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I am very scared of the vegan movement, they will try to take our right away to have companion animals.

delicious lab-grown steak
Is that a thing yet? I tried Google, but it's mostly information on what lab grown meat is and not on whether or not it is being distributed yet. I'd be interested in the texture and taste of it and not having to cut around a bone would be nice.
I think anyone would have a problem with any extremist (in this case, you the vegan)

Abolishing human slavery was an extremist view back in old days.
Gay marriage was a extremist view back in the old days.

What you consider today an extremist view, in the future it is not, people from the future will look back at history and say: They used to murder animals to eat them? Really?

Being called speciest and a murderer (as you may have seen through this thread) also won't make people change their lifestyles to fit your beliefs.

Yeee, I guess I don't exist then. Believe it or not, more than a decade ago, I was not a vegan. People pointing out that I was a hypocritical speciesist that supported animal murder, made me guilty and made me become vegan. Because you know, it is hypocritical to claim that you care about animals well being while you support their needless murder.

If a person feel pain and anger from seeing an animal being tortured by a zoosadist, then that person should quit their non-vegan diet. Because supporting the animal farming industries is pretty much the same as supporting a zoosadist actions.

If it does, then that person was already looking for a lifestyle change.

I was not looking to be a vegan. You are generalizing, your statement is false. Had not been for vegan extremist (extremist as a compliment) I would still be eating meat (and I would probably be fatter and unhelthier and would probably live 10 years less)

Though it would have been easier and less offensive to offer help to those seeking such changes rather than accusing them of "murder."

If they feel offended by the truth. That is their problem, maybe if they didn't had a guilty mind, they would not feel offended.

As for me, a person that is content with their lifestyle choice, will gladly tell any extremist (you the vegan) that has an issue with my lifestyle, that you're a fucking moron.

Yup. Just like any slaver owner will tell any slaver abolitionist to fuck off. Or any homophobe would tell to any homosexual activist to fuck off. Best we can do to stop them is to make them feel guilty. Sadly, this does not work with psychopaths.
Actually, what makes me interested in trying vegan foods is just hearing what those foods are. There are actually a lot of great proteins that are non-meat, and I am not just talking tofu, although this grocery store I love called Wegmans has the best seasoned tofu ever in their prepared foods. I would say that learning more about affordable vegan foods has really piqued my interest.

I guess that the reason I never tried vegan food before was that all the vegans I met just kept making increasingly wackier claims. Here is how the conversations would go:

Vegan: "Killing animals for meat is wrong!"

Me: "I barely care whether most humans live or die, much less a cow, unless I know them."

Vegan: "But don't you know that meat has cholesterol???"

Me: "You can still raise your cholesterol on a vegan diet. Your body makes cholesterol. It is an endogenous steroid."

Vegan: "But meat takes THIRTY YEARS to leave your digestive system, and in that time, it's sitting there going rancid!"

Me: "You would die without the symbiotic microflora in your gut. I suppose that mine must be better fed than yours."

Vegan: "But humans don't even have the teeth for eating meat!"

Me: "They work fine for me. I guess fish would be easier raw, but they are so expensive. It is a good thing we have fire."

Vegan: "But meat eating is just wrong!"

Me: "So are most of my sexual fetishes. I am full of surprises."

It would go around and around in circles, but do you want to know what got me to try tofu?

A vegan told me try some fucking tofu. And I did. And I liked it. It was perfectly good food. It even tasted a lot like meat.

I am going to keep telling this to all the vegans, out there, if you want people to try vegan foods, then tell them which ones. Tell them which ones taste good. It is not hard. It is that stuff on your grocery list. Just write it down. Give people some ideas.
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What you consider today an extremist view, in the future it is not, people from the future will look back at history and say: They used to murder animals to eat them? Really?
The way things are going in the real world, I'll probably be dead before veganism takes over, so until than the pompous asses will still be annoying.
Believe it or not, more than a decade ago
You know you can count with your toes too.

Because supporting the animal farming industries is pretty much the same as supporting a zoosadist.
I don't support the animal farming industry. I support my family's farm which is without a doubt better than the agricultural industry.
If a person feel pain and anger from seeing an animal being tortured by a zoosadist, then that person should quit their non-vegan diet.
Or increase their animal consumption so there aren't any animals left to be abused by zoosadists.
Best we can do to stop them is to make them feel guilty.
The best that's going to do is aggravate people and make their stance on their lifestyle choices all that much stronger.
Is that a thing yet? I tried Google, but it's mostly information on what lab grown meat is and not on whether or not it is being distributed yet. I'd be interested in the texture and taste of it and not having to cut around a bone would be nice.
They are shooting for 2022, at the moment.
I don't support the animal farming industry. I support my family's farm which is without a doubt better than the agricultural industry.

That is good, question for you, do animals in your family farm ever die by human intervention but not related with euthanasia?

The best that's going to do is aggravate people and make their stance on their lifestyle choices all that much stronger.

I see, so teaching your/our/their children that murder, rape, stealing, etc, is wrong, will only aggravate them more and make them do those more? Got ya. ;-) We should not teach our children any good moral values. /sarcasm.
Oh, and if you want to know what is going to fuck up the rest of the agricultural industry, then check this out:

Basically, think about this being in your future: all fast food chains now use nothing but cheap lab-grown meat and plants, and coming soon, realistic T-bone steaks on a grocery store shelf near you, better than the real thing and cheaper, too.

I think that this is a good thing, in the long-run, but I also know that farming most likely does not have all that much of a future.
Seriously, the tofu is just bean curd, and if you cook it right, it is actually pretty versatile. Its very simplicity is what makes it so powerful.
I might think about it differently if animals that were being raised for meat were allowed to form unions.

After all, I am a socialist.
Works for me.

The farmer I get my duck eggs from says her ducks have been on strike for weeks. I have been missing my homemade duck-egg mayonnaise.
Yeah my folks chickens and ducks will withhold egg laying every once in a while. Especially when the mating pair of hawks that live out there are hunting mice around the coop. Dangerous working conditions makes production screech to a halt lol
Do you have problems when people push their ideas that rape is wrong on you?
Yes I do, when their idea of rape is saying, "You look good."

Do you have problems when people push their ideas that murder is wrong on you?
Yes I do, when their idea of murder is eating a cheeseburger.

Do you have problems when people push their ideas that stealing is wrong on you?
Yes I do, when they think they have a right to steal.

Some of that describes you, Alusky child.
That is good, question for you, do animals in your family farm ever die by human intervention but not related with euthanasia?
In fact, I am required by Federal regulation "to take effective measures to prevent wild and feral animals from contaminating food crops." That means keeping the feral hogs out of the corn so it will be safe for YOU to eat.
This thread in a nutshell:

Vegans are extremists for not supporting the systematic rape, torture and murder of factory farmed animals! - says people who routinely fuck their pets.
have u ever been to a slaughterhouse i have what i seen made me cry hard i just say this they took cows tie one leg hung it up side down wail it was alive a guy came over slit the Throat keep doing each one one at a time all can say i'm crying thinking of it
We give them loaded firearms and have them listen to Justin Bieber until they off themselves.

Gearing up to call us murderers there aren't ya?

Interesting that you said US instead of them. Well, since you refuse to state that no animals are ever killed by human hands (other than for medical euthanasia) then your are admitting with your silence that in your family farm they do murder animals for their meat or when they become unproductive eggs/milk producers (once they can't make milk or eggs in an efficient way, they lost their functionality, they get discarded/destroyed as mere objects as keeping them alive would be a lost of income) In simple word, yes, your family farm is no different from the organized mass farming. Your family farm is murdering animals without a valid reason to do so. AKA doing animal abuse.

The only way I could see what they do as being permissible, is if they live in the middle of nowhere, disconnected from the rest of the world and not murdering animals to eat them would lead to them starving to death. Is this the case for your family?

If that is not the case. How does this fact makes you feel? Do you think animals should be spared from being tortured and murdered without a valid reason? Or you 100% support needless animal torture and murder? How would you feel if a superior alien race where to come tomorrow and literally farm you and all your family as animals, to later murder them and eat them?
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Seem I run into some one with poor reading skills. I will edit my post and make it way more clear for those with a handicap. Feel free to address that post again after I made the clarification. The edited version should be up in like 5 minutes.

Some of that describes you, Alusky child.

I don't know what you mean by this comment. First, Alusky is not my name. Alusky would be a mixed dog breed from crossing an Alaskan malamute and a Husky. Were Aluzky with a Z is the zoosexual activist. Second, I'm 36 years old, I'm not a child. Third, eating a cheese burger would not be murder. Unless it contains meat from a murdered animal that you personally murdered yourself. If the cheese burger is vegan, it would have nothing to do with murder. If the cheese burger has meat but the person eating it didn't murder the animal then he is not a murder, but he would instead be an accomplice of a murderer, as the person who pay for the cheese burger, is paying money so an animal gets murdered by some one else. Forth: I don't think people have the right to steal. Nor I think that saying "you look good" is equal to rape. So, how come you claim that some of that descrives me? How does any of what you said describes me? What you claim makes no sense.

In fact, I am required by Federal regulation "to take effective measures to prevent wild and feral animals from contaminating food crops." That means keeping the feral hogs out of the corn so it will be safe for YOU to eat.

Pretty sure that building a hard fence 2 meter high around the perimeter would stop any non-flying animals from trespassing. With some minor changes you could make it impossible for rodents and other small critters to climb over the wall.

Before you say: That is too expensive. I'm sure that if you made a go found me campaign and plead to vegans with your goal of building that walk, you would get millions in donations to build it. That is one of several options to pay for it.

Using poisons or guns as a solution, seem like an easy yet ANIMAL CRUELTY solution. Death of any trespasser is not always the only solution, that is my point.
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Apple snails have about as much brains as Terri Schiavo at the time of her demise.

She was a vegetable. I therefore pronounce snails to be vegetables.

You fucking vegans have gotten me eating snails. Not bad, though.
AKA doing animal abuse.
?‍♂️ that's your opinion and a dumb one at that.
If that is not the case. How does this fact makes you feel? Do you think animals should be spared from being tortured and murdered without a valid reason? Or you 100% support needless animal torture and murder?
I don't view it as murder or torture so your questions are irrelevant to me.

Let me put it to this way, just in case I was previously unclear.

Terri Schiavo was legally regarded as a vegetable at the time of her feeding tube being removed.

At the time, Terri Schiavo's basal ganglia were in perfectly good health.

The "primitive brain" of an apple snail is nothing but a four-chambered system composed of nothing but ganglia.

Therefore, snails also are vegetables.

If you argue with that, then I will go to McDonalds and order a hamburger, and you can explain to the cow's mother that her calf died for an animal that has a nervous system that would have it regarded by the law as a vegetable that is eligible for removal of life support if it were human.

Let me have snails as a vegetable, and I will spare the fucking cow.


Apple snails have about as much brains as Terri Schiavo at the time of her demise.

She was a vegetable. I therefore pronounce snails to be vegetables.

You fucking vegans have gotten me eating snails. Not bad, though.

Personally, I would have no problems with humans eating bugs that are incapable of feeling subjective pain. To me, that would be a vegan diner.

So, feel free to eat as many bugs as you like and spare those cows.

I'm sure you will get to know that I'm not like any other vegan that you have seen. I'm a vegan not from a dogmatic point of view but from a fluid utilitarian point of view. And my vegan beliefs reflect on my utilitarian moral system.

So, as long as there is a valid reason to murder an animal (or bug) to eat them, I have no problem with it. Thing is, many people use non-valid reason as excuses for why they support animal abuse and murder.