That's it right there. It's fun for her for a second. Then it's wearisome. She tires and she leaves.
Over and over and over, this has been her experience. So... she just quit entirely. The most recent "quit"? A couple from one site *insisted* I prove I was a couple, not just a man. So I talked to her, she agreed but... she asked what was the proof they required? I mean, she doesn't *owe* anyone proof she exists. That's stupid for a guy to insist that. But it was the husband's idea. He wanted her to get a KIK profile (she hates KIK. After all, that's a kids' site, never meant for adults). So... she took the time to make one. And then he (though asking as a couple) insisted that we all get together for a chat. Problem is, *his* wife seemed never to be available. He just wanted him and us. How... interesting.
And then it was all the requests for pictures.
Oh fuck. She gave him a few right away (she isn't bashful), but right away he doubted they were "hers." And that was it. She said "You talk to him." And she left it to play games on her iPad.
It's the way it goes... over... and over... and over... and over... again.
Oh the OTHER hand... We'll go to a local bar on a Friday night, she'll see some guy that just piques her interest, and ... I'll nod, she'll leave with him, and I'll come back to pick her up when she texts.
She doesn't HAVE to prove to anybody that she's real. She doesn't OWE anyone proof that she's a lusty gal. Or a true redhead. Or loves cocks. Or loves to play with animals involved. And she gets SO TIRED THAT SHE GETS DEMANDS TO PROVE IT, over and over and over.
So she doesn't come here. She just enjoys "real life."
And although she says she doesn't need it, I believe she enjoys the protection of a fucking, "pro-wrestler" huge Czech husband who, if someone hurts my best friend, my wife, I will make sure no one finds the body.
Testosterone has TWO outs. One's a hard cock. The other is a hard fist. Women may never understand that correlation. Almost all heterosexual men, however, do. I relish it. I love it when she "unleashes her beast." (We have a "contract" between us. I do not leave my seat, I do not interfere, unless she beckons me. And *if* she can't handle something, if she beckons me, pity the foo.)