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(serious topic) Do you ever feel guilt over your sexuality?

I'll be honest. I often do. I think because of the world we live in, and the niggling fear that I am doing something wrong. I can often rationalize things, how we as humans do far, far worse to our animal companions and the fact that I enjoy pleasuring them is pretty low on the offense spectrum, but still it is ingrained in me to feel shame over something I've tried to change over and over.

If you had a choice would you not be a zoo? Sometimes I think I might. If it was a simple switch I would choose to be "normal"-- whatever that is. But I guess I really have no choice in this matter so I try to accept myself more. Some days are easier than others.
But yes I do still get ashamed of my turn ons
I'll be honest. I often do. I think because of the world we live in, and the niggling fear that I am doing something wrong. I can often rationalize things, how we as humans do far, far worse to our animal companions and the fact that I enjoy pleasuring them is pretty low on the offense spectrum, but still it is ingrained in me to feel shame over something I've tried to change over and over.

If you had a choice would you not be a zoo? Sometimes I think I might. If it was a simple switch I would choose to be "normal"-- whatever that is. But I guess I really have no choice in this matter so I try to accept myself more. Some days are easier than others.
I was always so fascinated with sex with animals from a very young age so I know it’s something rooted in me. But everyday having to hide my feelings is so painful I wish we lived in an age where I could fully be who I am and not have to live in fear of getting caught or frowned upon. Normally as soon as I cum I immediately feel so guilty and disgusting for being in love with zoo. I have to shower after every time or else I feel so dirty and disgusting. I don’t know what to do but I wish I had a partner or at least a friend I could bond on these feelings with. I always feel so alone in my fetish:(
Only time I ever feel guilty is if I am unable to get the horse off that I am having sex with. If I get off but he/she does not, I feel guilty about that.:(
Not guilt. I've never felt guilty for something I've absolutely no control over.
But ashamed. Well. No, not ashamed either. Unhappy. I'm sometimes rather unhappy about the things I think are sexually pleasing, enjoyable or stimulating, especially since I've met my wife. Mostly, I think, because I don't dare tell her about it and that means keeping a part of me secret, hiding stuff from her.
Loyalty and being truthful to each other is important for me, really important, so going against my principles, going against an ingrained part of me to hide another part of me, out of fear of loosing the woman I love....well, it's making me unhappy. Not just unhappy, but that's the term I'll use for now.
I was always so fascinated with sex with animals from a very young age so I know it’s something rooted in me. But everyday having to hide my feelings is so painful I wish we lived in an age where I could fully be who I am and not have to live in fear of getting caught or frowned upon. Normally as soon as I cum I immediately feel so guilty and disgusting for being in love with zoo. I have to shower after every time or else I feel so dirty and disgusting. I don’t know what to do but I wish I had a partner or at least a friend I could bond on these feelings with. I always feel so alone in my fetish:(
You are not alone. Sadly society judges people not just for this but many things. Unfortunately this is to a higher degree than most things. There are lots of people who feel the same as you.
It is not wrong. Animals have sex all the time without any humans involved. They experience pleasure and have desires also. As long as you are not forcing them nor hurting them you have nothing to feel bad about. Bonding with an animal is an amazing beautiful thing.
We have to hide it because much of society does not understand but you are deffinitly not alone.
Yes, sometimes I do feel guilty about it, especially when I’m frustrated with my partner or when my desires get a little out of control. Also when eating meat… I gave the vegan diet a good honest try and was really reluctant to give up on it but it wasn’t viable for me.

Honestly I wouldn’t choose not to be zoo if I could. There’s no way to live free of guilt (at least not for me) and I love my girl and our uninterrupted partnership ♥️
I never have.....sure I wish it was more accepted since I could be so much more free with the dogs that I am with and really experience that intimate connection at any given time... however I never thought bad about it or guilty over it.....I love dogs I love every one I interact with and I form a loving and beautiful bond with them....I love them just as much as they do me.....and they show it as do I......my life is dedicated to dogs and it's literally my ultimate form of bliss on this earth. It's an important part of me and I would not ever get rid of it.
For me, it is a bit like saying do you feel bad you have desires.. it is a part of my hedonistic lifestyle i chose out of passion, it always comes from a loving place, respectful and natural so no guilt just a secret of a free spirit.
Nor I....I am what I am. I make no apologies, even to myself, for that. The things I would change are not trying earlier to find a willing human partner to share this with....and maybe not owning a Ranch by now.
No, I don't, but then again, I can be open about it either. People are judgmental. I would love to find some local friends to confide in and more.
all the time i experience guilt.

honestly, if i could choose to not be a zoo, i probably would, just to make things easier. maybe that will change once i’ve had a knot in me lol <3
Guilt? At first, a tremendous amount. Sex itself was something that was shameful, let alone pleasure (that's Catholicism for you). Still, considering how society feels (and actively lashes out against zoos, without wanting to understand at all, let alone condone). But they don't want to hear that it's about pleasure and fun and enjoyment with respect, and ***never*** about harm. So, yeah, I do feel some guilt over these desires (and, by extension, ME) not being acceptable, but less and less so. Now I have come to accept my desires as natural, but know I need to keep them to myself or share with EXTREMELY limited/select partner (ideally, just one... who shared the same desires and choices and actions). but that's a different story
I'll be honest. I often do. I think because of the world we live in, and the niggling fear that I am doing something wrong. I can often rationalize things, how we as humans do far, far worse to our animal companions and the fact that I enjoy pleasuring them is pretty low on the offense spectrum, but still it is ingrained in me to feel shame over something I've tried to change over and over.

If you had a choice would you not be a zoo? Sometimes I think I might. If it was a simple switch I would choose to be "normal"-- whatever that is. But I guess I really have no choice in this matter so I try to accept myself more. Some days are easier than others.
absitively posolutely — truly rationalized in and of itself; an honest fear nonetheless, (yet still niggling, as you put it (evident in the two or three previous accounts i deleted for the same reason)..)

couldn’t have said it better myself, especially the bit regarding ingrained shame. huzzah
I'll be honest. I often do. I think because of the world we live in, and the niggling fear that I am doing something wrong. I can often rationalize things, how we as humans do far, far worse to our animal companions and the fact that I enjoy pleasuring them is pretty low on the offense spectrum, but still it is ingrained in me to feel shame over something I've tried to change over and over.

If you had a choice would you not be a zoo? Sometimes I think I might. If it was a simple switch I would choose to be "normal"-- whatever that is. But I guess I really have no choice in this matter so I try to accept myself more. Some days are easier than others.
Sometimes a little but not really anymore I've excepted who I am and what I'm into pretty much
I recently had a pretty heavy moment of life reflection as I am definitely past the halfway mark (What am I doing with my life? Am I happy? What do I truly care about? What do I want to focus on for the remainder?), and one of the things that came out of it was further affirmation of my zoosexuality.
I don't give a fuck about majority opinions, bias\exclusive studies\stats, lies and misconceptions... I LOVE THAT I AM A ZOOPHILE\BESTIALIST. I fucking LOVE IT. I wouldn't change, even if it were possible (it's not). I don't recall ever having felt guilt or shame about it, even when I started having sexual-based thoughts\feelings\fantasies as a kid and it included non-humans. I don't need to understand it or know "why am I like this??". Maybe I would if I felt there was something wrong with me, but I don't. I am not "broken", I do not feel "broken". I was born as I am, it is my "normal", and I otherwise live a pretty average, boring life.
Being a zoosexual has brought me more joy in life than most other things. I think zoophiles\zoosexuals are more likely to see and relate to an animal's unique individuality than most people even care to consider. From personal experience and that of others in forums I've visited through the years - as well as a lot of my own studies of animal behavior and communication - I know all of the stigmas and anti-zoo arguments are bullshit and do not align with reality. Even from the beginning I questioned the negative bullshit surrounding my sexuality.
I know I can't walk through life openly about it, but I don't really care, and it's nobody's business. Why the fuck are humans so obsessed with knowing and scrutinizing everybody's sexual preferences anyway?
Used to be so ashamed when i started discovering videos, however as time went on and coming across this site, my confidence grew and it helped in accepting who i am, and that all us zoos want is to love and be kind <3
Yes, I do, I am also new to it and still actively rejecting it... I have no judgement for people who do actively take part in it, in fact I rather respect the fact that they are so unafraid but I am afraid or retribution :(