
that's your opinion
That is a fact. Animal abuse is legally defined as to cause: unnecessary distress, harm or death to an animal.
If a cow stops producing milk, there is no necessary reason to murder that cow. She could be left to live till she dies from old age. If you say: Well, we murder her to eat them, that is the valid reason. Well, humans don't need to eat meat to survive. (unless like I said, you live in the middle of nowhere incommunicado and fighting starvation at every step) so, killing the cow to eat them was not really necessary. As per the legal definition of animal abuse, that cow was murdered for no valid reason, aka animal abuse.
Thus, it is a fact that your family does animal abuse and you are supporting animal abuse.
Now that is a subjective opinion.
I don't view it as murder or torture so your questions are irrelevant to me.
Well, I'm sure a serial killers can also not see his actions of murdering 20+ humans as murder and torture. But this would only be his subjective opinion. Any objective observer of that serial killer, can tell you that his actions counts as torture and murder.
Point is, you not seeing animal murder as murder, is a subjective opinion, not a fact.
Question for you: Why are you unable to see that murdering an animal when you don't really need to, is unnecessary?
Please, help me understand you so I can help you understand why it is animal abuse. It is really sad that you support or do animal abuse, without knowing that you are doing that.