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i do not wish to offend anyone with this post. do any of you feel... ashamed of who you are?

I had experienced the pleasures 20 yrs ago but stopped but now latter admit to desires and want to pick up where I left off and do more with male animals ... I realize life's to short .
I'm not ashamed of my curiosity around this subject. I'm mildly ashamed of having seen the porn section here, but I believe a big chunk of that is being uncertain how I feel about zoophilia personally.
life has different phases. when i was young, i had my 1st experience with a dog. i was kinda at that shy awkward stage, not really popular at school and all that. of course i had a very close relationship with our family dog, nothing out of the ordinary of course, but he was a 'girls best friend'. When we became active, i was so nervous about being caught, about someone knowing, it was a super secret. i was super ashamed, but i still carried on because although i did not understand the emotional and physical connection, i still felt it.

fast forward and i eventually got married and all that. after my divorce, being a mature 41 year old woman, i got a german shepard not with any intention of a sexual relationship but more just for a companion. he was a little pup when i got him and to be honest, things developed. I certainly dont advertise my relationship with him, but i am not ashamed either. it is a part of me and i cherish the connection and the bond we have
I am a 23 y/o transguy who have always been into girls.
I also happen to have a rather low sex drive, and I am very content with being single and I do not crave for any sort of intimacy. Especially not emotionally.
But at the same time, I have also always been into male dogs. Which is weird because I'm not into human males at all really. At least I don't think so. I consider myself straight. Seriously. I am so confused by this.

I do not live by myself at the moment, and I have only been with a dog yeaaaars ago, but ever since then I have had, uh, a craving. But I hate it. It makes me feel ashamed. I don't understand why. Is it the taboo of it all? What else could it be? I want to keep it behind closed doors, but internally acting out on it would make me feel so ashamed, even though I really want to act on it someday.

Does anyone else feel the same?
yeah. I mean I was really ashamed but I realized that if i’m not hurting anyone then it’s fine, i have no interest in doing anything with a dog in real life (however it’s ok if you do) this forum also really helped because it showed me that other people are into this too (also has some really great porn :p).
No way should it offend!! I’ve felt ashamed or embarrassed but only if my bf tells someone that ends up shaming me.
At first I would say it just happened and didn’t give much thought. I was always with my bf. But in time it has gotten more fun and Sometimes it’s just me and the dogs. With his 3 pups it can b somewhat overwhelming with nobody to talk to.
Never have been. I grew up being told that sex was a normal, natural part of life. So I see animal sex as the exact same thing just with a different type of partner. I don't think keeping your secret because of legal issues or social 'norms' counts as being ashamed.
No way should it offend!! I’ve felt ashamed or embarrassed but only if my bf tells someone that ends up shaming me.
At first I would say it just happened and didn’t give much thought. I was always with my bf. But in time it has gotten more fun and Sometimes it’s just me and the dogs. With his 3 pups it can b somewhat overwhelming with nobody to talk to.
Your bf is one lucky man to have a great woman who practises and enjoy’s petlove. If I was him I’d cherish you everyday. ? I’d never be ashamed of loving someone like you.
do I feel ashamed.. no.. What I do feel is regret. Not of doing something, but not doing it at much earlier time in my life. I grew up in the time of no internet from a some what small town where everyone pretty much knew your business. I believe if I had started at a much younger age in the things I like now then I believe life would have been different.
Yes. I don't have sex with animals, i only fantasize about it but still, its not something to be proud of. Some people may but I don't i certainly feel weird about being so bonded animals like something is wrong with me.
If I only looked at it like a fetish I might be, but aside from loving watching it I genuinely feel adoration and affection for the women who partake in the lifestyle and would love to contribute.

There's a special love and passion there thats rarely seen elsewhere and the idea of being party to or having fun participating in it is too good to be bad.

While I totally get like with any "niche" there's bad and good to the lifestyle, I can't say I feel bad at all for wanting to pursue someone in the lifestyle and/or help their dream become a reality.

There are much worse fates than loving your furry friend (s)"too much" in my eyes. If it's just about lust and new experiences I don't judge either but I can usually tell the difference.
Not at all. Just wish I started earlier with equines. Did lots with guys to prep but knew bigger was where I wanted to go.
I started in my very early teen/preteen days. At first I was very ashamed until I got old enough to realize that it was no one else's business what I was into. Now I am very comfortable being zoo.
I am a 23 y/o transguy who have always been into girls.
I also happen to have a rather low sex drive, and I am very content with being single and I do not crave for any sort of intimacy. Especially not emotionally.
But at the same time, I have also always been into male dogs. Which is weird because I'm not into human males at all really. At least I don't think so. I consider myself straight. Seriously. I am so confused by this.

I do not live by myself at the moment, and I have only been with a dog yeaaaars ago, but ever since then I have had, uh, a craving. But I hate it. It makes me feel ashamed. I don't understand why. Is it the taboo of it all? What else could it be? I want to keep it behind closed doors, but internally acting out on it would make me feel so ashamed, even though I really want to act on it someday.

Does anyone else feel the same?
It’s pretty common for even straight people to feel shame towards their “normal” sexual desires. You are completely okay, and nothing about liking zoo is inherently bad.
Definitely, if only for the social taboo of it. Would never tell anyone else I'm into it unless I knew they were also into it from the get-go. It doesn't eat at my mind nearly as much as it used do, but I do still occasionally get these thoughts of "what's wrong with me". Hopefully I'll never have those thoughts again some day.
I am ashamed of somethings I have done, but I have never been ashamed of my sexual desires. They are what makes me I'm a sexual being, and I may enjoy thing some people think is wrong, It might be wrong for them in there state of mind, it is fine for people with little imaginations that have been brain washed. This girl Is sure not ashamed of my sexuality and I have lots of sexual fantasies yet to be lived. So look out world.
I am ashamed of somethings I have done, but I have never been ashamed of my sexual desires. They are what makes me I'm a sexual being, and I may enjoy thing some people think is wrong, It might be wrong for them in there state of mind, it is fine for people with little imaginations that have been brain washed. This girl Is sure not ashamed of my sexuality and I have lots of sexual fantasies yet to be lived. So look out world.
I feel just the same as you ❤️
I feel ashamed because I’m religious so I’m afraid I’m not going to go to heaven because I’m a zoo any envies
I feel ashamed because I’m religious so I’m afraid I’m not going to go to heaven because I’m a zoo any envies
Hell is empty, has been sice Jesus said: "Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing"
I'm not really ashamed of it on a moral level. It's just that family and colleagues find it weird that I'm not married or at least seeing a woman even though I'm in my thirties. I kinda also dread my old days because I won't have a family and children.