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I am very scared of the vegan movement, they will try to take our right away to have companion animals.

And rapists would say: I could care less about people who are against rape or their views on rape. If you don't like that I rape, too damn bad. In fact I'll be thinking of this thread tonight while I'm enjoying my rape victims.

Thing is, when you don't care about animal well being, you are no different from some one who does not care about humans well being. There is also a strong correlation between those who don't care to harm humans and those who don't care to harm animals. Your non-vegan diet is harmful to animals, that is a fact. You should care about it. Not only from the animal abuse point of view, but also as it is healthier to eat vegan and also more environmentally friendly to eat vegan.

LOL I like meatball hero's a lot too. Love bacon and eggs for breakfast as well. I like hamburgers, spare ribs and pork chops. Damn I'm getting hungry now. :D
LOL I like meatball hero's a lot too. Love bacon and eggs for breakfast as well. I like hamburgers, spare ribs and pork chops. Damn I'm getting hungry now. :D

Sorry I don't understand your reply. What are you talking about?

A hero sandwich.

Look, the only way that you are going to get people interested in trying a vegetarian repast is to describe one that really authentically is gourmet food and tastes really damn fucking good.

My friend, let me please just show you an example that you can use to try to influence a friend (it helps to make that person your friend first) that you also know likes really good southern Indian curry dishes.

This is a meal that tastes to me more like meat than meat. It contains many of the elements of food that meat-eaters are attracted to. Believe me that if you could just get your curry-loving friend to try this dish and then if you kept hitting that person with recipes, then you could wean that person off of eating meat.

If you can show a meat eater some good food that can make a meat eater salivate like a dog, then you are winning.

The more you talk about meat, the more hungry you make people for meat.

Humans are not different from dogs. If you can win over a dog, you can win over a human. How do you win over a dog? Why, Sigma, I have no idea! How do you win over a dog? It is elementary, my friend, Aluzky! You dangle a treat in front of the dog's nose.

Now, when you talk about meat to a meat-eater, Aluzky, what you are doing is the equivalent of dangling a treat in front of a dog's nose and dancing away with it anytime he gets close while saying, "You can't really have it! Nanny nanny boo boo!"

Humans are not really all that complicated. They are not all that different from dogs. They pretend they are because they are a bunch of narcissistic baboons, but when you embrace the fact that they are really just a bunch of hairless baboons, then I guarantee that you will find that you really like them a lot better and get along with them a lot better.

Start fresh with one meat-eating friend on a completely different social venue, just as an experiment, and try what I am telling you, just focus on your friendship with that person, and keep on dangling really good vegan food in front of that person's nose. You know just like I do that there are many vegan sweets, also, that have never in history contained any animal products, such as Italian ice. Just keep on hitting them with one example after another of great vegan food. Just pretend they are dogs. Put their psychology on your team.

You are one of the best we have got, @Aluzky, but humans are not really robots that run on syllogisms. There is almost nothing that you really genuinely need to know about them that would not also help you tame a dog.

It would also help you with winning us some new non-zooey allies! Did I tell you about the time when I won over most people on a furry-themed MUCK by changing the topic to food every time one of the anti-zoo trolls went off on toxic political rants that I knew really bothered everybody? The anti-zoo trolls got so fed up with their toxic political rants getting derailed that they eventually stopped hanging out there as often. It was one of my watershed moments when I realized just how closely related human beings are to animals that eat their own poop. I had previously been overcomplicating my relationship with a simple animal.
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I'm a meat eating, speciesist and proud of it. Humans always comes first, animals always come in second. (y)
Well, let me tell you why I wouldn't go *quite* that far, and see if maybe you'll want to revise your opinion slightly. Being a speciesist is really a vague thing. I don't find much use for the term. We are *all* speciesists. When I suggested maybe I shouldn't kill clothes moths, a new qualifier got introduced out of the blue: self awareness or self consciousness or something. Little insects don't count. And then it's just a matter of degree after that.

The old joke goes, Man asks his waitress, "Would you sleep with me for a million bucks?" She says, "Of course," and smiles. Then he asks, "Would you sleep with me for 10 bucks?" She snarls back, "No way. Say, just what do you take me for?"

He says, "Oh, we've already established that. Now we're just negotiating the price."

So it seemed to me with speciesism. We *all* are speciesist. So that concept really has lost its persuasive weight, not a real big debating point. Easily dismissed.

But... wait a minute now. You *also* said animals *always* come in second. No they don't. We also negotiate *that* price.

You wanna try to hurt my dog? I might just shoot you in the guts then explain to you before you've bled completely out, why I'm taking a human life to defend an animal's. That's my companion animal. I love that animal. I will defend *that* animal's life with my own, taking yours if I have to.

What's up with that?

What's up with that is that human beings constantly choose what animal is worth more than some other animal to *them*. And THAT's what scares the hell out of me about this whole argument between animal "consumers" and animal rights activists -- I would kill a human to defend the life of an animal. Why wouldn't *they*?

Listen how deadly serious this is, when *I* hear it:

If "ethical vegans" truly... I mean, TRULY believe animals' rights deserve equal protection to humans', but aren't out trying to defend those animals' lives with their own lives, IMHO, someone needs to call BS to their face. Otherwise, if they mean what they say, they represent a mortal threat to *me*.

To stop me from "murdering" innocent animals, at least one of them has to feel passionate enough to try to stop me, right? Or would they be willing to take my life to stop me? Or at least, would they lay down *their* life in exchange for an animal's? Jump up and say, "Take me instead"?

I would not just stand there and watch someone murder my friends and neighbors, or massacre a crowd gathered in a church or mall. I'm going to kill the person trying to do that. I'm equipped, prepared and trained to do that. I'm not going to just open up my laptop and post mean things about them in Facebook. I'm going to stop them. If I have time, know about it in advance, sure, I'll call a cop. But if the cops aren't coming, *I'm* going to do it. Outnumbered, out-gunned, doesn't matter. I can't live with *myself* if I just go somewhere and cower. At some point, you turn and fight to defend.

Where are the ethical vegan defenders? Where are the animal rights activists?

Just 12 blocks from my house, about 1 mile from here, is a meat packing plant. Animals are brought in truckload after truckload, all night and all day, alive, unloaded, killed and slaughtered in a long process. Surely there are loud-mouthed ethical vegans in my town. Surely there are animal rights activists here, who say they believe animals deserve equal protection.

What are they doing about this steady mass murder? Just talking big on Facebook accounts? -- Or are they planning a bloody plant takeover in private?

Knowing that I am a hunter, knowing my career as a hunting safety instructor, where were they all season long, when my dogs and I were getting up two hours before dawn, heading out to our favorite wildlife areas? Not a single person blocked our route.

I am NOT calling them cowards. I am NOT saying I don't believe them. I am saying I HAVE to believe them. I take them seriously, at their word. And I'm keeping my back to the wall because of it. There HAVE to be people hunting me for my beliefs. They can't all just be pacifists. They can't all be chicken. Someone out there wants to kill me because I "murder" animals, or kill those who murder them for me to eat.

If we allowed certain humans to be hunted every day? Oh you betcha there'd be lines of people holding hands, lying down in front of your pickup truck, or ... even taking up arms, putting red dots on your breast and forehead yelling "Stop where you are. Not today, murderer. Over my dead body, not today." They would do this -- and have done this, throughout history -- even when it meant their own death.

People elect to sacrifice themselves rather than permit innocent people to die. Those who believe animals are as important as people? Gotta figure, they will do the same.

Someone says they don't like to eat animals because it's inconsistent with their values and perspective, fine by me. I nod and smile. But if someone starts telling me I'm a "murderer"? If they spit hatred at other people, who don't share their beliefs, it puts me on guard. Now things have been taken to a new level. It's not a matter of personal choice anymore. To call someone a murderer does that. We execute murders in some states. And in those we don't, we simply invoke federal law, supersede the state's own laws, and give them lethal injection anyway.

Being called a murderer raises the bar to lethal heights and tosses a noose over it.

That's the thought the scares the shit out of me. That there is an animal rights activist who isn't just all talk. That there's one right here where I live, who probably thinks the same things of me that were said in here. Who now poses a threat to *me*, because if animals are just as important as people, then it is easy to imagine one of us is going to have to kill the other -- the difference in opinion is that great.

It becomes survival of the fittest -- or the best armed. That's the power of hate speech. It's generally why we don't allow it. To the accuser, it was just hyperbole, maybe. Maybe. But to the accused, we just don't know. Did you *mean* -- truly mean -- you thought animals need protection same as humans? Because -- we kill other humans to protect humans.

And STILL it isn't that simple. Because, like *you*, I would tend to think my species was king of the hill. Humans above all other species.

But I told you earlier, I would kill you to defend my dog. I'd kill a human being to protect an animal. What the hell, man? Am I speaking out of both sides of my mouth?

Sure I am. And I'm guessing, so would you?

These topics, the discussion can escalate to lethal levels. One of us shows our teeth, meaning it as a smile. The other sees it as a threat and growls. Then two dogs get tangled up and bloody each other.

These things are not simple. Not to be taken lightly. No perspective here either right or wrong. Just lethal *because* all sides are human.
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I'm a meat eating, speciesist and proud of it. Humans always comes first, animals always come in second. (y)

So, when you have sex with animals, your needs come first, and if the animal is being raped it doesn't matter because you come first, right?

Can we please ban this zoosadist from the site?
So, when you have sex with animals, your needs come first, and if the animal is being raped it doesn't matter because you come first, right?

Can we please ban this zoosadist from the site?

He didn't answer your question yet, and he hasn't specifically said anything even close to what you said he is implying.
So, when you have sex with animals, your needs come first, and if the animal is being raped it doesn't matter because you come first, right?

Can we please ban this zoosadist from the site?

That s one heck of a conclusion ya came to.
Well, let me tell you why I wouldn't go *quite* that far, and see if maybe you'll want to revise your opinion slightly. Being a speciesist is really a vague thing. I don't find much use for the term. We are *all* speciesists. When I suggested maybe I shouldn't kill clothes moths, a new qualifier got introduced out of the blue: self awareness or self consciousness or something. Little insects don't count. And then it's just a matter of degree after that.

The old joke goes, Man asks his waitress, "Would you sleep with me for a million bucks?" She says, "Of course," and smiles. Then he asks, "Would you sleep with me for 10 bucks?" She snarls back, "No way. Say, just what do you take me for?"

He says, "Oh, we've already established that. Now we're just negotiating the price."

So it seemed to me with speciesism. We *all* are speciesist. So that concept really has lost its persuasive weight, not a real big debating point. Easily dismissed.

But... wait a minute now. You *also* said animals *always* come in second. No they don't. We also negotiate *that* price.

You wanna try to hurt my dog? I might just shoot you in the guts then explain to you before you've bled completely out, why I'm taking a human life to defend an animal's. That's my companion animal. I love that animal. I will defend *that* animal's life with my own, taking yours if I have to.

What's up with that?

What's up with that is that human beings constantly choose what animal is worth more than some other animal to *them*. And THAT's what scares the hell out of me about this whole argument between animal "consumers" and animal rights activists -- I would kill a human to defend the life of an animal. Why wouldn't *they*?

Listen how deadly serious this is, when *I* hear it:

If "ethical vegans" truly... I mean, TRULY believe animals' rights deserve equal protection to humans', but aren't out trying to defend those animals' lives with their own lives, IMHO, someone needs to call BS to their face. Otherwise, if they mean what they say, they represent a mortal threat to *me*.

To stop me from "murdering" innocent animals, at least one of them has to feel passionate enough to try to stop me, right? Or would they be willing to take my life to stop me? Or at least, would they lay down *their* life in exchange for an animal's? Jump up and say, "Take me instead"?

I would not just stand there and watch someone murder my friends and neighbors, or massacre a crowd gathered in a church or mall. I'm going to kill the person trying to do that. I'm equipped, prepared and trained to do that. I'm not going to just open up my laptop and post mean things about them in Facebook. I'm going to stop them. If I have time, know about it in advance, sure, I'll call a cop. But if the cops aren't coming, *I'm* going to do it. Outnumbered, out-gunned, doesn't matter. I can't live with *myself* if I just go somewhere and cower. At some point, you turn and fight to defend.

Where are the ethical vegan defenders? Where are the animal rights activists?

Just 12 blocks from my house, about 1 mile from here, is a meat packing plant. Animals are brought in truckload after truckload, all night and all day, alive, unloaded, killed and slaughtered in a long process. Surely there are loud-mouthed ethical vegans in my town. Surely there are animal rights activists here, who say they believe animals deserve equal protection.

What are they doing about this steady mass murder? Just talking big on Facebook accounts? -- Or are they planning a bloody plant takeover in private?

Knowing that I am a hunter, knowing my career as a hunting safety instructor, where were they all season long, when my dogs and I were getting up two hours before dawn, heading out to our favorite wildlife areas? Not a single person blocked our route.

I am NOT calling them cowards. I am NOT saying I don't believe them. I am saying I HAVE to believe them. I take them seriously, at their word. And I'm keeping my back to the wall because of it. There HAVE to be people hunting me for my beliefs. They can't all just be pacifists. They can't all be chicken. Someone out there wants to kill me because I "murder" animals, or kill those who murder them for me to eat.

If we allowed certain humans to be hunted every day? Oh you betcha there'd be lines of people holding hands, lying down in front of your pickup truck, or ... even taking up arms, putting red dots on your breast and forehead yelling "Stop where you are. Not today, murderer. Over my dead body, not today." They would do this -- and have done this, throughout history -- even when it meant their own death.

People elect to sacrifice themselves rather than permit innocent people to die. Those who believe animals are as important as people? Gotta figure, they will do the same.

Someone says they don't like to eat animals because it's inconsistent with their values and perspective, fine by me. I nod and smile. But if someone starts telling me I'm a "murderer"? If they spit hatred at other people, who don't share their beliefs, it puts me on guard. Now things have been taken to a new level. It's not a matter of personal choice anymore. To call someone a murderer does that. We execute murders in some states. And in those we don't, we simply invoke federal law, supersede the state's own laws, and give them lethal injection anyway.

Being called a murderer raises the bar to lethal heights and tosses a noose over it.

That's the thought the scares the shit out of me. That there is an animal rights activist who isn't just all talk. That there's one right here where I live, who probably thinks the same things of me that were said in here. Who now poses a threat to *me*, because if animals are just as important as people, then it is easy to imagine one of us is going to have to kill the other -- the difference in opinion is that great.

It becomes survival of the fittest -- or the best armed. That's the power of hate speech. It's generally why we don't allow it. To the accuser, it was just hyperbole, maybe. Maybe. But to the accused, we just don't know. Did you *mean* -- truly mean -- you thought animals need protection same as humans? Because -- we kill other humans to protect humans.

And STILL it isn't that simple. Because, like *you*, I would tend to think my species was king of the hill. Humans above all other species.

But I told you earlier, I would kill you to defend my dog. I'd kill a human being to protect an animal. What the hell, man? Am I speaking out of both sides of my mouth?

Sure I am. And I'm guessing, so would you?

These topics, the discussion can escalate to lethal levels. One of us shows our teeth, meaning it as a smile. The other sees it as a threat and growls. Then two dogs get tangled up and bloody each other.

These things are not simple. Not to be taken lightly. No perspective here either right or wrong. Just lethal *because* all sides are human.

You, too, are an animal. Most vegans I met were not just against killing non-human animals, but also against killing humans. They simply don't want to kill, neither a cow nor you. They are very pacifist indeed. But maybe, just like you, they would still defend their own companion animals with their life. I see protecting family as a just slightly extended form of self-defense. Trust, responsibility, love ... these personal bonds can make you become one entity—family—and it is this one entity that is defending itself then.

There are people who do more than trying to convince people not to hurt non-family animals though, Animal Liberation Front and Sea Shepherd Conservation Society for example. They are prosecuted and labeled terrorists for their actions, although even they do what they can in order not to hurt people.
There are people who do more than trying to convince people not to hurt non-family animals though, Animal Liberation Front and Sea Shepherd Conservation Society for example. They are prosecuted and labeled terrorists for their actions, although even they do what they can in order not to hurt people.
Bovine Fecal Material. They turn non-native animals with diseases loose from labs into the surrounding countryside. They burn buildings and vehicles, endangering civilians and first responders. They harrass and threaten workers like truck drivers that simply had a delivery somewhere they didn't like. That does *NOT* sound like "they do what they can in order not to hurt people", that sounds like terrorism.
If vegans don't take action, they are accused of being keyboard warriors who don't stand behind their claims. If they do more, they are terrorists ...

Bovine Fecal Material. They turn non-native animals with diseases loose from labs into the surrounding countryside.

Releasing animals with diseases sucks just like releasing animals into the wild which are sure to die there because they are not adapted to that environment or have not learned how to survive on their own or—probably worse—who will destroy the local eco-system which is not adapted to them.
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If vegans don't take action, they are accused of being keyboard warriors who don't stand behind their claims. If they do more, they are terrorists
There's a *VERY* large spread between Ghandi and Bin Laden. Guess which one was more effective?
There's a *VERY* large spread between Ghandi and Bin Laden. Guess which one was more effective?

So far I'd say Gandhi, but I would also say that it is too early to make a final judgement. Both had a profound influence on history, that's for sure, and I really don't like the influence Bin Laden had. I mean, not just the murder of people he schemed and financed and his followers carried out. But also the reaction in the "Western world" he provoked. Unfortunately he was rather successful.
I really don't like the influence Bin Laden had.
Bin Laden had a lot in common with Yasser Arafat, a rare talent for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory by doing something dramatic. Militarily, his greatest success was the equivalent of hair pulling, makes you opponent mad enough to hurt you more than anything else. Recent history certainly bears that out. And that is exactly what ALF/ELF are doing.
@BlueBeard @Andriodog

Several times he has said that he enjoys murdering animals. He makes it clear to others that he enjoys that. If that is how he things about eating them and murdering them, how is he during sex? Think about it. He has made it clear that his pleasure comes first, even at the cost of murdering animals, if he does not care about murdering them, you think he will care about not raping them? The guy is obviously a zoosadist without a drop of compassion. Else, why would he go around gloating about his enjoyment at murdering animals?
@Aluzky. Ya know, if went around making flimsy evidence, I would be no different than Wolfia right now.

@Gemini75. Yes he a meat eater and a speceist okay, I get that. But through his posts, i never gotten the clue that he was into zoosadism or raping animals. Granted humans come first and animals second. There are more zoos whom have that line of thinking than we would like to believe.
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Bin Laden had a lot in common with Yasser Arafat, a rare talent for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory by doing something dramatic. Militarily, his greatest success was the equivalent of hair pulling, makes you opponent mad enough to hurt you more than anything else. Recent history certainly bears that out.

I think, militarily, his greatest success was in his participation in the efforts to drive the soviets out of Afghanistan. The jihadists were supported by the US back then, by the way. Anyway, measuring Bin Laden's influence by his direct military actions would be short-sighted. Terrorism is not about winning a battle. He was an inspirational, ideological leader and his ideology lives on. There is a deeper divide between the Sunni world and the West today that he wanted and achieved. We don't know yet how this will develop further. Lost battles won't stop it. They may even make it stronger. You can't bomb hate away. That's what many people in the West still don't seem to get.

Maybe the disappointment of locals will stop it when they realize that the ideology just doesn't work nicely where it succeeds—like in Egypt, where people got rid of Mubarak's government (which cooperated with the West and Israel and which Bin Laden hated) only to find that the religious successors didn't improve the country at all.
The jihadists were supported by the US back then, by the way.
They were supported by a friend of mine, Congressman Charlie Wilson. Look up and watch the movie Charlie Wilson's War. It's fairly accurate as far as it goes. When Charlie burned out and retired, no one picked up the torch. The Taliban felt they had been used and abandoned and set out for revenge.

If you want someone to blame, it's no doubt the Brits started the ball rolling. After WW1 they walked away from all the promises made by T E Lawrence and left a huge clusterfuck in most of the Middle East.
Why is it that "Vegans" first attack is Morality?
The moral values each person has is as different as there are shades of gray. To put it plainly there is no guilt felt by most people that eat meat and morality is not even a consideration. Morality is a human concern toward other humans, not a concern toward animals. Vegans try to expand morality to animals in order to use it as a point of argument and inflict guilt upon those that oppose their view on the matter.

Why do "Vegans" use examples to illustrate their points that are as different as oranges and apples?
Do you understand why people tell others that rape, murder or stealing is morally wrong? People tell others to not do those because it is harmful to others to do that. Just like being non-vegan is very harmful to others compared to being vegan. So, can you understand why we care about your non-vegan diet? If you think we are wrong, do you also think is wrong to tell people to not murder, or rape, or steal?
"Rape, murder or stealing is morally wrong," YES it is morally wrong, but again morality is a human concern and these are things committed by one human against another human. Not only that but there are laws existing in every state in the US and all over the World making rape, murder and stealing against the law so it is a legal issue as well. There are no laws anywhere that make it illegal to eat meat and it isn't a moral issue either because the meat you're eating isn't from a human. Apples and oranges!

Why do "Vegans" argue that the production of meat is harmful to the environment?
Well, yes it is harmful to a small degree. But if you're going to go into the environment for your argument then why not tackle a real problem that is 159 times more harmful and something that is becoming a real concern in the world. What you ask, it's Styrofoam.
Styrofoam is made from polystyrene, which is a petroleum-based plastic. Styrofoam is actually the trade name for polystyrene. It’s popular because of its light weight, good insulation properties, and advantage as a packing material for shipping without adding weight. Unfortunately, for all of Styrofoam’s good points, data has shown that Styrofoam also has harmful effects.
Styrofoam is non-biodegradable and appears to last forever. It’s resistant to photolysis, or the breaking down of materials by photons originating from light. This, combined with the fact that Styrofoam floats, and this means that large amounts of polystyrene have accumulated along coastlines and waterways around the world. It is considered a main component of marine debris.
Styrofoam has health risks associated with the manufacture of polystyrene, air pollution is another concern. The National Bureau of Standards Center for Fire Research has found 57 chemical byproducts released during the creation of Styrofoam. This not only pollutes the air, but also results in liquid and solid toxic waste that requires proper disposal. Another cause for concern are the brominated flame retardants that are used on Styrofoam products. Research suggests that these chemicals may have negative environmental and health effects.
So are "Vegans" that use the environment as part of their argument involved in any anti-styrofoam campaign? Probably not, and that is because the environment is not their concern. If the environment were their concern then they would be doing something toward that end.

Why do "Vegans" say they are standing up for animal rights?
This is something I tried to address in a few different threads. In my mind I would think that anyone so concerned with an animals right to life would be involved in groups that promote animal rights. I would think that they would support animal charities. I would think that they would be politically active along these lines. However, when you ask a "Vegan" what animal rights group they belong to, or what animal charities they support, or are they politically active in these matters, then you will hear excuses one after the other about how the vegan lifestyle isn't about that but about living free of animal products as much as possible.
In my mind this is only polishing a small part of the surface and leaving the larger and more difficult parts for someone else. My Father always said if you are going to start something then you have to see it through and do the job to your very best ability.

One of the things that I dislike about "Vegans is the disrespect they have for others. This seems to be the norm. They don't seem to understand that people see things differently than they do and they try to make people qualify their meat eating tendencies as if they have to have a reason.

The simple fact will always be that there is no right, and there is no wrong in the things you do unless you are breaking the law. So if you want to eat meat, then enjoy, and if you don't want to eat meat, then enjoy. AND if you want to have sex with animals, enjoy and don't get caught.
I'm vegan, and you don't see me going around telling meat eaters "stop eating meat or I'll fuck your grandmother". In fact It never even occured to me that I should attack others just because they are not vegan. Seems like a waste of time to me. Also who's got the fuckin' time? Who's got the time to go around attacking non-vegans? I don't! I've got shit to do. Don't you have shit to do? I rest my case.

(Now re-read in George Carlin's voice ;) )
Airliner pilots? Not to sound rude, but who the fuck is afraid of airliner pilots? And why?
In Raleigh, we recently had an incident of some coyotes wandering out onto the runway, and the planes that were trying to land had to circle around while terminal staff tried to figure out how to get them to move.

We are always going to have urban wildlife, and that wildlife will always interact with us. Within another couple of generations, the coyotes are going to be so accustomed to us that, one day, a coyote is going to be found sleeping in someone's back yard, and the owner will not even know the coyote is there until the police come knock on their door to scold them for "keeping an exotic pet." Dogs and cats used to fill a certain niche in our lives, but now, with "humanitarian" moves to "make sure every dog has a home," we are driving them out of the niche. Something else will eventually find its way into that niche.

Coyotes are increasingly a part of urban wildlife, and as an animal that lives around people, they are going to become increasingly intermingled with the lives of humans. We used to have dogs running through the streets. Coyotes will ultimately do the same.
In Raleigh, we recently had an incident of some coyotes wandering out onto the runway, and the planes that were trying to land had to circle around while terminal staff tried to figure out how to get them to move.

We are always going to have urban wildlife, and that wildlife will always interact with us. Within another couple of generations, the coyotes are going to be so accustomed to us that, one day, a coyote is going to be found sleeping in someone's back yard, and the owner will not even know the coyote is there until the police come knock on their door to scold them for "keeping an exotic pet." Dogs and cats used to fill a certain niche in our lives, but now, with "humanitarian" moves to "make sure every dog has a home," we are driving them out of the niche. Something else will eventually find its way into that niche.

Coyotes are increasingly a part of urban wildlife, and as an animal that lives around people, they are going to become increasingly intermingled with the lives of humans. We used to have dogs running through the streets. Coyotes will ultimately do the same.
First of all, that has NOTHING to do with airline pilots. In fact I don't see where airline pilots even fit in the equation. Second of all, want to know why wildlife is becoming more prominent in urban developments? Because we have taken away THEIR land. So it's no wonder animals are entering in the "civilized world" (humans are not civilized just so you know) looking for food and shelter. Because we, humans, have taken it from them without permission.

Airline pilots have to use RDU Airport's runway, and the coyotes were sleeping on it. That was the point.

Also, the fact that we have abundant game in the area and relatively few same size rival predators makes this area very tempting for them. Some people take the name "City of Oaks" a little bit to heart, and because of that, we have squirrels everywhere. In Raleigh, you will often see the road practically pave with squirrels. We used to also have cats everywhere eating most of the squirrels, but we rounded all of the cats up.

Once established here, a family of coyotes is not about to go hungry, and they love places like runways.
You, too, are an animal. Most vegans I met were not just against killing non-human animals, but also against killing humans. They simply don't want to kill, neither a cow nor you. They are very pacifist indeed. But maybe, just like you, they would still defend their own companion animals with their life. I see protecting family as a just slightly extended form of self-defense. Trust, responsibility, love ... these personal bonds can make you become one entity—family—and it is this one entity that is defending itself then.

There are people who do more than trying to convince people not to hurt non-family animals though, Animal Liberation Front and Sea Shepherd Conservation Society for example. They are prosecuted and labeled terrorists for their actions, although even they do what they can in order not to hurt people.
Yes. And bottom line for my concern is, careful. Hate speech has lethal results. I was trying to be careful not to implicate "most vegans" as a concern. It's those who go all rally-activist, escalate things to the point where I need to keep one hand on my sidearm, watch my back. That's a lethal situation, all's I'm saying.

On the other point, even pacifists have historically laid down their lives for others. I don't think we see as much of that, people who willingly die to save animals in general, like at a slaughterhouse, do we? Shoot. Now I'm going to get distracted, go off looking for accounts of those. Not that, you know, a slaughter house is actually going to let a human take a cow's place or a pig's place. But are there many accounts of PETA folk or activist vegans taking a bullet for an animal?