A few years back when another site that starts with Mother had this subject active, I used to visit there a lot and the chatroom. Someone I spoke to there said it's much more popular than people would believe. He and his wife had parties and introduced curious women all the time. But these women stayed hidden because of the guys and were more open because they were a couple and his wife was active. Another girl told me women are much more open and active with other women, but it's all secretive to the men, they don't need the guys around so we never hear about them.
I found out about Cupcake shortly after things went bad for her. I briefly spoke to her when she had a short lived profile on Fet, she seemed really nice. I felt sorry for what happened to her, the nice emotional caring side of me showing up versus the side fantasizing. lol Something like this should be kept more discrete and women should be protected more from the negativity and kept safe. This is what I hope for one day. My ex was curious for a bit and we'd watch videos together, but I wasn't going to tell everyone how often we had sex after with us fantasizing to the videos, or even how often we had sex...while it lasted. lol But I've also heard from women I've spoken to online, many from the old BF site, that guys could be creeps. Even those with a pup seemed creepy with their constant posts of offerings, and one girl said she felt uncomfortable when she spoke to the one guy I'm thinking of. Another had her first experience by giving in to having sex with the guy after. She didn't want to, but figured this would be the only way she could experience a dog. He seemed uncaring that she was uncomfortable, just watched as his dog even hurt her initially, and then he had his way after. She did enjoy the dog, but everything leading to it and after she didn't like, and wasn't meeting him again. It's no wonder women stay underground then, especially if they have their own access. A few years ago someone confessed to her bf of her activities and I think he broke up then mad, reported her, had child services take away her kid, etc.
I understand the "competition" angle of it, I wouldn't want to be replaced, I've even heard stories of this, where the woman has told me she loved her dog more than men, or even the guy she was with. Just like any "competition," human, dog, dildo, etc., I wouldn't want my partner to replace me as her lover, I would want to be her priority, and vice versa, and this would be something that we share for extra fun and hopefully brings us together more and maybe builds up trust more protecting each others interest.
As mentioned about marriage, there is much more than this fantasy and finding a woman into this and marrying the porn star for the show. I want the wife, on all levels and the partner in life. Having been married, and a few relationships where they were not the porn star, and "no" was more common than "fuck me," I joke that I hope to check a few things off my sexual bucket list before I fall in love again and go back to missionary only, if anything at all! lol
I first learned of this from a wrong number phone call in my 20s. We talked sex and she told me of her two dog encounters and one horse. How she began she was basically jumped out of the shower (her dog, and then later while visiting a friend's), mounted, and too scared to fight him off, but confessed it was hot as we talked and was fantasizing about it. Years later I found a chatroom and it seemed many women there started in a similar way of being taken and felt guilty for enjoying it. Others were usually with a partner, drunk or stoned, saw the dog, started fooling around, and one thing lead to another playing until they realized they liked it. Over the past 10-20 years it seems women think about it without being under the influence or jumped. So many curious I've talked to or active just wanted to try and submitted themselves when given the opportunity. For me, being totally willing and offering yourself without any influence is a bigger turn on. I attribute this change in attitude to the internet and sites like this.
Before it was probably a seldom thought activity that just sorta happened. Today I think more women at least think about it to some level because it's joked about more, and there is access to seeing pictures, videos, stories, and sites online that can trigger the fantasy they probably never thought of, and also to show there are others out there with it, they aren't a "freak" and bad person like the ones I used to talk to often thought they were initially. I'd explain if both them and the dog are willing participants, I saw nothing wrong with both of them enjoying what they were doing. That chatroom and talking with women years ago triggered the fantasy for me and as the web has offered more over the years, it's only remained and gotten to be a bigger one, especially knowing that there are more women out there interested as well.
As for locals, yup, like others have said, they rarely to never seem to be. Met with a few up north once socially and still talk to a couple now and then, met one locally I started to like and helped connect her with her first who disappeared right after, and sometimes chat online with a few locals, maybe once a year and they are gone again too. Any that have shown more interest have been in other states and countries. Maybe it's safer to share when there's thousands of miles between than a few blocks.
Long ass post, but was trying to touch on several points that were mentioned in this thread over the last few months..