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i do not wish to offend anyone with this post. do any of you feel... ashamed of who you are?

I have been very ashamed of my attraction to animals, and I still am.
One of the reasons for me to register here is to try and make peace with my desires.
I’m not ashamed about it at all, I’m more confused as to why I like it. Nothing gets me to the same level as zoo anymore. I really want to tell others in my life about this and expand on it but I don’t want to ruin my life by telling these people as I genuinely live a normal life who happens to be addicted to women being filled up with dog cum ?
There was a time where I was ashamed - disgusted even - of my sexual interests. I didn't do much about these feelings, except bury them deep inside my head only for them to come out screaming whenever I got post-nut clarity. It completely disappeared as I got older, though. Nowadays I just don't mind it at all.
My wife and I knew we weren't the only ones in the world but she initially thought few people thought about it until she saw an old forum. Most of the time what is posted here comes from her. We don't feel ashamed of what we do, we just don't talk to people outside of our environment. Things today are heavily patrolled by the so-called "politically correct". We don't need confusion at the end of our lives. We've already raised our daughter, we've matured together, and she's gone to mind her own business (she doesn't know). Now it's time to enjoy our love and give it time.
All the fucking time. Trying to live a heteronormative life when I keep jacking off to the thought of a dog knot in my ass is a fucking trip. That said, I'm pretty new to the game, so Maybe it just comes with time and experience?
No, I think I 'm proud of being exclusive zoophilia.
Once I was ashamed of myself dating or having sex with people I don't love or care, but I never regretted even a single time about falling in love with canid species and living with them.
only when i want to speak about it or make jokes and i cant. its rough. i just wanna be able to have in person friends that get me you know
As a fellow ftm zoo, I'm not. But it is a secret no one in my life knows and will likely stay that way for the foreseeable future unless I make zoo friends.
stupid simple question
was either of you forced, deliberately hurt, did you both enjoy what happened and want to do it again?
If yes .... why not enjoy what happened for you both .... because some folks think EEEEEEWWWWWW?
Why is it wrong for two consenting beings to enjoy finding mutual amazing pleasure.
I figured I was a zoophile when I was about 14, so there was that usual period of confused shame, but similar also came about when I was bi. But I’m 20 now, and got my own life to live, and frankly I’ve come to the perspective that the opinions of others isn’t something I concern myself with. I’ve only ever met 1 person who was a zoo and was still chill about it. I don’t go around parading my nature, because that would be an incredibly dumb move, but even in the extremely hypothetical world where zoophilia is accepted/tolerated, I wouldn’t because I don’t need to worry about other people being offended by my choices.
Here's a couple quotes from Brene Brown, a fairly well known psychologist that researches shame...

"Shame is a focus on self, guilt is a focus on behavior. Shame is “I am bad.” Guilt is “I did something bad.”

"Shame lives in the distance between your secret self and your public self".

I feel, to my core, that my actions are not harmful or hurtful. Those actions are enthusiastically consented upon by both parties, and enjoyed by both of us. I do not feel guilt, as my actions have not caused harm, they've brought positive experiences and emotions to myself and my animal partner.

I do feel shame, and I don't think that's a personal flaw or problem I can solve. It's a natural product of having to vigilantly maintain a significant distance between my public and private self. It's a product of living in a society that would rapidly and joyously dismantle my life if I were to live authentically.

Shame is why I isolate myself from the people that love me. Shame is why I rarely form new friendships or romantic relationships. That entire process is about sharing your authentic self, and I'm not free to do that.

Being in a romantic relationship with another zoo helped immensely though with those feelings.

If my sexuality were more flexible, and I was visually attracted men and women, I'm sure I'd feel differently as it would be easier to enter romantic relationships and I'd feel less isolated. Shame thrives in isolation.
No. I’ve only felt that way once in my life. But this was back when I was still a teenager and under medical evaluation over it.
I came out of it however. A much stronger zoo and a much stronger person.
Here's a couple quotes from Brene Brown, a fairly well known psychologist that researches shame...

"Shame is a focus on self, guilt is a focus on behavior. Shame is “I am bad.” Guilt is “I did something bad.”

"Shame lives in the distance between your secret self and your public self".

I feel, to my core, that my actions are not harmful or hurtful. Those actions are enthusiastically consented upon by both parties, and enjoyed by both of us. I do not feel guilt, as my actions have not caused harm, they've brought positive experiences and emotions to myself and my animal partner.

I do feel shame, and I don't think that's a personal flaw or problem I can solve. It's a natural product of having to vigilantly maintain a significant distance between my public and private self. It's a product of living in a society that would rapidly and joyously dismantle my life if I were to live authentically.

Shame is why I isolate myself from the people that love me. Shame is why I rarely form new friendships or romantic relationships. That entire process is about sharing your authentic self, and I'm not free to do that.

Being in a romantic relationship with another zoo helped immensely though with those feelings.

If my sexuality were more flexible, and I was visually attracted men and women, I'm sure I'd feel differently as it would be easier to enter romantic relationships and I'd feel less isolated. Shame thrives in isolation.
good insights. Ive come to conclude as long as all parties are consenting and enjoying it, as long as no harm is done to any person or animal, theres nothing wrong with being into zoo. at the end of the day, your life, its about you accepting yourself fully, not condemning a part of yourself. morally, Christians may have qualms with zoo, condemning it as sinful lust. which may be, as almost all people have both dark and light in them, and we give in to temptation. but is there anything wrong or evil with enjoying pleasure with your pets, our friends in life? no. accept yourself with all your quirks and kinks. dont let societal stigma (society in general is insane) shame you.
Of course, I have always been deeply ashamed of being a human being. We are disgusting creatures that kill each other and living creatures as well as the whole ecosystem. Or did you mean of being zoo? No, not so much!
I've been attracted towards animals (mostly canines) for as long as I can remember. Finding Zooville has really helped me to finally accept this fact about myself and stop feeling deeply ashamed of it. I'm nearing 20 and up until typing this out right now I've kept these feelings strictly to myself for nearly a decade. I spent years feeling like I was some sort of terrible person for viewing dogs sexually and tried as hard as I could to suppress it.

I love dogs more than I can put into words. It's not like it's just sexual, my boy was neutered when I got him and I love him more than anything in the world even though we've done nothing together. It sucks that I can't confide this in anyone I know or talk about it, but I think I'm finally accepting myself for who I am. So, to answer the question, no, I'm not really ashamed very much anymore.
I've been attracted towards animals (mostly canines) for as long as I can remember. Finding Zooville has really helped me to finally accept this fact about myself and stop feeling deeply ashamed of it. I'm nearing 20 and up until typing this out right now I've kept these feelings strictly to myself for nearly a decade. I spent years feeling like I was some sort of terrible person for viewing dogs sexually and tried as hard as I could to suppress it.

I love dogs more than I can put into words. It's not like it's just sexual, my boy was neutered when I got him and I love him more than anything in the world even though we've done nothing together. It sucks that I can't confide this in anyone I know or talk about it, but I think I'm finally accepting myself for who I am. So, to answer the question, no, I'm not really ashamed very much anymore.
Welcome home! Eventually you will find most human judgement is without reason or kindness. Hug your dog and ignore the bastards.
Ashamed no, sometimes uncomfortable yes but never ashamed. No need to be ashamed if we are not putting the health of anyone (animal or person) at some type of risk, we are who/what we are.
I am a 23 y/o transguy who have always been into girls.
I also happen to have a rather low sex drive, and I am very content with being single and I do not crave for any sort of intimacy. Especially not emotionally.
But at the same time, I have also always been into male dogs. Which is weird because I'm not into human males at all really. At least I don't think so. I consider myself straight. Seriously. I am so confused by this.

I do not live by myself at the moment, and I have only been with a dog yeaaaars ago, but ever since then I have had, uh, a craving. But I hate it. It makes me feel ashamed. I don't understand why. Is it the taboo of it all? What else could it be? I want to keep it behind closed doors, but internally acting out on it would make me feel so ashamed, even though I really want to act on it someday.

Does anyone else feel the same?

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I totally understand the feeling of shame you feel because I experienced it myself when I was younger. Difficult mixture of desires, dreams, pleasant thoughts and embarrassment, indignation with respect to ourselves; judgment of society and the law.
But that's normal. Me and others have been there.
I assure you that over time, without rushing things, without rushing anything, by dint of thinking about it, by noting that this is really what makes you happy, the shame will fade. Anyway, no human chooses his attractions. They impose themselves on us, without us really knowing why. And after all, does it matter why? :) Everything we feel, thousands of humans have felt before us for centuries. Like you, I don't feel any lack when I'm single. Yet I have been in a relationship with women while sometimes meeting men. So you're not the only one :) There are many of us in this case. And male dogs started to appeal to me when I was around 20 years old. It came suddenly... no one will ever know why :)
If you feel the need to discuss it with me, do not hesitate to contact me in any case. Be brave and take care, Goozeflzh :) Kisses!