern. I also thought about consent. With how hard for us social animals to understand consent an issue we are still dealing with; I found it hard to believe that our understanding of consent is the same as ours. These questions I have thought of for a long time. It’s part of the reason I won’t do it. Could me seeing a sign that I mean consent be bias to what I want? That scares me. The very possibility isn’t zero and that makes me not want to risk it. But other don’t think so. Maybe one day someone will confirm with a machine that it’s not wrong and no more guilt for anyone ever again. But right now I think you should ask yourself what do you want. How do you think about it, and what you want to do moving forward.
Don't feel any more guilty than breathing the air. I just do my own thing in life and it's benefitted me so far. It's still quite a secret but there isn't much guilt over it. Only guilty I haven't had the opportunity to do anything with it yet.
I used to feel guilt after every time I had sex with an animal years ago but now I don't have any guilts. Any thing that is pleasurable to both parties is nothing to be guilty about. It is just that it doesn't happen often these days, unfortunately.
Yes, sometimes but as I watch more and more, just swing safe sex practiced between and the consent being a huge factor it shows me more then ever that it really is beautiful. I can can see from the other side of the fence that I look like a madman… and I guess that’s the part that sucks. Gross things does not inherently equal bad but if someone thinks something’s gross then it’s just wrong to them 99% of the time
I do. Very often, by the way. And its almost impossible to find information that does not consider beeing a zoo some kind of mental illness. So I struggle a lot with my sexuality and desires.
And one of the reasons I joined the forum was to talk to people who I can relate and tell things that I wouldn´t talk to other people in my life, so beeing welcomed here is kind helping.
Guilt isn't the right word, more like mix of shame and discomfort, just because I can't talk about it with anyone. I have this very light but constant fear that someone will will find out, and I don't see anything good coming from that.
still kept questioning myself
sometimes been curious, sometimes want to try it, sometimes becomes ashamed thinking about it
I have a lot of mixed feelings on this. Humans already can’t treat their human mates properly; I’m glad zoophilia is uncommon and wish it was even rarer because I can’t imagine the same kind of douchebags who pressure/force humans would be any kinder to their pets. Personally, however, I don’t mind being a zoo. I’m still attracted to plenty of humans and can remain non-practicing for the rest of my life if need be— and I know I wouldn’t harm any partner of mine.
Hm.. I thought about this many times. Especially before first time with my Wolfie. I asked questions to myself: "Why you? Why you find your own dog attractive? Do You know that cause big problems in your life?"
But after realising that kink, fantasies and intimate contacts make me happy - I stopped feel guilty.
Best way is to see positive aspects of life all the time.
Guilt isn't the right word, more like mix of shame and discomfort, just because I can't talk about it with anyone. I have this very light but constant fear that someone will will find out, and I don't see anything good coming from that.
It's exactly the same for me. And on top of that i do feel bored about almost everything else. I really have a hard time now just talking normaly to ppl in my life😓
Hm.. I thought about this many times. Especially before first time with my Wolfie. I asked questions to myself: "Why you? Why you find your own dog attractive? Do You know that cause big problems in your life?"
But after realising that kink, fantasies and intimate contacts make me happy - I stopped feel guilty.
Best way is to see positive aspects of life all the time.

I think that's a great way to look at it! There is so little actual happiness and pleasure in life that you've got to grab it by both horns and hang on when you can.
Well the real problem is about being accepted by the people especially on being zoo. I feel that coz it is taboo/illegal that pressures us into feeling guilty /shameful. Most often its about being not able to talk about it or come to terms with it. Frankly , i took me a lot time to accept and come to terms with it, yes i felt the shame/guilt over time. But i have tried to look at the positive side of things from my perspective. It's each person's journey to travel
I used to feel very bad when i was young because i felt that what i was doing was wrong but now when i watch my 2 dogs being very happy and having a nice sex life i don't feel guilty anymore, i give them more love than other dog receive